It was a busy week on the home front and a light week, workout-wise. I planned on working out while we were in Atlanta for college orientation, alas that did not happen.
Monday: Nada
Tuesday: Nada
Wednesday: Nada
Thursday: Trail Run 4 miles + Swim
Friday: Strength
Saturday: Bike 15 miles, core + swim
Sunday: 20 mins. Stepmill + Strength
Orientation at Georgia Tech was amazing. Very thorough but at the same time exhausting. I was glad I didn’t make any plans with my Georgia friends because there was no time. We were on a rigorous schedule.
The sky on the first morning of orientation was amazing
I am beyond excited for this next chapter and of course I’m working on getting my head around the process of letting go.
Before Thing 1 and I headed to Georgia, Thing 2 headed off to music camp. She is fully unplugged, so it’s weird having zero contact with her. She’ll turn 14 while she’s there, which is also weird to not be with her on her birthday. The Caveman took this pic of her awaiting her audition right before he left. I hope it went well.
Intermittent Fasting
I’ve been intermittent fasting for 3 weeks now. I continue to feel great. I am more focused and productive. I am sleeping very well and I’ve also noticed that I no longer have any hot flashes or night sweats. There was one breakfast meeting during orientation so my fast that day was 13 hours instead of the usual 16.
I still have challenging days but overall the 16/8 fast/eat schedule is working well. I suspect this would be a very different story if I was running the way I did earlier this year.
The week ahead
I’m headed to camp! I can’t wait to see everyone at Empower Summer Camp. I’ve never been to sleepaway camp so this should be really fun!
On the way back from camp, we’ll swing by and pickup Thing 2 from music camp. Isn’t it convenient her camp is in Michigan as well? I can’t wait to hear all about her experience there. In the meantime, I’m holding out hopes for a letter….maybe?
Did you go to sleepaway camp as a kid? Ever been on a retreat? Any tips for the college farewell?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
So glad to hear that the orientation went well. What an exciting time for your daughter, and you!
I hope you have an amazing time at camp – I wish I could go!
Glad all went well at orientation! I hope you have a ball at Empower Camp – can’t wait to hear all about it!
The orientations are so overwhelming and emotional. It gets easier the second time kind of 🙂 Glad the fasting is still working well for you. Curious to see how it goes when you resume your regular running schedule
I was a huge fan of summer camp as a kid. Back in the day, letters were the only option. Long distance phone calls were only for emergencies!
Have you made plans for Parents’ Weekend. Having that on the schedule helps!
I had not thought of the sleep benefits of intermittent fasting…but I have been getting better sleep in recent weeks, too. Hmmmmm. And I am training (just not big, super-dooper long runs…yet). This ought to be interesting. Yes, the college thing is so surreal. When we took our first to move in, it wasn’t too sad….until I watched her walk up the steps to her new dorm as we pulled away. That’s when I lost it. Now, she’s living on her own, out in Pennsylvania…Time really waits for no one, huh.
Glad to hear IF is going so well for you
I did sleepaway sports camp and one year at VBS – never again on the latter, but I miss the former. Different world though, can’t imagine they still do sleepaway camps on an army base anymore after 9/11 though
I went to field hockey camp for about a week my junior year of high school, but that was the extent of my sleep away camp experiences. I bet the college process is so overwhelming for everyone. I still remember starting college like it was yesterday but it was 18 years ago- and in that amount of time Grayson will be going- ahh! So glad the intermittent fasting is working well for you!
I had such a fun weekend but it was full of bad eating…and you know I’m pretty good about watching what I eat! I don’t know if I could do intermittent fasting but I’m interested to hear more this weekend. So excited for camp!
My parents were very strict and never let me go away to camp. Ha, I had to beg just to go to prom. 🙁 I think that is one of the reasons I went away to college (Northern Illinois University) and it was one of the best things I did. No regrets.
I also have night sweats but I blame it on the weather. No? 🙂 Sometimes I wonder if I also have hot flashes because there are times that I am so hot in the apartment but yet it is cool inside.
Glad that the orientation went well.
I like the spirit of the summer camps, my “older” grandson (11 y.o.) every year goes to a camp for goalkeepers (soccer). I’d prefer a rubgy summer camp that here, I think, is a real school for “young men”. It was the best in my youth, another one that I like a lot is the Summer school of the Navy,
I can’t wait to see you/meet you at summer camp! It is going to be such fun!
Nice job keeping the IF going. And I’ve read that having longer fasts and shorter fasts on a regular basis is a good thing since the fasting is supposed to be intermittent. I’ll see you at camp. I can’t wait!!
Sounds like you had a really busy week! I keep hearing about intermittent fasting and a lot of people saying they’re getting a lot of benefits out of it. I need to look into it a bit more and do some research. It sounds useful.
Is this the decided university now for Thing 1? Exciting times!
glad IF is still working for you. As much as I would love to sleep better and have less/no night sweats i can’t even decrease my intake enough to lose any weight at the moment. Training and “dieting” (though I don’t really “diet”) don’t go together. At least I’m maintaining by keeping intake around the same every day. I am rethinking what I want in the future for myself, my health, my fitness, but first I have to get through the marathon and then I can make changes again 🙂
have fun at camp!! I went to girl scout camp one year – I sold the most cookies in my troop so I got to go for free 🙂
Glad to hear IF is going well for you – my husband was looking into it for a while so I’ll have to share that info with him!
So jealous that you’re going to camp! I used to love camping as a kid, so it has to be even more fun as an adult, right? I hope you have a blast!
Can’t help you with the letting go thing. But yes, I did go to sleepaway camp. Actually, first day camp, then as I got older sleepaway — and yes, music camp for several years. Seriously, I think my parents just wanted to be able to do their own things . . .
Missing that birthday will probably be tough on you both. That’s something I never experienced!
Glad orientation went well! My dad went to Georgia Tech, though I’m sure it’s changed drastically since then 🙂
I don’t know if I could do intermittent fasting and train for a marathon, that’s for sure! I’m always starving already!