I didn’t even realize it until a couple of days ago: The Fourth of July is bearing down on us! Oh June, you were so cold and wet…until you became oppressively hot…you didn’t really feel like summer at all. Here’s how this week’s workouts went. I’m sticking to my guns and keeping running miles low.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run 5 miles + Swim
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: Trail Run 4 miles + Swim
Friday: Rest (deep cleaned the house, still no cleaners)
Saturday: Bike 15 mile + swim
Sunday: Strength + 20min. stepmill + swim
I am blessed with gorgeous trails right out my back door.
Summer arrived in all its oppressively hot glory this week, punctuated by severe thunderstorms. It was so humid I traded my track workout for a short romp on shady trails. Did you happen to notice how many trips I made to the pool?
I even managed to get out for a rare crack-of-dawn run. The heat makes it mandatory.
After all the nice things it told me last week, my Garmin slapped me upside the head. In the first mile of my trail run it gave me a vicious -3. Later it decreased my VO2max by 2 points and called my effort “unproductive”. Honestly I couldn’t care less. Chalk it up to heat, humidity and hilly terrain. End of story. I’m just so grateful I’m not training for a marathon in this heat.
It’s party season here. It’s hard to keep your eyes on the greens when you’ve got birthday cake, cookie cake and cheesecake on the premises, not to mention #allthepartyfood when I’m not running #allthemiles. We celebrated Father’s Day and my dad’s 80th birthday. Earlier in the month my dad fell while he was home alone and couldn’t get up, so he had to lie there until his wife got home. Ugh. Thank heavens he didn’t hurt himself seriously. Both my dad and his wife would be much better off in assisted living, but so far convincing them of that has been unsuccessful.
Thing 1 turned 18. EIGHTEEN! To put that in perspective, she was 7 when I started writing this blog. Our celebration for her was semi-low key since I’d just thrown a mega-graduation party a few weeks ago. I didn’t plan on throwing a party of that magnitude again anytime soon
…or did I?…
Turns out I got a little FB message from one of Thing 1’s besties. They planned on throwing her a surprise party. Awesome, right?
They had a scavenger hunt all plotted out. Sounds fuuun….
But they needed help….with a couple of things. Oh? What’s that?
Could they have it at MY house?
Oh and they needed help with food….and drinks…..
So, in other words, THEY planned a party but wanted ME to throw it.
I wasn’t wild about throwing another party but how do you say no without looking like the ultimate ‘get off my lawn’ lady? Plus everyone will go their separate ways when they head off to college in about 6 weeks. So I sucked it up, dug deep, and threw another bash. Best of all she was surprised!
Glycine with an Ozzy photobomb
Glycine from Now Foods. Typically I have no problems sleeping, but lately there’s a pocket of time in the middle of the night where I wake, then can’t get back down for awhile. So annoying and I’m chalking it up to old lady hormones. Glycine is an amino acid that supports the nervous system and promotes restful sleep. Save $10 off your $40 order at Now Foods with MARCIANOW10.
Patriotic dragon Boardies
Free shipping on Spandits! Now’s a great time to load up on all the fun patterns because everything ships free until July 7. AND the Patriotic Dragon pattern (see above) is 20% off! Use SPANDISTLOVE to save an additional 10% and tell them Marcia sent you.
Not Loving
Heart disease is something that has been on the decline for several decades but since 2011 the incidence of it is increasing again. Why?
According to Dr. Mariell Jessup, Chief Science and Medical Officer at the American Heart Association, “It has to do with obesity, lack of a healthy lifestyle and the incidence of hypertension…combating obesity and hypertension is a war the country is losing.”
I’ve mentioned it here many times: My dad’s side of the family runs rampant with heart disease. It’s the reason I started running. In this case, I’m not worried about myself as much as my sister, who was just put on blood pressure and cholesterol meds.
On a positive note, 90% of cardiovascular disease is preventable:
Exercise more
Don’t smoke
Keep blood pressure under control
Maintain an ideal weight
I’ll leave you with this sunset. So pretty.
How was your week? Do you enjoy throwing parties? Are you in heat-avoidance mode?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I don’t throw a lot of parties, but they are good motivation to go in full-on clutter patrol and clear some of the crap away that keeps accumulating on my counters. You are the mom of the year…you realize that, right? June certainly did whiz right on by…and we have two birthdays in July (one of which is our soon-to-be 25-year old on July 5th. YIKES). Thanks for linking with us, Marcia 😉
I’m having that same sleep issue, so I’m interested to hear how the glycine works for you. I know GLG contains glycine too.
I hate to admit this, but I do not like to throw parties. I am such a perfectionist and when I have people over, I’m just a wreck, worried about everything. It’s really ridiculous, but you know me…
Beautiful sunrise! Funny, though probably a bit annoying story, about your daughter’s birthday party…Glad it all worked out 🙂
I might have to try Glycine…I usually don’t have trouble sleeping, but especially on Sunday night’s, I must have anxiety about the work week and often wake up.
I am an awful sleeper. Thanks for the tip.
I don’t often throw parties. Now you’re a pro.
Still haven’t been hot. Ask me in a week.
I love summer and subsets.
I am so not a party planner. I like coming up with ideas and having others execute it. I’m more like your daughter’s friends. Lol! I saw the news about heart disease too. I work in Cardiac Rehab and agree that it’s not going away anytime soon. The sad thing is that we are seeing younger and younger people everyday. When I first started doing this straight out of college, all of my patients were in their 70s, 80s. Now, the youngest I’ve seen is 30. Yikes!
Oh I am sure your daughter appreciated the party and your effort! My parents are the same age and we are celebrating my dad’s birthday this week. They are definitely slowing down as well. Hard to watch sometimes. Hang in there with the heat! I am loving the pool as well right now
I’m so glad to hear that your dad is okay after that fall but I can’t imagine how scary that was 🙁
Happy birthday to your daughter! It’s so cure that her friends wanted to throw her a surprise party…even if you had to plan it, LOL.
You are such a good mom! I absolutely HATE throwing parties but, I’ll do anything for my kids so I’m with you on that one. Looks like it was a lot of fun and, as they say, you will miss this!!
I love that you’re swimming so much and can’t blame you with this heat! I’ve been waking up early just to run these days and I can’t say I’m loving it…although I have been known to take a power nap in the afternoon to make up for it 🙂
I’m not surprised that heart disease is on the rise with all the obesity I see in the ED (and CA doesn’t have the highest obesity rate like Other states). Drugs play a big role too (meth) and I think smoking (e-cigs) is on the rise too.
That’s why we do what we do Marcia.
Looks like that deck is a great place for summer parties!
Lucky for me – most things are not vegan friendly, so I can resist temptation easier 🙂 Sorry you ended up throwing another party, but yeah it was a hard place to be in. I probably would have told them that food/drink are on them, but I am not as nice nor a mom so I can’t really say. I’ve never heard of glycine pills before but I am glad they are helping you sleep!
It’s been toasty and rainy here too! Just the usual summer weather so I’m just trying to roll with it. I don’t really like throwing parties and planning just isn’t my thing. Surprise parties make me nervous because I’m always scared that I’ll ruin it lol.
I try not to avoid the heat as it is supposed to be good for performance once you acclimate to it but I chose my times wisely. Obviously I’m going to try to get up early and avoid midday runs but sometimes it just happens!
I didn’t know that your GARMIN could call you unproductive. Not cool at all! Even though it is hot and steamy I am loving it. We don’t get enough of it hear in NH so I’ll take it.
The trail out your door is too beautiful, it is an invitation to run.
Glad dad is ok after the fall.
I am a professional sleeper, I succeed in sleeping everywhere and when I want.
Heart disease is an important topic: mom and grandpa died for this reason and yes, I exercise, I don’t smoke, the pressure is under control and the weight is ok.
I cringe at the thought of having to host anyone at my house. We desperately need to replace our carpet and I am a horrible hostess! That is so funny about your daughter’s friends – I could totally see this happening with my daughter! So glad she was surprised.
Oh the summer heat, haha! We are definitely in the midst of that here in Texas. We swim almost every day to cool off!!
I’m not a big party planner but have been attending a lot of BBQ’s and pool parties lately!!
I almost never throw parties. We used to have people over more but i guess I’ve gotten anti social. Or just don’t want to clean the house.
I sleep well most of the time, but when I don’t, it’s due to waking up too early & being unable to fall asleep.
My husband has been on high blood pressure meds for quite a few years. It’s a real struggle convincing him to eat semi-healthy, one I mostly fail at, although I have at least gotten him to eat a few more veggies (now if he would just stop with all the bread!).
So far the heat hasn’t gotten to me too bad. Mainly because I don’t have to run long or hard!
OK I’ll be ordering the Glycine today!
Huge kudos to you for rallying to throw another mega bash! I love how her friends planned it at your house – you’re a good sport and it’s great your daughter was surprised 🙂
Not so much of a party person anymore but I hardly have a reason to. My other half is extremely anti-social haha. It’s good that your daughter was surprised and had a fun time!
I’m SO glad I’m not marathon training in this heat. All my runner friends went back into training mode these last few weeks and I can’t even with how they are doing it. After two years of summer marathon training I’d say I deserve a break! I’m thinking of doing a spring marathon so hopefully the temps will be a little better when I get back into long runs.
I’m getting my miles in but mostly by walking in this oppressive heat and humidity. It’s brutal. I’m so glad we’re done with the big parties. I loved having them but the prep was exhausting. My eldest son is coming over today. His birthday is tomorrow. He’s getting a card and a cake. Period. Happy 4th!