The weather outside is frightful. October is blowing out of here like a ghoul. Snow is coming down sideways and I’m pretty sure any trick or treaters we may have gotten have decided against braving the elements. We’ll see. It’s cozy in here though. I’ve got a fire going and some fall essential oils in the diffuser, so let’s sit down for a cup of your favorite hot brew and catch up.
I’m joining up with Deborah, Coco and YOU for the Ultimate Coffee date. Because I refuse to let the December holidays creep in just yet, I’m going with a Pumpkin Spice blend from Trader Joe’s with a scoop of collagen for good measure.
Don’t worry, I bought the pic. Now I’m wondering where the heck it actually is?
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m over-the-moon excited for Erica, Darlene, Cari, Linda, Raj, Matt, Tom, Tracy and everyone running NYCM this weekend. While I don’t get FOMO, all the warm fuzzy memories of my own experience running that race in 2014 come flooding back. Now the 40 mph headwinds we had that year are just a fun war story. Runners be sure to head over to the Balega booth to snag their sweet, limited-edition NYCM socks!
Over coffee I’d tell you we’re spending most of this weekend at a Band Festival. Thing 2 auditioned for the All-State Honor Band and won her choice of 1st chair flute OR piccolo (only one piccolo spot in a band). She chose to play piccolo. I’m so proud of her and I can’t wait to enjoy the performances.
Over coffee I’d tell you that I’m looking forward to hosting Thanksgiving for my side of the family this year. While it’s not a secret by any means, I don’t plan on boring anyone with my transition to an Autoimmune Paleo diet, however I’m toying with making this grain-free stuffing. My family expects certain favorites to be served each year, but our usual stuffing is nothing special and I highly doubt it’ll be missed. Now that I read labels like it’s my job, those stuffings you get out of a box or bag are a firestorm of horrible ingredients.
Over coffee I’d tell you I gave serious thought to registering for the 2020 Chicago Marathon. Wouldn’t it be cool to have both the 2010 and 2020 medals? Then the prospect of committing to train for it sunk in. Is a 2020 medal sufficient motivation? When is enough enough? So far I haven’t entered the lottery.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m excited about coaching ZOOMA’s Winter Warrior Challenge. If you join us before 11/7 you’ll snag all the bonus swag, but hurry because we very close to selling out.
This couple from Illinois and their guests had to wear masks at their Napa Valley wedding.
photo courtesy of Fox News
Over coffee I’d tell you watching those fires engulf people’s homes in California is just terrifying and my heart goes out to everyone affected. I can get my head around blizzards and tornadoes and hurricanes but fire? I can’t even imagine. Can you even fathom having your destination wedding threatened by wildfire??
I finished ZOOMA Great Lakes in Spandits Boardies
Over coffee I’d tell you that my favorite legging company Spandits is now offering free shipping over $50. Spandits have never slipped down, chafed or been anything less than perfectly comfy during long runs and races, and I do love their wild and crazy patterns. If you haven’t tried their Icelandic tights for winter, you’re missing out! Remember you can save $10 with code SPANDITSLOVE. Tell them Marcia sent you!
What would you tell me over coffee? Do you sometimes question your motivation for signing for races? Have you run NYCM? Had grain-free stuffing?
Congrats to J on snagging first chair! I’m sure you’ll control yourself as you try not to bust with pride. So exciting!
If you do Chicago next year, I’ll have FOMO as I cheer you on..alone! Seriously, it would be very cool to get that 2020 medal.
Huge ccngrats to Thing 2! The festival sounds amazing. It is always inspiring and moving to see/hear talented “kids” do their thing. On the stuffing, My mom makes me an extra pan of her cornbread-sausage stuffing for leftovers. I could enjoy a grain free version in addition, but I do look forward to that stuffing!
The fires are heartbreaking.
Is their more info somewhere on the Zooma challenge? What are the strength workouts like? How many per week?
Thanks for your support. I’m exciting to do this thing.
See you in Bermuda, right?
That wedding photo from Napa Valley is so sad. The fires are a tragedy and I hope they will find a way to stop this from happening in future.
Yay to a grain-free diet! I feel so much better since we changed our diet years ago.
There are so many people I know running NYC this year! Congrats to your daughter. Hosting Thanksgiving each year is hard enough without having to worry about everyone’s different eating. Good luck to you I am sure it’s stressful. Maybe you should just prepare what you want to eat and not worry about everyone else. I always struggle to make sure I have enough veggie and healthy foods to balance out the normal T day foods. I need to check out the Zooma challenge again Thanks for catching up over coffee!
Thanks for the shout out and good wishes! Shaping up to be a great weekend.
Re: 2020, I say roll the dice but I’m not normal! 😂😂😂
Big congrats to the daughter! She’s unstoppable with all her musical talent and drive. I considered Chicago, but I really want to do the Air Force Marathon (September), so I have not yet put my name in for Chicago…Maybe in 2021 (?).
Snow in October? That’s just crazy! It has been warm and wet here in PA. 75 yesterday, but trick or treat was canceled due to a predicted thunderstorm. It’s cooler today, but snow kind of cool! Congrats to your daughter.
Huge congrats to your daughter!
I can definitely see where snagging that 2020 Chicago medal would be tempting 🙂 I had to sit on my hands when I got the email about the lottery! LOL!
I’ll have to check out the Zooma challenge and see what’s involved – thanks for the reminder.
I also am so excited for everyone running NYCM on Sunday! I volunteered at the Expo this morning and it was so much fun. It also made me want to run another marathon, but I already announced my retirement from marathons so…LOL. When reality sinks in and I think about all the training, I’m good with sticking to half marathons for a while!
Congrats to your daughter!
I would love to run Chicago but I’m pretty sure Boston will be my last marathon.
Those fires are awful. Did you hear that some crazy guy from Kansas started a bunch of them. Wtf?
Congratulations to your offspring on the piccolo job! I just found out there’s a community wind band that lets anyone in who wants to join, and I’m a bit tempted (I’m a clarinettist). I don’t sign up for many races but I certainly questioned that Bumble Bimble one I did before my trail ultra, although it was good training really. I ignored the chat about the winter edition until it was full up!
I am not really a stuffing fan at all. It’s not that I don’t like it but would rather spend my calories on the desserts. Mr. Judy does the stuffing (although we won’t be hosting this year — he’ll probably still make some). And yes, he uses those bags. Just another reason not to eat it . . .
Having lived in TX, wildfires are a thing there too. Generally not as bad as CA,thank goodness. I think you can safely say I’ve seen a lot of different extreme weather — having lived in 3 towns in NY, VT, MD & TX — and hopefully one more, someday.
I think I like swag more than medals, but that MCM medal sure was sweet!
Tea is so perfect for this time of year! :]!
Big congrats to your daughter too!! That’s awesome! <3 I'm sure the performances will be amazing!
amazing job Thing 2!! Piccolo is so cool!!
As we don’t do anything Thanksgiving here I also don’t tend to miss anything anymore so if I were to get invited I’d probably enjoy all the things, traditional or not! But yeah… I’m not a fan of anything from a box anyway…
I went to my friend’s house today to watch the marathon as her husband and my friend Vincent (you see him a lot in my photos as we run and gym together a lot) was running today. We didn’t expect to see him of course, but figured out there was a livestream on youtube and saw him pass by within 3 minutes! So exciting. And yes now I want to run New York. And no I don’t want to train for it – haha!! I am signing up for Chicago for my deferred entry, but it could be my last… I don’t know yet.
Awful about the fires in CA. I have friends down there too. It sucks.
hey do you know if the spandits ship overseas?