Here we are with a week of November under our belts, old man winter has shown up early (go us) and my running miles remain very low. Here’s how my workouts went.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run 2 miles + yoga
Wednesday: Strength + middle school band concert
Thursday: Run 4 miles
Friday: Strength + Tabata
Saturday: 3 mile Trail Run + Flute Festival/Master Class
Sunday: Strength + Tabata
Despite being a good 20 degrees below normal around here, I am grateful for generous sunshine and I’m getting out on the trails as much as possible, if only for a few miles. Somehow my Garmin seems to be happy with my workouts, so there’s that. When Garmin’s happy, everybody’s happy. Strength training continues to be a bright spot. My running may ebb and flow, but keeping muscle on my body and throwing around the heavy stuff will always be what I do best. I just suck at taking gym pics. Ha!
Ozzy may love the trails even more than I do, if that’s possible
Two weeks into this AutoImmune Paleo (AIP) thing and I think I’ve gotten over a hump. I’ve noticed more energy and a lighter mood. While I don’t typically struggle with depression or anxiety, even the Caveman noticed my brighter mood. In this dark season I always suffer with vitamin D deficiency and the fatigue/inertia that goes with it, so feeling really good is a total win. I was successful with meal planning this week too, which was a huge help.
While not entirely AIP compliant because tomatoes are nightshades and the cheese on top = dairy, I made a batch of Sweet Potato Tomato soup. When I totally buckle down in January I won’t be able to have it so I figured I’d use up the last of my garden tomatoes and enjoy it while I can. Stay tuned for the recipe.
Thanksgiving is shaping up to be a smaller group this year. While typically I do a 20+ person affair, so far it looks like there will only be maybe half as many as usual. This makes me wanna try more experimental dishes as there will be less people to tick off. Haha!
Somehow this is the only pic I took on a gloriously beautiful day in the city
We spent Saturday in downtown Chicago so Thing 2 could participate in the Chicago Flute Club’s Flute Festival and Master Class.
She had the opportunity to play a $60k performance flute, which I suspect, if she continues on her current trajectory, she’ll “need” sooner than later. Runners are sponsored by brands, I wonder if the same holds true for musicians?? Let’s hope so!
This podcast by Dr. Michael Smith about healing the autoimmune system using an ancestral diet approach. Dr. Smith does a great job of explaining why certain food groups can be antagonistic to the immune system. I’m especially sad I’ll have to give up nuts beans, seeds and legumes (because I eat lots of them) but understanding why helps. His elimination and reintroduction approach is also “easier” than the one my dr. recommended.
Bittersweet. Originally I thought this was a large shrub when I came across it’s vibrant colors along the trail. Turns out it’s called Bittersweet and it’s actually an invasive vine. It was winding itself through a juniper. Invasive or not, aren’t the vibrant colors pretty? I sort of want to snip some and make a wreath.
Decluttering. A very large carload of “stuff” went to out to be donated. While I know I hang onto too much, it always feels good to breathe into the space left behind.
Not Loving
I can’t get into it here but suffice it to say, this quote from Maya Angelou is one of my favorites and it’s especially poignant right now.
How was your week? Has old man winter moved in? Any races coming up? What are your Thanksgiving plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
My husband just had his vit D tested as he gets very bad SAD, and it’s all good, which is slightly annoying. He has the light box but really gets bad. I’m hoping our upcoming trip to Spain will help a bit. Lovely pictures of the plants and well done on the decluttering. We were just talking about getting down to some of that ourselves.
Your soup looks good looking forward to seeing your recipe. I’ve been making lots of soups as well lately. WE are having a smaller than usual Thanksgiving as well. Maybe it will be less work!
Ruh roh! Do we need a lunch date?
I have an old silver clarinet, but I guess that won’t help you out…
Glad to hear you’re feeling better on the AIP diet. I think it’s ok to occasionally cheat–today I had a few cookies. Sometimes you just have to. Then back on track it is!
Yay on the strength training! That is so crucial, perhaps even more than running. The AIP sounds pretty tough but I have heard it’s very effective.
Do you track your food? I have just started using the app ‘Cronometer’ and I’m impressed how easy it is to use.
I’m glad you’re feeling better and adjusting to your new diet (gradually). Your trail runs look lovely! I think I convinced my son and his fiancee to come for TG, and with my mom and SIL that will be 6.
Love that Maya Angelou quote. I didn’t realize you were having autoimmune issues. My niece had to go on an elimination diet to find out which foods were causing her health problems. it turns out the culprit was dairy. She is so much better now that she eliminated dairy from her diet. Glad your mood improved. Some of those diets can be a bear!
So excited to hear you’re feeling better! Wow…$60K for a flute? I think mine retailed in the $300’s (but that was in the dark ages, long before computers and cell phones). Our oldest daughter played flute (up through middle school), I think her flute was around $500…but that was eons ago as well (and certainly wasn’t a top-grade investment at the time). Why is Winter arriving SO early this year? It just doesn’t seen right….
It’s really encouraging that you’re seeing improvements already on AIP. Hang in there! We’re still figuring out how big the TG crowd will be, but it will be either at our house or my SIL’s. We use the divide and conquer approach to family parties so that everyone does something and no one has too much on their plate. All I know is I’m really craving my SIL’s green bean casserole.
Glad to hear that you are experiencing a better mood and more energy! The podcast you described sounds interesting, I always love learning more about the health-nutrition link and getting in the weeds a bit with explanations why.
Glad the diet is getting a little better for you! Yep, it got cold here this week too. I’d love a few more weeks of fall weather! We are going to NY for Thanksgiving. It’s been a few years since we traveled and I’m just hoping we can find a way to avoid the traffic.
So glad to hear you’re feeling better. Why does it seem that with winter arrives earlier and earlier each year? Hate this.
That soup looks yummy.
Our babysitter when my kids were little recently completed her PhD in Flute. She just took her first teaching job at Central College in Pella, Iowa. She would be an excellent resource for your daughter as she is a wonderful person.
I saw you were getting snow in Chicago but glad to see its not dampening your mood! I have never heard of this diet of which you speak but it sounds like it’s working for you which is GREAT!…and I want to eat that soup though my screen!!!
That quote is one of my favorites and SO very true. Hope whatever you’re dealing with passes quickly!
Well, my parents shelled out the bucks for an silver open hole flute when I was in high school. It was well used, but now it gathers dust (and has for years). Despite having a friend here who plays the flute & is very involved in flute clubs! Not sure I’d even remember scales . . .
Very winter like right now. Luckily they downgraded the storm we’re supposed to have tonight, hopefully only a whimper now, & I don’t have to go anywhere, although I do have my yoga student coming (I warned her!).
I think doing an elimination diet & then slowly reintroducing ingredients is a really smart way to do it. Glad that you’re already finding some relief.
Thanksgiving will be at my parents. So no cooking required at all (and no turkey trot either). OTOH, not sure how many Thanksgivings they have left.
Great to hear you’re feeling good and are making the adjustment to your new diet. That soup looks so good – looking forward to the recipe.
Great job on the AutoImmune Paleo diet! I can imagine it is a huge change and adjustment. I am not exactly sure what I will be doing for Thanksgiving. My mom is here so we must stay home or head over to a cousin’s house. We usually get together with my brother and his family but don’t think that will happen this year.
My son just got a “step up” trumpet in band. He’s really excited about it. His other instrument now turns into his marching band instrument… because it gets wet outside? What? I bought that thing! haha I am excited because we rent the step up trumpet for only $30 for the school year. Fair enough!
Sounds like you’re doing pretty good on the dietary changes.
I say make a wreath with the bittersweet shrub, it’s pretty and you would be doing someone a favor by cutting it back since it’s invasive and all. 😉
Wow, $60K for a flute, and we think running shoes are expensive! 😉
We had snow flurries yesterday, but the lack of snow was made up for with cold weather. It was 21° which is quite cold for here in mid-November.
oh man, that flute… can she start a gofundme? haha!
I made a sweet potato apple soup this week! it was good! there were lentils involved too. would that maybe be something that would work for you as well?
I’m actually in the market for a menopause “diet” – I just feel horrible and my pot belly is now an industrial sized pasta pan…
the weather here is cool, a bit rainy but not as bad as what I’m hearing from other people! I guess I can’t really complain!