The college move-in dust has mostly settled and we’ve officially transitioned into our “fall” schedule here. Ozzy and I are on our own for a good part of the day. While my early morning window of time to workout has slammed shut, other parts of my day have been freed up to some extent.
Here’s how my workouts went.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Trail run 3 miles
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: Trail run 3 miles
Friday: Bike 15 miles
Saturday: Run 4.5 miles
Sunday: Strength Train-reverse pyramid
As you can see, I’m holding up my end of the bargain to run for an hour or less, with a strong emphasis on less. Suffice it to say any endurance I had from two marathons in the first half of the year is long gone. Geez running is hard!
Starting around midweek, we entered a stretch of the most gloriously beautiful weather known to this area. Low humidity, sunny skies and gentle breezes. It’s amazing what a game changer a good drop in humidity is, especially for running.
Spandits’ new Mantra tights. Spandits introduced their new Mantra line of tights. The Mantra design features a new 3″ contoured waistband with built-in pocket. I can’t wait for my order to arrive. Remember SPANDITSLOVE saves you 10% off your order. Tell them Marcia sent you!
Throwback to my first Chi Marathon in 2007. Look at all the white shoes. I have no idea why this pic is tiny.
Chicago Marathon Expo. I’ll be there! I’ll be in the Now Foods booth at the Chi Marathon Expo on Friday morning until about 2pm. If you’re visiting the expo that day be sure to stop by and say hey!
Not Loving
Ornery hamstring. That same issue I had with my hamstring at the insertion point at the back of my knee is rearing it’s ugly head again. I know it’s due to a misaligned pelvis and a simple visit to see Dr. Miracle would fix it right up. But before she left for college, the teenager racked up over 4 grand in chiro bills during track season. I’m not too keen on accruing more bills there.
Traffic. I’m not a fan of any kind of traffic but school speed zone violators are a special breed of heinous. Making the left turn out from the school drop off line is challenging on a good day. Having cars whizzing around the corner doing 50+ in a 30 mph school zone and then tailgating pushes me to the edge. If I was a cop I’d sit there and write tickets all morning long.
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice. There’s talk they’re going to bring back their famous latte early this year. Like end-of-August early. I love fall as much as the next person but NOT IN AUGUST!
I caught the Daily Pop show on the E channel while working out in the pain cave last week and they were talking about how water in plastic bottles would no longer be sold at LAX. One of the show hosts then went on a tirade about how Boxed Water just doesn’t cut it and refilling your own water bottle is “gross” etc. Really? Grosser than all that plastic waste floating in the ocean?
Mark your calendar
The Runfession Friday Linkup opens this Friday! Join us. I promise you’ll feel better!
How was your week? How’s the weather? Did you race? Pumpkin spice: Yay or nay?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
So sorry to read that your hamstring is still acting up. You are better off doing more trail runs and sticking to the short stuff. I’m with you on the Pumpkin Spice in August. Too soon! I also heard that Spam is coming out with a pumpkin spiced product. Ugh! Sounds gross.
Hopefully I can make it to the Expo when you are there working! I am also not loving seeing pumpkin spice ads. TOO SOON, Starbucks, TOO SOON! But, I did enjoy the fall-like break in the weather. 🙂
Speaking of fall coming early, I saw Thanksgiving and Halloween decor at the grocery today. why?? Those spandits look very tempting I am ready for some new capri pants. Also not running long all summer and yes running is really hard sometimes. It does take a while to settle into a new schedule. You will be ok-you have us!
I just love that photo of Ozzy – so darn cute! The weather this weekend was simple beautiful – I really wish it would stay like this forever!
I will be at the Chicago Marathon Expo on Friday so I’ll be sure to stop by! I have an early flight that day so I’m hoping to get there when the expo opens or shortly after.
I like pumpkin spice, but I don’t do coffee…so it would be a no-go for me in that respect. I am SOOOO glad I am well beyond the days of school drop-off. I always felt like I was one of (maybe) the 1% parents) who actually followed the rules…I’m not finger-pointer (nor a horn-honker), but I did experience all kinds of anxiety on school mornings anticipating all the drama at the drop-off. UGH. So, it’s not just in small town Iowa, huh?
I saw Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini Wheats cereal in the grocery store today. So wrong for so many reasons! I live in a school neighborhood and have to get out before school drop off time begins — it’s great incentive to get to work on time. $4K on chiro bills is jaw-dropping! Does your insurance cover any? Still, you need to take care of yourself!
Ha – I was in the staff room of our Costa Coffee yesterday (with a pregnant Eritrean woman who had fainted outside, I was waiting for an ambulance with her) and I saw they had all their autumn offers up on their board. Not ready!
Sorry about the hammy and hope you can get it sorted soon!
I have never liked pumpkin spice lattes, but I still think its too early for them! We have an intersection at the entrance to our neighborhood that becomes a big mess during the school year between the hours of 7:30 and 9. Not looking forward to that again! I hate leaving for work during that time because it takes forever even to turn right onto the main road, and I wont be able to take Grayson to the playground during that time on my days off because its way too dangerous to cross the street. I hope you hamstring feels better quickly!
Ozzy is too beautiful!
Sorry for your harmstring problems. I solved such problem with 4 injections of hjaluronic acid.
Here always hot and humid. When will fall come?
I just dropped Matthew off yesterday and I feel your ache… we did spend the day together getting him settled into his apartment. The drive home was pretty sad.
I live right by the grade school in our neighborhood and it is disheartening to see the way parents drive. Oh, and by the way, that stop sign on the corner by the school? It seems to be just a suggestion for most. Think of all the revenue the police could generate in one day!
Ugh, crabby hammies are no fun at all! I’m slowly trying to rebuild my endurance after a summer of metcons and minimal running. And I’m so with you on school zone speeders. Those and people in the drop off line who just sit there and have to kiss their kids and brush their hair and pack their backpacks while the rest of us are telling our kids, “Tuck and roll, kiddo!” 🙂
Have a great week! I’m so not into pumpkin spice yet, but it’s 90 degrees in Houston, so…
I can’t believe you’re going to be at the NOW booth and I’m going to miss you! My flight doesn’t get into Chicago until just after 1 – that’s such a bummer.
I’m sorry your hammy is giving you trouble. I’d be more than a little floored by those chiro bills too – yikes! But be sure to take care of yourself.
First off, Ozzy is just too cute!
We seriously need to meet someday! I am so with you on the school zone speeders! I would LOVE to write tickets! I’m sure that would get old quick, but one day of catching speeders would be very satisfying!
Don’t get me started on plastic waste. Ugh!
I love fall, but let’s get through August. They already have Halloween stuff in the stores!
And finally, running IS hard! I don’t know how I trained for my BQ and am a little worried about training for Boston. I hope your hamstring feels better soon. Maybe yoga??
Funny about the white shoes! Funny because I recently did a product test for a major brand and they sent me shoes… that are WHITE. Ewww. White shoes are totally not my thing. I actually got two revisions of them and they got less attractive (and still white) with each revision. Yikes. Might be making a comeback in spring 2020! I feel they made my feet look large. I like those tights! Never heard of that brand, I’ll have to check them out.
Hope the hammies are feeling all better soon. That’s no fun!
Well if you read my last blog post you know I’m a BIG fan of fall and winter – bring it on!! I’m NOT a big fan of PSL and all the nonsense that comes with them. I tried one once and threw up in my mouth so…
And OMG to whoever was whining about plastic bottles not being sold anymore! Wth is wrong with people? She should have to clean up at least 5 pounds of plastic from the ocean ASAP!!
And I’m dreading middle school car drop off already – I’ve heard stories. At least I have two more years 🙂
Hope the temps stay cool for you!
Oh if I were ever on time in reading I’d have known this was Runfessions week without asking Darlene.
Pumpkin needs to stay in its lane – similarly I’m boycotting ghost reeses while the beaches are still open
Ozzy looks like he’s on board with “no running, mom”
Never worn spandits, but that pattern is awesome
Good for LAX! I always bring my own water bottle, how is it gross…strange.
Sounds like a solid week of training for you!