Welp, I’ve been riding Blanche the trusty road bike for over 10 years now, pressing my luck and not carrying a spare tube (not that I’d know what to do with it) and finally the inevitable happened. Yep, flat tire. Serves me right, don’t you think? Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Bike 2 miles, flat tire, walk 2 miles home
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Run 4.5 miles
Thursday: Strength + 9 minute Tabata
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Trail run 3 miles. Wanted 5
Sunday: Strength + Tabata
Blanche and I in better times
I was all set to throw down 30 miles too. Oh well. At least I wasn’t far away and in a place that was easy (minimal time along busy streets) to get home from. I did call the Caveman for rescue but by the time he got to me I was 100 yds from home.
But Wait There’s More
The trails are gorgeous. Why I dressed for Antarctica, I’ll never know
My hamstring at the insertion point behind my knee has been dicey for weeks. I know I need to go in and have my pelvis aligned to fix it, but I haven’t. It hurts progressively more the longer I run. By Saturday’s trail run I ended up walking it in because it hurt so much. I’ve got ZOOMA Great Lakes this weekend. I’ll get in to see Dr. Miracle pronto but at this point my goose may be cooked.
…And More
Our hot water heater went kaput. This is our third one in 18 years. I live in a beautiful place but the well water here is so damn corrosive. This week was all about the frustration of dealing with plumbers. One never got back to me. A second one never showed up for the estimate, and a third one showed up but never gave us an estimate. All that leaves me at square one. After a weekend with no hot water, I’ve got someone (hopefully) showing up Monday morning…fingers crossed. Why oh why are plumbers/trades people so unreliable?? If you don’t want the job, just say so upfront. I won’t bite.
This video where Deena Kastor joins a local running club as an “imposter”. Can you imagine being chicked by Deena when you don’t even know it’s her?
I also love that Deena will earn her 6th World Marathon Major star in Berlin this month. I runfess I’m feeling the tiniest bit smug that I beat her to it. Haha!
Germans are serious people. Apparently the Danes are well prepared.
Lost in Translation. One of the unexpected side benefits of running international marathons is the emails they send and their “twist” on the English language With the Berlin Marathon coming up in a couple of weeks, I smiled when I got an email from them titled “Slowly It Gets Serious”. Alrighty then!
Garden gone wild. Tis the season for #allthetomatoes and they’re so darn good. Way better, not to mention fresher than anything I can get in a store. I wish I could say the same for cukes and peppers. While I’ve gotten a few, having my garden so rudely mowed down a while back really took a toll on them so I don’t have nearly as many surviving plants as I typically would. Sigh. That said, there’s a whole lotta salsa and tomato sauce being made here.
Not Loving
Gets away with murder because he is cute
Not only did I have a flat tire on my bike this week, I broke the zipper on my phone/arm pouch thing. Now I’m sort of at a loss on how to carry my phone. This one with the broken zipper came with a pair of wireless headphones…which Ozzy chewed up…so I can’t just go out and buy another one. And all the others in the stores are crapola with a capital C. Lately I’ve been using the large pockets on some of my capris but I don’t always have one.
How was your week? How do you carry your phone? What would you make with lots of tomatoes?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
This was your first flat tire ever? I’ve had my share of them. I think it’s me…
We’ve replaced our hot water heater a few times too. Usually what happens is Mike tries to do it but then it leaks and we have to call a plumber. And a good plumber is not easy to find. I get pretty cranky without hot water so it can be tense!
What a frustrating week! We’ve got a great Drains man (Dean Martin, I kid you not), but not a reliable indoor pipes one. Grrrr.
I carry my phone in a plastic baggy (that I reuse) in a Salomon belt or a bum bag I got on holiday when I forgot all things to hold my phone and keys but it’s actually really good. I try to carry that after that woman I was running with had a nasty fall.
Hope you get your water heater sorted very soon!
Aw man why does everything have to break at the same time??? I’m jealous of your tomatoes, they’ve been pretty sparse this year. My top two homegrown tomato uses are fresh tomato pizza and BLT’s. For my phone, I’ve had a flipbelt for years. I don’t notice it while I’m running and I can fit everything that I need in it: phone, water bottle, fuel, keys, etc.
Ozzy <3
I honestly run without my phone a lot because there's no answer. It works in some Skirt pockets but in others it makes the Skirt slide (iPhone X). I don't like the arm bands because I have yet to find one that fits. The Nathan belt that Kim recommended to me may fit phone, but I've used the pouch for other things and haven't tried. I need oto figure this out before the marathon
And yes, you should be proud of beating Deana to the 6th
When it rains it pours, right? I’m laughing at the TP pic. Very well prepared indeed! I wonder if he carried that for the whole race? You would think it would start to disintegrate with sweaty hands? Hmmmm.
You sure did have one of those weeks! Everything like that seems to happen at the same time. So, this week has to be better right. I’ve had a few flats and I kind of stand around looking helpless until someone stops to help me change the tube. I know it’s pathetic but it works 🙂
Your doggie is seriously cute. He could get away with anything at my house. You are lucky you weren’t 15 miles away when you got a flat tire on your bike! That could have been a loooong walk back home!
ha ha!! My first thought when I read about Deena was “Gee, Marcia has already done that” LOL Oh, poor Blanche! Gustavas has been very obedient to me thus far, but this is the first summer he’s see so much action. I’m just hoping he can make it through October (?) without needing any major tune-ups or maintenance (because I have NO idea how to do anything). And, Ozzy is sure a sweetie…too cute for mischief, right?
Oh man, so sorry to hear about the water heater situation. I hope that it’s able to get fixed tomorrow. I’ve found that plumbers are ver unreliable there too!
Ozzy is so darn cute that it’s almost hard to get mad at him for chewing the headphones!
Why do you think I love my Skirt Sports so much? Pockets! Well, that’s one reason.
Sorry about the contractors (so frustrating) & flat tire.
I don’t really make anything with my tomatoes, just eat them or throw them in salads.
LOLon beating Deena! to the “finish” line That’s awesome.The only time I got a flat was on a group ride and the leader from the bike shop fixed it quickly. Honestly, one reason I mostly ride with my husband is that so he can take care of anything. Boo on the lack of hot water. That sounds dire.
Love that pup pic 🙂 Too cute!
I wouldn’t know how to change a flat either.
Interesting about Deena- I didn’t realize I beat her as well, kinda cool!
Lou, no injuries!! Well, you can always walk the race with me 🙂
I’ve never had a flat either, except one time when I was riding with a friend who actually knew how to change a tire – lucky me!
Can’t wait to see you in mere days!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Changing flats is the worse!
Love the video! That would be so cool.
I use a Spibelt for my phone.
Well, you had yourself quite the week didn’t you?! Sorry for all the frustrations – especially the water heater. Dealing with plumbers is never fun.
I use either my SPIbelt or the pockets in my SkirtSports or InknBurn skirts/capris to carry my phone. I’ve never had good luck with armbands.
Oh I wish I could have been there to change your flat for you 🙂 At least you were close to home! And, for your phone, have you tried Koala Clip? It is AMAZING! I absolutely love mine. It sits between your shoulder blades and attaches to your sports bra. No chaffing. Waterproof and machine washable.
And I love the miscommunication in language 🙂 And I really love that you beat Deena to a world marathon majors title – woot woot!!!
I haven’t had a flat tire yet, but I do have a spare. But I totally lack the skills of what to do with it! 🙂 Hoping my husband would be with me if it ever happened and he’d fix it 😉 I do always carry my phone with me. I just bought a bra with a back pocket it in, but my current phone case is too big to easily pull the phone out of the pocket after I wedge it in there. Doh!
Not a great week! We have a saying “the troubles never come alone”.
However you had to walk only 2 miles with your bike….
About lost in translation …. please forgive me for my poor english…..