After a crazy cold, wet spring that wouldn’t quit, we found ourselves in a ring of fire weather pattern that felt oh so steamy and sent me to the pool on the regular. At the time of posting though, a cold front graced us with refreshingly less humid weather and all is right with the world. Here’s how the workouts went:
Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: 2 mile trail walk/run w/Ozzy, + 3 miles on the mill
Wednesday: Strength training + swim
Thursday: Bike 25 miles + swim
Friday: Run 3 miles, lower body strength/core + swim
Saturday: Rest…well mega weeding
Sunday: 20 mins stepmill + CrossFit
Bagged my July 4th 5k plan and rode my bike instead, although a little run-in with a giant peloton made me nervous.
Between the Caveman’s birthday, 4th of July, and getting together with extended family to celebrate “July birthdays” we were social butterflies this week.
The solar eclipse took place this week and was visible in Chile and Argentina. I read something that said that spiritually the solar eclipse is a time of rapid change; of “shedding”. It is normal to lose people, friends, followers and be forced into new beginnings. Interesting, right? Read on:
All parties aside, it was a weird week. The kind that makes you pause. There was a fatal shooting at a home barely a mile from here. After a struggle over a gun, a 47 yr. old woman was accidentally shot in the head by her husband, although he hasn’t been charged. She leaves behind 3 kids, the oldest of which just graduated in Thing 1’s high school class. It is heartbreaking to see their family picture with their oldest daughter in her cap and gown.
If that wasn’t enough, friends of ours (husband and wife, both age 53) died in a scuba diving accident. They are VERY experienced divers and were doing a 300′ dive (a typical “resort” dive is 50′ so this was very deep but totally normal for them) in Lake Michigan to view a shipwreck. It’s so mysterious and isn’t clear what went wrong yet, but they leave behind 6 kids.
There’s that reminder again: Go live your life to the fullest. Don’t agonize over trivial matters. Tomorrow is guaranteed to nobody.
How about that US Women’s World Cup Soccer Team?! So awesome!
This Ted Talk about how to have better conversations. I love her tip about not making things about you. Especially in the cases of death, loss, sickness, etc. In a moment of another person’s grief, it is NOT about you, and your experience is never the same. Good listening goes a long way.
Not Loving
It’s tick season and we pulled the first one off of Ozzy. Yuck. Learn tick prevention tips for runners here.
In a private triathlon Facebook group last week, one member posted a before-and-after pic of herself. She was a very fit, muscular, beautiful triathlete in the before pic. In the second, she was just days away from her first bikini figure contest. No less than 93 people, who I assume are triathletes, since they’re in the private group, asked her to share the diet she used to achieve those results in just 9 weeks. Friends, she was a gorgeous, very fit triathlete who didn’t need to lose a pound in the first pic. It makes me sad that so many women, especially ones who are athletes, would prefer to look like a bikini competitor. Do they not realize this is not a sustainable goal?? I have two friends who’ve done figure competitions. One went the steroid route and for the other, getting into competition shape requires a 40 lb weight fluctuation. Do I have to remind anyone that gaining and losing 40 lbs repeatedly is not the best idea metabolically? I wish we weren’t so obsessed with how we look. I wish we could be more proud of the amazing things our bodies can do instead of agonize over how it looks. Being fit for an endurance sport is going to look very different than being fit for a bodybuilding competition. I’ll get off my soapbox now.
How was your week? Any cooldown in sight? Does a figure competitor’s body appeal to you? Did you notice any effect from the solar eclipse?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I realize this is body shaming of a different sort, but I do not get the appeal of body builders’ physiques, male or female. I guess I prefer the natural look, whether it be slim, athletic or fluffy.
How sad re: the neighbors and couple you know. Definitely a reminder to hug those we love
This weather is gross. GROSS.
UGH….what a week. So sorry for the loss of your friends, and all the grief and sadness. On a bright note, YES to the Women’s soccer team! That game was intense! Great job with all your swimming! You’re my hero 😉 Thanks for linking with us, Marcia 😉
I hear you on the weight/body thing. That friend I ran the 5k with today is SO thin. After we finished, she said that she has 5 pounds of extra weight. I seriously think she has a body image issue. I don’t understand it.
I am so sorry about the loss of your friends. I heard about that shooting on the news. So sad. Also this week, my neighbor lost her mom suddenly. We’ve always seen her outside, doing all the gardening for her daughter. She looked vibrant and healthy. So your point about living life to the fullest is especially poignant.
wow sounds like a tough week for your family. Sometimes it is so hard to process when bad things happen to seemingly good people. So tragic. I am on a mission to this year to live my life to the fullest and say yes to more things I want to do. You only have one life to live right!?
Wow, so tragic on your friends and neighbors. You’ve had a rough year — and probably don’t need any more “reminders.” Ugh on the diet porn. Like Cari, I don’t think body builders look that attractive and I know what it takes is not sustainable — and not even possible for most of us. Enjoy your pool!
I absolutely don’t get why anyone would ever want to enter a figure competition, and I know that most do awful things to their bodies. As someone who has lost 40 lbs several times in her life — but not by extreme dieting — yeah, your body doesn’t like it. I’m not sure if my body fat is high or I just have lots of loose skin from that (or a combination of both). I will try out lots of different ways to eat, but they aren’t fad/crash diets.
So much sadness in your world this week. That isn’t easy. Those poor kids. 🙁
We haven’t pulled any ticks (yet), but ugh, the hot spot . . .
OMG Marcia – what a week for you! So sorry to hear about the passing of those people – my heart breaks for all of their children. So sad, but also like you said, a reminder to live our lives and not focus on silly things that really do not matter.
I know a few people that have entered figure competitions and while I commend them for that amount of dedications, it’s just not for me. Life is too short to be that fixated on food.
I am so sorry about your friend. Always such a hard event to go through especially under mysterious circumstances and leaving behind kids.
Between this weather and the ticks, I am ready for fall. Every time I go to the trails with my dog, I come home and frantically check him. They’re so gross.
That is terrible about your friends and neighbor. So sad! I had no idea about the solar eclipse.
I think I am a good listener. I have a friend that does most of the talking while I listen. 🙂
so sorry about your friends! I hope they figure out what happened, but still it’s sad that they had the accident.
Personally I think figure competitors look weird. I don’t know what the lady you are talking about looks like, but all that muscle definition usually creeps me out. Plus the fake tans they have makes them look really weird as well. I’m not at all into it. I like a little more body fat on a person and for them to look like a human being!
The pool is looking very good these days since its so hot. I’ve jumped in mine before post run just to get some relief!
So disappointed I couldn’t watch the finals of the World Cup. We were driving home from Cape Cod (an 8+hour drive for us), so I missed watching the women win. The tragedies you describe are so sad and they do remind us to live while you can! And hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight!
Such tragic news!
My heart hurts when I see athletes make negative weight/body comments about themselves, but I am not free from those thoughts or comments myself. I do think focusing on what the body can do in this moment and being grateful for movement is big key factor in overcoming those feelings. I could preach all day on the soapbox with you.
I’m so sorry about these losses in your life – very upsetting and destabilising.
As to the weight loss comments, that must have been hard to read. I have a dear friend who has a severe enduring eating disorder and it’s dreadful. So I’ve never dieted, although I have worked on bad habits like using sugar to keep myself awake, which doesn’t feel healthy. It breaks my heart to see people’s relationship with nurturing themselves smashed in that way, although I am by no means thrilled with how I look all the time!
Wow Marcia what a week for you – so much loss. I’m so sorry. Certainly makes you want to grab hold of your loved ones and hug them just a little tighter.
I have loved watching the US Women’s Soccer Team – just the best!
Sorry for the loss of your friends, very sad news.
Congrats to the US women’s soccer team. In this part of world I am waiting for the Rugby world championship (come on Italy!!!!), I am an atypical Italian, I love rugby and I don’t watch soccer.
Glad you can use the pool when the weather doesn’t cooperate. Here it’s always so hot and humid.