I’m in Atlanta this week, but don’t worry it’s plenty hot here too. Isn’t it always? Here’s how last week’s workouts went:
Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: Bike 15 miles + Strength
Wednesday: Run 2 miles + Swim
Thursday: Strength
Friday: Treadmill Run 3 miles cuz heatwave
Saturday: Strength + Swim
Sunday: Rest
Running continues to be virtually non-existent by design, and yes, I’m still enjoying the hiatus. At times like these when the weather is brutally hot, I’m especially grateful that I’ve got “other tools in my arsenal” to stay fit. I’m especially looking at you, swimming. I can’t say I enjoy swimming, but it’s a damn great skill to have…says the girl who needed to be rescued once upon a time.
Intermittent Fasting
The intermittent fasting (16 hr fast/8 hr eat) continued and was mostly better than the first week, except for one day when I was so hungry by 11am I threw down a few almonds.
I do find that most times, drinking water and staying busy will help keep me off that ledge.
The benefits far outweigh any hunger though:
- I’m sleeping better
- My brain is sharper and I’m less distracted/more productive
- I feel great: No indigestion, bloating, etc.
I still am not counting calories or macros and I haven’t weighed or measured myself so I’m not exactly sure of the results I’m getting. Plus there’s the issue of fewer aerobic workouts than when I was in marathon training, since I don’t run for longer than 30 minutes.
Other News
It’s been a flurry of activity here. We’re in that downward slide toward back-to-school. It’s bittersweet for sure.
We celebrated my FIL’s birthday for the third time. That 5 hour limo tour was the first, then the party for “all July birthdays”, and yet another one on his actual birthday. Overkill is one of Hurricane MIL’s superpowers.
I’m at orientation with Thing 1 at Georgia Tech. Can I say it again? I’m so stinking proud of her. They accepted 26 of her AP credit hours, which means she’ll start as a Sophomore.
This’ll be me again next summer
We celebrated Thing 2’s 14th birthday before she headed off to music camp. She asked me the other day when she could get her driver’s permit. Um…that would be this time next summer. I didn’t see that one coming. Time waits for no one.
Imposters. I needed a new series since there’s only one episode left of Big Little Lies and this recommendation from Allie is perfect!
Balegas with a View. My favorite sock company is running their #balegaswithaview contest. Show us your summer Balega adventures with a gorgeous view on Instagram, tag @balega_international and #balegaswithaview and you could win a Running Essentials Prize Pack valued at over $200.
Not Loving
The RnR Chi 5k crew from 2018.
It’s so hot here the Rock n Roll Chicago 5k was cancelled due to heat on Saturday. And Sunday it was freaking pouring with heavy thunderstorms. I swear this weekend in July is THE WORST for running.
Join us right here this Friday for a midsummer edition of the Runfession Friday Linkup!
How was your week? What non-running skill are you most proud of? When is back-to-school in your neck of the woods?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Super congrats to your daughter! That’s awesome that they accept all of those AP credits – what a huge accomplishment!
I heard about the cancellation of the RnR Chicago 5K yesterday. I’ve done that race 3 times and the weather is always an issue – brutally hot, super humid or rainy. They also canceled the NYC Triathlon this weekend too due to the heat. I just think July hates endurance events lol
OMG…Hurricane MIL!!! Totally almost made me wet myself ((almost)). You are dominating the swimming….can I have a drink of your Koolaid? I want to do a tri someday, but the whole swimming thing will be such an “out of my comfort zone” thing to battle. You’re my hero…. 😉 And, what is up with Chicago for the R’n’R? I ran the ReMIx in 2014, and it was equally as hot (but, no rain). Ugh, it’s jinxed LOL Also, huge congrats to the soon-to-be college sophomore!!
Congrats to Maddie! Matthew also had a ton of AP credits accepted (41?) and is entering the fall as a senior. LoL! He’s not going to graduate any time soon, tho.
i’ve been fighting weight gain as well. ugh! I’m really watching what I eat. I don’t think I could do intermittent fasting, but I’ve been eating a lot of salads and not snacking between meals. Work helps keep me distracted when I get hungry.
Have fun at GT and I’ll see you soon!
There was a big triathlon in NYC that was cancelled. Track at Saratoga was cancelled yesterday — although not today, and it’s still darn hot.
All the growing up at your house must feel really bittersweet.
I do love to swim. That pool yesterday . . . the water was still cool. Unfortunately an above ground pool so not really a lot of swimming done, but boy it felt good! I miss swimming!
Like I said, I only got 16 hours about one day a week. I don’t do well with fasted cardio and with this heat, that cardio has got to be done early, so fasting 16 hours every day — nope, not going to work for me. But glad to hear it seems to be paying off for you.
how amazing Thing 1 is starting as a sophomore!! I am sure you are super proud of her!!!
I’m glad IF is working for you – I think with my sh*tty sleep and likely quite some cortisol being produced that shouldn’t actually be there, it just wouldn’t work for me. Some days are really bad with hunger. I’m just happy that I am keeping it all in check (only had a blowout one day last week and I know it’s because I was overtired).
I am secondly a biker, for sure. I think if I had to stop running I would just start throwing thousands of euros towards bike equipment. At the moment I have a touring bike and I would definitely actually tour with the bike. I already dream of doing a couple of weeks tour just around the Netherlands, and then when the dreams get really big I’m cycling to Italy with everything I need on the back of my bike. I better learn how to change a tire before I do that though 😉
I think the kids go back to school end of August but not 100% sure. My stepdaughter has stopped her education for now and is going into business for herself. I love the gutsy move, but I do wish she would have finished her education. My stepson was accepted by the National Rail to become a train machinist and he’ll start end of August. I am keeping fingers crossed that he does well and that he likes it (he’s PDD-NOS and has actually been obsessed with trains his entire life) because working for the National Rail is a super good job with amazing benefits (and free train travel) and salary. The kids are now 21 and 18 so they are definitely out of the house (though didn’t live with us) but my stepson is with us about 40% of the time at the moment.
Huge congrats to your daughter! I can’t believe it’s already time for orientation! We’ve got until the end of August before school kicks in again.
I was surprised RnR canceled the 5K vs. just letting people walk it if necessary. And, how can it be a year already since that great meet-up?!
Have fun in Atlanta!
I liked intermittent fasting too. It seems like a “natural” way to watch calories to me. Bill and I usually run in the morning and I either do Body Pump, yoga, or some other fitness activity. It is often 11:00 until we get a shower an get home, so it is easy to not eat until then.
Too bad about R n R Chicago. That was a really fun half marathon. The year we did it, Susan Tedeschi was the singer at the finish line party. She was awesome! I love her!!!
I feel like they need to change the date of the RnR to fall or early spring. I watched both season of Imposters and loved it. Hoping they pick it up for a third season. I am also enjoying running less and doing other active things. It’s just not fun in the scorching heat. Wow way to go for your daughter!
Congrats to your daughter! I cant believe your younger daughter will be driving next year. This heat has been crazy. I’m surprised they cancelled a race due to the heat…it must have been really bad!
You have every reason to be proud of your daughters! What a great school! Glad the intermittent fasting is have good effects for you. Feeling good is worth the changes in habits.
Congrats to your daughter.
Glad that the intermittent fasting is working well.
Wise decision to cancel a race for the heat. I remember on Aug. 30th 1987, on occasion of the opening of the athletic world championships, there was the Vivicittà World, a run 12 km long but for a mistake of the organization the km. were 13.7 and the start was at 10:00 a.m.: you can imagine the troubles with all the heat and because of the mistake.
Yeah this weekend in July is crazy – ye they’re going to TRI again with the NYC Tri this year. I think they need another weekend, but it’s so hard permits wise.
Way to go on the IF _ although I’m not doing that, I completely agree with you on water and distracting yourself. Can’t recall if you do fizzy – but seltzer is even more of a distraction than flat for me
Crazy that it’s now possible to get a permit at 15 – here it was 16 when I was that age but has now gone older I think
Oh my gosh! Georgia Tech is a gorgeous campus!
And gah about the learner’s permit!!! Why do these kids keep growing up???
School starts for us on 8/9. I feel like we are literally in our last two weeks of summer and I’m suddenly in a panic to get in more fun things!
Wow, that’s quite a long celebration for the FIL 🙂 Eeks!
Congrats to your daughter!
Interesting to hear about the positive effects of the fasting!