Fourth of July is over and you know what that means. Seemingly overnight, Target is bursting with school supplies and that four letter F word starts flying around: Fall. Some of you are looking forward to it. Me? Well I like to stay in the present and not wish time away…even if I’m melting no thanks to a triple-digit heat index. Here’s how my workouts went:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 mile Trail Run + Swim
Wednesday: Strength training
Thursday: Run 3 miles+ Swim
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: 3 mile trail run + 10 mile bike ride
Sunday: 10 minutes Stepmill + CrossFit
Shady trails (or the pool) are the place to be when it’s hot
As you can see, keeping the running mileage super low has been no problemo for me. I’m enjoying the change in focus.
Because running is not a priority, I’ve been experimenting with intermittent fasting. This week I opted for a 16/8 schedule where I fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8 hour window. Basically it means I skip breakfast and do all my eating from noon until 8pm. During the 16 hour fast, blood insulin levels drop significantly, while human growth hormone levels increase, which facilitates fat burning and muscle gain. The body also goes through a cellular repair process.
I’m not cutting carbs or counting macros yet but this snack was delish.
While my food intake hasn’t been perfect, it’s much better than before. Typically I have a large salad for lunch, an afternoon snack and protein/veggies, maybe even a little pasta for dinner.
The fast started out feeling very doable but as the week wore on I got progressively hungrier. By Friday I was hangry and really struggled to wait until noon or so to eat something.
I did not weigh myself so I can’t tell you if my smaller eating window (and no breakfast) resulted in weightloss.
Physically I’m feeling really great. No indigestion, no bloating, no overeating.
New paraben and aluminum-free deodorant from Now Foods. At home I use the stone/crystal deodorant from Now but, because it breaks when dropped (been there, done that), it’s not great for travel. These will go in my gym bag, off to summer camp with Thing 2 and off to college with Thing 1. Use MARCIANOW10 to save $10 off a $40 purchase at Now Foods.
Not Loving
My garden plot in better days
I told you last week that I was slacking on my community garden plot. Since then I weeded a few feet around my plants so they weren’t getting choked out by weeds, but overall left the plot looking fairly weedy. Well I went out there the other day intending to get the rest of the weeds cleared out and found that someone had basically mowed over everything except for my caged tomatoes. My peas and peppers were completely obliterated and my cukes are badly mangled. I know I was barely hanging onto the plot but come on man! My plot, my weeds!
This week: I’m in the final week coaching the ZOOMA Summer Challenge. While I’ve coached for years, this was my first time coaching several hundred women at once. The Summer Challenge was so popular, we’ve added a Back-to-School Challenge starting in September. Registration opens July 15. Join us and use SUNSHINE to save 15%.
How was your week? Do you seek out natural skin- and bodycare options? Ever tried intermittent fasting?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m still doing the kinder, gentler IF from Eat to Thrive. Which means that it’s anywhere from 12 to 14 hours typically, and usually only one day a week is 16 hours. I don’t think I’d want to do 16 hours every day, especially as I don’t enjoy running fasted.
I am careful about my beauty products.
Too bad you don’t know who usurped your garden plot! That’s just plain rude.
I tried IF for a few weeks last January. It did not go that well for me as I felt like I had very little energy to run. I think it works better for less active people. I dont’ know I guess everyone is different. Maybe I should have triedit in the summer when I am less hungry to begin with? Will you keep it up? I am all about the shorter runs too right now there are other fun summer things to do
I have heard so much about intermittent fasting…I don’t know if I could do it without being so hangry! It’s interesting to read about your experience so far. Thanks for sharing!
Glad to hear that the intermittent fasting went well. Sometimes I do this by accident if I’m busy at work, but I always usually have coffee or tea early so I guess that counts as breaking the fast?
Thanks for posting about that deodorant from NOW. I’ve been thinking of experimenting with aluminum free deodorants but wasn’t sure where to start. I really enjoy their products so I’m sure I will like it.
Ugh! Fall IS a 4-letter word! I love summer running and just summertime in general. I don’t mind running in the heat. I would take that any day over worrying about ice and snow.
I did IF for a while earlier this year and really liked the results. It’s an effective way to watch calorie intake.
I’ve thought about IF but between my schedule and hypoglycemia I don’t think it would work for me. I do need to cut back in after dinner snacking and might be able to fast from after dinner (7-ish) until 7-ish but not longer than that.
Bummer on the garden!!
I will be curious how the intermittent fasting goes for you. With my current (for the next 11ish months) Invisalign situation, I’m kind of doing a modified version myself. It’s a pain to be popping the aligners in/out and brushing/flossing, so I am doing NO snacking these days. I’m not trying to lose any weight, but I can tell things are already changing, so I need to figure out a better plan. I finally got a major weed attack accomplished yesterday afternoon….total bummer someone else took the liberty on your plot.
I tried IF earlier this year – it worked for me as long as I kept my runs short, but I especially struggled with not having my morning coffee (the cream was a fast-breaker!). I’m a terrible late-night snacker so it was a big plus there!
Such a bummer that someone mowed your plot!
In all honesty, I don’t think I could do intermittent fasting. I’ve really curbed my snacking and i’m eating so much salad that I think I’m going to turn green. My big downfall, as you well know, is my love of beer and wine. I feel like I’ve got the weight gain under control for now. I’ll be really interested to see how IF works for you. Nice week. Looks like we are kind of on the same training plan. LOL
Interesting that you are trying IF at the moment. I am curious about intermittent fasting but my biggest issues are lack of good sleep (thank you menopause) which I’m certain throws my cortisol levels off and running. I have done a few runs “fasted” but after that I need food! I’m back at calories/macros with My Fitness Pal with a realistic TDEE – 500 calories daily goal and so far it’s working out pretty well.
I would have been SO PISSED to find my garden plot how you found yours!! RUDE!!!!
I think I would die if I tried intermittent fasting so I give you a TON of credit. As I type this it’s 6:45am and I’m starving – LOL!! But if it works – go for it!
I can’t believe that about your garden plot??? WTH?? Not cool…much like this weather – LOL!
Breakfast is my favorite meal so no on the fasting.
I do need to stop the daily ice cream intake.
My mileage is pretty low. You would not know that I have a half in sept and full in November.
But it’s summer. I’m trying to enjoy this short season
This is the first time I hear about the IF. But I think it is not for me.
Sorry for your garden plot.
About the body care, I must protect my skin with appropriate creams because I am a cancer survivor (melanoma)
I’ve heard great things about IF, but I haven’t tried it myself. I like breakfast too much!
Glad it has you feeling good. I’ve done it in the past and like it, but I’m not disciplined enough to keep it up in the long run.
Not a natural product person – sorry 🙁
I’ve been doing IF this whole calendar year: 14:10 on weekdays and 16:8 on weekends. It took a while, but I can run up to 10 miles and ride up to 2 hours fasted. I haven’t lost a lot of weight on the scale, but since I am also doing strength training 3x a week, I’ve lost more than 4 lbs. of body fat and put on muscle, so it has definitely helped me make changes in my body composition.
I started IF mid February so I am 5 months into it and still going strong. I do the 16 hours fast with an 8 hour eating window and I surprised myself by really liking it. I don’t see me stopping IF any time soon. The first week was definitely the hardest but not I really don’t get hungry any more until my eating window starts. Sometimes I am not even hungry at the beginning of the eating window so I just wait until I am. I used to be the type of person that would have to eat breakfast as soon as I woke up so it’s shocking to me that I like it so much. I have lost weight but I didn’t start IF to lose weight and I’ve also read that it shouldn’t be used to lose weight as you should still be getting in all of the calories you need just in a shorter window. Here’s my blog post about my last IF update if you are interested:
I haven’t tried Now’s deodorants. Don’t get me wrong, I still wear it but I’ve given up on it this summer. It’s just so BAD. Even my husband’s deodorant does nothing for me, lol. Doomed to a sweaty eternity.
I’ve done something similar to fasting but only for a few days. I know some people do get benefits from it but not me. At least you can say you gave it a try!
Also, sorry about your garden plot! I would feel the same way. Let me take care of my weeds, thank you!
I had to fast for a colonoscopy and that was torture! 🙂 Kudos to you for being able to do that. I didn’t know about the Zoomba training. Very cool! I am going away on vacation soon and I feel like my garden will either explode with veggies while I am gone (and I’ll miss out) or everything will shrivel up and die. Hopefully there will be something left when I return!
I know people who swear by IF. I didn’t get it so I did a lot of research. I think it can be great for overweight people and non-insulin dependent diabetics but not so good for athletes. I’m hungry after I run and am not willing to starve myself until noonish or eat them end up going to bed hungry. I’m curious to see how it works out for you. Keep us posted. 🙂