I’m not one to wish away time, but I runfess I’m relieved to wrap up January. Lots of things went on here that made the first month of the year sort of a cluster. Amidst it all, this blog turned 10. That’s right, 10 years old. I started it to chronicle training for my first Boston Marathon back in 2009. Let’s let that sink in while we sit down over a cup of something HOT and catch up. I’m joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date Linkup.
Over coffee I’d undoubtedly tell you about or commiserate with you about our ridonkulous cold snap. The last time I experienced temperatures this far below zero (-25 with -55 wind chill) I was in college. Now, as a homeowner, I worry about broken pipes and potential power outages. Maybe the biggest challenge is getting the dog out to do his business. Basically if Ozzy can’t “pull the trigger” so to speak within a minute, he’s SOL cuz it’s too darn cold to be out any longer than that. Now we know what it feels like in Antarctica. I am especially grateful for the heated seats and steering wheel in my car.
Where’s that bubble? Over coffee I’d tell you the Caveman has had a real doozy of a cold for a whole week already, which is extremely rare for him. I’d also tell you that I’m taking all precautions to avoid it because, with my two longest runs of the Tokyo Marathon training cycle ahead of me, being sick is the last thing I need right now. 30 days until the Tokyo Marathon. How can this be?!
Over coffee I’d tell you Thing 2 nailed her flute solo at her recital this week and her Solo & Ensemble Contest is this weekend. If you played an instrument in school do you remember those? It will definitely interfere with my long run on Saturday since we have to be there by 7:30am, but it’ll be fun nevertheless.
Over coffee I’d tell you I did not give up on Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up series and I’m glad I didn’t because it’s gotten better. I watched an episode where a Los Angeles couple needed help decluttering and the wife kept saying to Marie “work your magic” but was unwilling to get rid of a single thing. Marie assured her the “magic” wasn’t Marie at all. She was merely a facilitator. The woman needed to do the “magic”. This resonated with me on many levels. How many times do we hire someone or buy a book or join a challenge, then either fall off track or never get around to doing the work? This was a great reminder that if you want change, you do indeed need to do the work. It likely will not be easy but it will be worth it!
Will I be desperate enough to wear vintage Asics to Tokyo?
Over coffee I’d tell you I still don’t have a long run shoe for Tokyo. I returned the New Balance 1080s and exchanged them for the new version of Asics Nimbus, despite their poor reviews. While waiting for them to arrive, I’ve been using the super old Asics Nimbus I ran the Indy Monumental Marathon in back in 2016. In the event I still don’t have a suitable long run shoe, I’ll wear those in Tokyo too. Maybe that’s more of a runfession.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m linking up with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.
Over coffee I would tell you I can’t wait for this polar vortex to move on outta here! 🙂 I dislike the treadmill and want to be outside! 🙂
Happy blogaversary! 10 years is a long time in the blogging world.
I’m so glad your home reno is done. We need to lunch! Let me know if you can squeeze me in this Thursday.
Happy blogaversary! 10 years is a long time in the blogging world.
I’m so glad your home reno is done. We need to lunch! Let me know if you can squeeze me in this Thursday.
PS: I can’t comment using my gmail address. Akimset got me again…
10 years blogging – time does fly by! Congrats to your daughter and good luck fitting in your long run. I got no advice on the running shoes. I’m sure your old one are good for another 26.2?
I still have not jumped on the Marie Kondo wagon….I have so much clutter, it would be scary to have to face my reality (avoidance, anyone?). Yay for the daughter on her flute accomplishments! I played the flute (as did my oldest daughter), and she was impressed I still knew how to hit the high notes. Good luck with your shoe dilemma…at least you still have a few weeks….
That vortex is why I have decided to spend this winter in Florida. LOL
Happy Blogiversary!
I’m glad that you gave the show another chance! I agree that a lot of the concepts she discusses can be applied to other things in life, not just decluttering.
I tried to get into the Marie K show and I thought it was kind of boring. Maybe I should give it another try. That is a hilarious meme. We really can’t complain too much about the cold bc we have it so much better than you all! Stay warm it is almost over. Wow how is Tokyo only 30 days away?! Thanks for joining for coffee today
I feel like I must be the only person who has not watched this Marie Kondo show – but given the way my home office looks, perhaps I need to! LOL!
Can’t believe Tokyo is just 30 days away – how exciting!!
Congrats on your blogaversary – 10 years, wow!
I watched the first episode of Tidying but haven’t watched more. I watch a couple of shows in the evening with Mr. Judy and typically don’t watch much during the day, unless I’m running or walking on the treadmill — and both have been going on a lot these days!
Thankfully I just send the dogs out into the backyard. There are no walks at these temps (which are far warmer than yours), and Lola is back in sweaters. Bandit rarely needs one and has a tendency to work his way out of them.
I feel your pain on the shoes for the race. Thankfully mine is only a half, but I love my Newtons for racing. Totally freaking love them. I knew last year that I had such a tough time finding any. Turns out that while they’re technically still in business, the partners split and as far as I can tell that’s pretty much it. There are none in my size. I got desperate enough to buy a pair of men’s shoes, but even though it was the same model and it did fit, it just doesn’t feel the same. I do have a few pairs that aren’t too worn so I have to decide which to bring with me now. And now I totally have to find new shoes for racing/ running long. 🙁
I played flute for a short time in school but gave it up because I didn’t see it in my future as a rock star. Lol. I switched to guitar but unfortunately I don’t put in the time to practice. If I dedicated the same time to my music as I do to running I would be a rock star. LOL.
I am amazed that you can put in the miles with this crazy weather you are having. Truly dedicated and inspiring!
Wow, I can’t believe you have been blogging for 10 years! How did you manage to stay consistent? Or did you ever have a time where you were on a break longer than normal?
So true on needing to do the work for the magic to happen!
Re: shoes – maybe you need to try different socks!?
10 years – that’s awesome! Time flies!!
Ten years is awesome! I bet it’s neat to occasionally take a look back at old things you’re written. I honestly can’t imagine what it must be like to be living in an area affected by the vortex. Texas is very mild so I know I can’ complain. I actually like the 1080s but have never tried Asics. I hope they work for you as you are indeed getting close to race day!
Wow! 10 years?!?! That’s 9 years longer than me. I began blogging 1 year ago this month. I am so glad I missed most of the polar vortex by visiting my sister in Florida this past week. We did drive home today through a snowstorm, though. It snowed all the way from DC to PA Ugh! Hope you get your long run shoe worked out. I swear by Nike Air Pegasus!
Yay on Thing 2’s recital. I played flute & clarinet briefly. I have zero musical talent and went back to languages.
Funny re: your last one, I was shoe shopping tonight because I’m into my last pair of Vongo2s out of desperation. They put me in 860s and I’m hoping they work, because I have no ideas left. THe last Vongo2s will get me through the Florida Half but probably not NYC and I need a solution for November
Stay safe in this awful cold
Congrats on your daughter’s successful solo and concert! I grew up playing the clarinet. Never had solos because I didn’t practice! I sort of just got by. I enjoyed singing much more. My parents were very supportive and came to all of my concerts, recitals, and shows. My mom still comes to my 4th grade chorus concerts once in awhile, even though I’m all grown and the leader of the choir instead of IN the choir!
Congrats on your ten-year blogiversary! I just celebrated my sixth.
Here’s hoping you can stay clear of your hubby’s germs! My husband gave me his Christmas cold the day before New Year’s Eve. LOL