Are you all settled in after the holiday whirlwind? I don’t officially return to the grind until the kids go back to school on Monday so let’s sit down and catch up over a virtual cup of coffee. I’m linking up with Deb and Coco for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2019.
If we were having coffee I’d ask you about your goals for the New Year. You probably know by now I’m not much of a resolutioner. I already told you how the New Year New You thing gets under my skin. You won’t find me tracking paces or mileage either. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to focus on areas where there’s room for improvement. At my recent DexaScan, my lean body mass was measured. With that information I can calculate exactly how much protein my body should get daily. Lately I’ve been mindful of my protein intake and too often it’s not even close to what’s ideal. Rather than weightloss, protein intake will be a focus this year.
Another thing I often struggle with is procrastination. Lately I’ve been waiting for it to get light, then I’ll wait longer for it to warm up a tad before heading out to run. Inevitably the kids will want something, the phone will ring or other obligations will crop up and my run will get pushed further back or sidelined completely. This is just one example. Procrastinating has a special way of interfering with many projects and tasks. This article offers good food for thought on what may be at the root of things like procrastination, over eating, laziness, anxiety, etc. I’ll be focusing on being more mindful of my time this year.
If we were having coffee, I’d ask you what races you’ve got on tap for 2019 so far. I’ve always used my first-ever half marathon as a bellwether for the popularity of running. When I signed up back on New Year’s Eve 2006, there was no urgency since registration stayed open for weeks. As running grew more popular, the race would fill faster and faster, peaking in 2011 when it sold out in just 15 minutes. Since then it’s been filling slower and slower. This year regular registration was open for a full day before filling and there are still some premium-priced VIP spots left. I suppose this could be a good thing…maybe Boston’s popularity will start to wane a bit.
If you read the MHS Facebook page, you already know I sort of blew a gasket the other day when I realized there are <60 days standing between me and the Tokyo Marathon. Over coffee I’d tell you I still don’t have a for-sure long-run shoe. Since my Mizunos betrayed me at Seawheeze, I’ve been back in my old Asics Nimbus. When I went to purchase a new pair, I noticed the reviews on the current version are horrible. Sooo I took a leap and ordered something completely different. I’ve had good luck with New Balance for speed and tempo work so I ordered a potential long run shoe from them. I’m not sure yet what I’ll do if those don’t work out.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you it’s a great time to stock up on Spandits. You get $10 off when you spend $50. Use SPANDITSLOVE to save an additional 10% and tell them I sent you.
What would you tell me over coffee? Do you get enough protein? What’s your fave shoe?
I’m linking up with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.
I want to be a magical, caffeinated unicorn!
Wow nice, long break for your kidlets. I think some of the NYC schools haven’t yet gone back either as subways haven’t been complete bananas.
Shoe anxiety here too – my Half is two weeks away and I think part of my recent achilles/knee/calf whining is my shoes are getting close to the 300 mile mark. They shouldn’t be toast, but they might be. I have a second pair of this model, but that’s it as they stopped making them and I have heard mixed things about the latest (New Balance Vongo 3). EEK
Off to follow your facebook, since I somehow wasn’t.
want to be a magical, caffeinated unicorn!
Wow nice, long break for your kidlets. I think some of the NYC schools haven’t yet gone back either as subways haven’t been complete bananas.
Shoe anxiety here too – my Half is two weeks away and I think part of my recent achilles/knee/calf whining is my shoes are getting close to the 300 mile mark. They shouldn’t be toast, but they might be. I have a second pair of this model, but that’s it as they stopped making them and I have heard mixed things about the latest (New Balance Vongo 3). EEK
Off to follow your facebook, since I somehow wasn’t.
I’m still rotating between my Mizunos and Brooks. For a while, I thought Mizunos were going to be my everything. Then I had a few bad runs in them. The Brooks have been serving me well now. Sigh…cue the music for “Torn Between Two Lovers…”
The shoe thing is a frustrating battle! For the moment, the Brooks Adrenalines are my #1; the past three versions of them all have felt great. Which means, it’s about time for the company to tweak them just a bit too much and throw ME into a tail spin. I do think some of my shoe battle is on me, though, because I’m running a lot more now than in years past (doing MANY more long-distance races) and I’m sure my form/stride has evolved.
I have also been working on more protein in my diet. Not so easy! I really want carbs 🙂 Not so excited about my shoes right now either. I may try the Brooks. It is a constant juggling with the shoes
I prefer cappuccino. My favorite shoes are Brooks.
Hopefully it’s not too late to chime in on this, but I’ve been wearing the Nimbus since 2015 (was previously in the Cumulus for 2013 and 2014) and have worn versions 16, 17, 18, and 20. I’m on my third pair of 20s right now (started in them two days ago!), and I have zero complaints. Well, I suppose I haven’t been IN LOVE with the color of any of my pairs, but that’s a pretty minor complaint, haha. I ran the marathon in them in October when they were nearly dead (I had about 320 miles on them at the time) and they certainly didn’t have a negative impact on my performance. I honestly haven’t noticed any difference between any of the versions. The 21 comes out a week from today, so if nothing else, the price is going to drop on the 20s very soon, or you could give the 21s a shot after next Friday. Obviously everyone’s feet/needs are different, but I wanted to throw that out there in case it helps to know that not all loyal Nimbus wearers have had problems with the 20s!
I get plenty of protein in my diet as I usually (when I’m being good) follow a low-carb diet and absolutely love red meat (I know, I know). I added the GLG into my daily regimen just to be sure! I am the Queen of Procrastination, and unfortunately, I’ve instilled that trait in all of my kids. We get things done, but are constantly under stress. I will have to check out that article. I have a few races lined up for the year – London and Chicago, a couple of halfs, and the Cherry Blossom 10-miler with some of the gang. Most looking forward to that one, of course! I can’t believe Tokyo is coming up so soon for you. You are going to nail it!
Funny I have the same goal when it comes to protein.
The shoe thing can be so frustrating! I’ve actually been meaning to hit my local run store for a fitting myself. I hope the New Balance are a win for you!
I hope you get your shoe thing straightened out. Changing shoes was traumatic for me 10 years ago. I had worn Saucony for years, then they changed the way they fit and they pinched my toes. Now I wear Nikes and love them. Couldn’t imagine wearing anything else, but it did take a while to get used to. I have a 3-hour timed race coming up this weekend and a 25k trail run in 2 weeks. It feels good to have races on my schedule again!
Always battling the shoe problem. I only wear NIKe Zoom Vomero and am afraid to switch but I wonder if there is something better out there for me.
I have registered for 5 half marathons already – the first being on Feb 10.
I am a better runner in the am but still have not been able to motivate myself to get out of bed and run in the cold darkness.
Excited to hear about Tokyo.
My favorite shoes have got to be Brooks Launch. I am such a procrastinator as well. Especially in the winter when it is always dark and cold out. I don’t make New Years Resolutions either, that way I am never disappointed when I don’t meet them…ha.
Oooh, the shoe battle can be so difficult! I’m a Saucony girl. I used to wear Asics many years ago but they don’t work for my feet anymore. I’ve also done New Balance but, I just stick with Sauconys. I hope it works out and you find the perfect pair!
I’m not down with the New Year, New Me mindset either. What’s wrong with me? Why do I have to become new? I’m also not a huge fan of people dieting for weddings but that seems to be a thing, too. I mean, I get wanting to look your best on your wedding day but if you look good enough to be loved and proposed to NOW, why do you have to look different THEN? IDK. *shrug*
I think I get plenty of protein. I can definitely tell when I don’t. But, I periodically check to make sure because sometimes carbs are just so delicious. lol
I’ve steered clear of Ascis for years. They used to be my go-to, and then were so unreliable. I hope NB works for you. I use them currently and I love my shoes!
I need to go read about your Dexascan. I’ve been offered the chance to do it and I’m kind of curious. And I suck at getting enough protein. I’d rather eat carbs… and not even complex ones. Sigh.
I agree with you on the New Year, New You thing, there is never a better time to start a healthy fitness plan than now. You don’t have to wait for a new year to do it.
I heard that most people who make resolutions break them in the first 12 days. Crazy!
Good luck finding a new shoe! I’ve been lucky with my Brooks Adrenalines.
I should probably work on getting some more protein into my diet too!
My favorite shoes are kinda between Nike Pegasus + Saucony Ride!
I love the article you posted about ego-dropping. I think just becoming more aware of whatever situation you are in makes it easier to NOT let time or emotions get away from you. Easy to say. I’m the worst when it comes to just taking a moment out to chill and be aware of what is going on.
I don’t like new year new me either. I’m ok with new year new goals, however, my goals for the new year are pretty much the same but maybe in a shinier jacket. Like Wendy said in her post, isn’t it better to just develop good habits and then stick with them? All the dieting stuff drives me insane though. But one thing you won’t find me mad about at all is more people in the gym. Even if it’s kind of an inconvenience to me at that time, we all started somewhere at some point in the year. Not knocking anyone doing that (besides i tend to do classes anyway and then get there early so I can get a spot I like).
I did have some luck with NB some time ago after I switched from Nike Vomeros, only I didn’t have as much toe room and was getting black toenails… not saying that will happen to you, I had insoles as well and that could have been the problem. I’ve been in Altras forever now it seems – but I have slightly changed model because I wanted to try without insoles. Long story short, I probably need them (I do) but I want thinner ones so that I don’t have to go a whole shoe size up. I think that was what was causing me incredible pain last year. Finding the right shoe is so very hard. Did you get a running form analysis done or go to someone who can actually help you find the right shoe for you?
really excited for you for Tokyo but MAN that went fast!
Interesting on the race. I wonder if it’s because racing is less popular or there are just more races to choose from? I’ve signed up for my three spring 10 milers and a half on my birthday in November. I’m doing OK in my Mizunos, but also have Brooks I use for shorter runs and Orange Theory. Shoes are expensive and the wrong shoes can cause injury, so it’s for good reason that we stress over them!