Is it just me or can you feel it? Feel 2019 just slipping on by? I mean face it: Halloween is fast approaching, I’m already planning Thanksgiving dinner and after that it’s a veritable free-fall straight on through to New Year’s Eve. Here’s how my workouts went. Do I detect a pattern?
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Unintentional rest due to shipping Thing 1 back to school and work meetings getting rescheduled
Wednesday: Strength + Tabata
Thursday: Trail Run 4 miles
Friday: Strength + Tabata
Saturday: Trail Run 4 miles
Sunday: Strength + Stepmill Tabata
We’ve been blessed with some of the most amazing fall weather. Crisp, frosty mornings warm to golden gloriousness. I suspect this is Indian summer. I runfess I can’t remember the last time I ran on something other than trails. Maybe ZOOMA Great Lakes? I ran trails all summer long and now that it’s fall, the trails are the purest of running perfection. Truly magical.
In anticipation of this week’s appointment with a new Endocrinologist to address my super-high anti-thyroid antibodies, I did a massive cleanup of my diet. While I already avoid added sugar as much as possible, Going forward, I’m also going to be more mindful of soy, gluten, and dairy. Taking soy out of the diet pretty much removes any processed food from the equation, since so much of it contains soybean oil.
Butternut Squash Soup with Apples, Pears and Cinnamon
Soup Season. Having the Caveman gone for half of the week meant I had time to make a couple of soups. I opted for Roasted Sweet Potato/Tomato and a nice big batch of Butternut Squash with Apples & Pears. Stay tuned for recipes.
This jacket from PrAna. It’s SO soft, snuggly and just plain cozy AF. Plus Thing 1 told me I was “on trend” with the fluffy look. Ha!
A vintage pic but an unforgettable experience.
Grand Rapids Marathon and Columbus Marathon Weekend. Yep, both of my fastest ever marathons were run on this very weekend. Good luck to everyone running this year!
Not Loving
Closing the garden and using up the very last of the tomatoes and peppers. I blanched and froze a big batch of tomatoes for soups/sauce and that’s all she wrote. While cukes were not so great it was an amazing year for tomatoes.
The process of winterizing the deck and the yard. I don’t know why I have no problem dragging everything out there in spring and yet putting it all away come October is a total buzzkill. Perhaps our way-too-long winter has something to do with it.
(photo courtesy of Snapmunk)
I got a new phone a week ago as well as changed carriers. While I love my new phone, getting the service switched over has been a special kind of hell. As I type, I’ve been back to the Verizon store FOUR times and, while I can actually get calls now (I wasn’t before) I’m still not getting texts that are not iMessages. After spending another TWO HOURS there yesterday the Verizon people threw up their hands in defeat. Frustrated doesn’t begin to cover it.
Oh and it’s that time again:
Join me right here this Friday for the October Edition of the Runfession Friday Linkup!
How was your week? Is it gloriously fall where you are? Favorite soup? Do you love trails as much as I do? What are your Thanksgiving plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
That trail look so beautiful! And that soup looks and sounds delicious! I hope your appointment goes well!
This was the best soup week here too! Looking forward to seeing your recipes. Nothing better than a warm bowl of soup on a chilly day after a run.Your trails looks so pretty this time of the year. Enjoy!
It’s definitely soup season! And the trails are all so pretty right now, I can see why you’re in love 🙂
Loving that jacket too! Very cute!
I think I have 3 crockpot soups recipes on my dinner calendar this week. I was a bit obsessed with recipes from Pinterest I guess haha! It was a beautiful day at the Columbus marathon today 🙂
That soup looks so yummy – can’t wait to see the recipe!
I also feel like 2019 is just rolling by. It doesn’t help that the stores already have Christmas decorations out. I was in Marshall’s earlier today and they had two rows full of Christmas decor, and a small section for Halloween and Thanksgiving decor. It’s so frustrating because I feel like the holidays are being rushed!
I will be looking forward to your butternut squash soup recipe. Sounds so yummy! Mine is actually creamy and spicy, with jalapenos and cumin. I think the apples would add a nice touch of sweetness for something completely different. I am soooo with you on the trail-loving thing. I can’t wait for MCM to be over so that I can get back to the trails!
You are so lucky to have such great trails so close by!
I am ready to embrace soup making this week – butternut squash with apples is a fave around here.
I’m not loving how fast it feels like this year is disappearing.
I am going to make an effort to get more into soups, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what you got! I make a mean white chicken chili (but it’s probably not the healthiest concoction). I’m probably gonna have to take a pass on the Runfessions this week since I’ll be traveling and doing all things MCM…I hate to write/link a post and then not have the time to properly read/comment/reply to everyone else ;-( How’s that for a #blogbuzzkill?
Lovely pics of the autumn! Good luck for your appointment.
I love running on the trails but mine look so much different than yours! I’ve had the same wireless carrier since the beginning and I’m afraid to change because of just what you’re describing. So I guess I’m stuck with Verizon for another 20 years!
Those soups sound really good. I can’t wait to see the recipes!
Those fall colors look GORGEOUS! You’re right about trail running being magical. The trail camp I’ve been planning is this coming weekend and it also kicks off a “Track and Trail” group training program. I am STOKED to get more people out on trails and show them how magical it is!
We were blessed with such gorgeous weather for a while. But of course all good things come to an end. Today is drizzly and raw, yet I actually had a great run this morning. Normally I would have waited but I had some appointments I had to work around.
Love soups. I made potato leek last week. I limit gluten, usually, but boy there was a whole lotta gluten last weekend. I’m not really all that sensitive to it, thankfully, but I still think most of us really don’t need it. There was more dairy than normal, too.
Sometimes aging just sucks. 🙁
We really don’t know what our Thanksgiving plans are, other than I won’t be hosting since my Dad can’t make the trip, so we’ll be going down there somewhere (which means no Turkey Trot again, sadly). We have a meeting at the rehab Thursday where they will probably tell us what they’re recommending (originally he was supposed to have been discharged by now, but that was before the latest hospital stint).
If you can’t remember the last time you didn’t run on trails, I’d say you’re in a great place. I’ve been focusing on road running to get ready for my half, but as soon as that’s done I can’t wait to get back to the trails. Yum on the soup!
Loving trails…wish I could run on them more often…so pretty in the fall.
Yes to soups and more soups. Please post a recipe to the one you mentioned.
I eat a lot of gluten…my bad.
I love your trail pictures! I haven’t been on the trails, or the streets for that matter but winter is the best time for trail running here.
No glorious Fall either 🙁 It’s 90 today!
Now you have me wanting to make some fall soup this weekend! Fall weather is the best when its not too cold, rainy or windy. I really can’t believe how fast this year is flying by!
Seriously soup season. I’ve had matzoh ball soup 3x for dinner and once for lunch. And counting. Helps too that I have a cold.
Phones are aliens
Thanks for the reminder on Runfessions!