10 weeks of Tokyo Marathon training are on the books. That means only 6 weeks remain. Take out 2 or 3 weeks for taper and that leaves me with 3-4 weeks to get some serious long runs under my belt. To be blunt: It’s crunch time. Before I get to the Protein French Toast, let’s talk about running.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run 6 miles (tired)
Wednesday: Strength-core-prehab
Thursday: Run 3 miles
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Strength-core-prehab
Sunday: Run 16 miles (6 in the snow, 10 on the mill)
It was not the best of weeks. To be honest it was another shit show. Running, again, was very much on the back burner. I got very sad news that a longtime running friend who’d run Boston 2009 with me committed suicide.
Carlo, our 19 yr. old Wonder Dog had been declining since the New Year and became unable to keep food down. He grew weaker by the day and I secretly hoped he’d pass on his own overnight. By Wednesday I had to make the very hard decision to put him down, which we did on Thursday. I could not have dreamed of a sweeter, gentler little soul and wonderful companion for all those years. At age 19, he was among the oldest Bichons on record, which is pretty cool, but it sure doesn’t make saying goodbye any easier. Cheers to an amazing life!
Fun workout gear lifts the spirits. These tights are from Marika. Stay tuned for a full review.
The stress took a toll on me and as the week wound down, I felt on the edge of a cold, which, knock wood, never fully developed. But I can feel my immune system fighting. I ended up bagging Friday’s run and doing some gentle yoga instead. I think it was a wise decision
We were excited for Thing 2’s Flute Academy recital on Saturday, however the “dusting” of snow in the forecast morphed into a snowstorm. Roads were a mess and the recital was cancelled. Sigh.
Bright Spots
Strolling the Georgia Tech campus on our visit last summer.
Thing 1 is in the college admission process and was accepted to Georgia Tech this week, which is one of her top choices. This was a huge confidence boost for her and we could not be more proud. She’s waiting to hear from a handful of other schools before she makes her final decision, but with a sweet offer from Georgia Tech, the stress is off.
Thing 2 announced she’s no longer eating meat. This did not come as a total surprise and I fully support her decision. However I am scrambling for alternate, soy-free, protein sources. I’ve been leaning hard on NOW Foods Pea Protein. It’s great for smoothies, protein bites and gives pancakes and french toast a protein boost. Here’s how I make the French Toast. Super easy.
Forgive me this pic is not the prettiest. The French Toast is smothered in warm cinnamon apples. Trust me they’re more delicious than they look.
Protein French Toast | Print |
- ½C Milk of your choice
- 2-3 slices bread of your choice
- ⅓C Now Foods Pea Protein Powder
- 1 Egg
- Splash of vanilla extract (optional)
- Fruit, Maple Syrup for topping, optional
- Butter for pan
- Melt butter in large pan.
- In a bowl whisk together milk, protein powder, egg and vanilla extract.
- Coat each slice of bread in the mixture individually and lay on hot pan over medium heat to cook.
- Flip after a minute or two until golden brown.
- Serve hot, with toppings of your choice.
How was your week? Any tips for a new vegetarian that doesn’t really eat veggies?
I’m so sorry for your challenging week. How awful re: your friend and your pup. Gentle hugs. You need a break
Congratulations on the GT acceptance. I remember that relief. It was right around now too. I had a yes from my top and my safety school. A few weeks later I had the $ offer from my number one and my decision was essentially made.
Mmm french toast.
I love Marika leggings. Look forward to detail on these
You sure did have a challenging week! So sorry for your losses. So your daughter is a veggie!? I do eat a lot of eggs and beans and those are my primary sources of protein. Beyond Burgers are also made from pea protein and I really like them. Also has she tried tempeh and tofu?
Marcia, I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend and your pup.
Wonderful news about GT! Nice to have the pressure off!
Here’s to a much better week!
Oh Marcia..it’s been a rough week for you 🙁 I’m so sorry for all of the hard things that you’ve been going through these past few weeks. Sending you lots of prayers and positive energy. Hang in there.
Congratulations to your daughters! Getting accepted into college is such an amazing achievement, especially one of your tope choices. Kudos to your younger daughter for making the decision not to eat meat. I don’t know if I could have made such a major decision at that age!
That French Toast looks amazing, and I love that its topped with warm cinnamon apples – yum!
So sorry to hear about your friend. And Carlo. Sheesh, it was a week!
#1 getting into GT is HUGE. Congrats on that. Will the concert be rescheduled? ALL the schools here are canceled tomorrow and probably will be for a few days.
I noticed you run 3 days a week. I am contemplating moving down to 3 days a week from 4. Have you always run 3 days a week or is this something newer? I like the freedom of running 3 days and doing 2 days of cross fit but I am always scared I am not going to get enough miles to run whatever race I am wanting to do.
Oh, Marcia, what a tough week. So sorry to read about your runner friend and Carlo. Sending good thoughts your way, my friend.
So exciting to read about your Tokyo training. Not sure if I told you that I have a friend running Tokyo too. She is the one I did Berlin with last year and Boston with in 2009. I think her longest run so far is 13 miles, but she will be ready. I should send her your blog’s url so that she can read about your training.
Oh Marcia. So sorry for all the #shitshow stuff you’ve been dealing with. So very sorry. I’m so impressed with your 16-miler, though. Six miles in the snow, and then 10 on the mill? We both know that would have morphed into a snowy 6-miler for me, and I’d be back home with a hot chai shortly thereafter…with all my snow-covered clothing air drying on ‘Milly. Hugs to you <3
My goodness, what a week, so sorry to hear about your friend and your dog. Both are devastating.
For the dog, that’s incredible that he was one of the oldest on record! Bichon’s must live long lives – 19! Amazing.
Tokyo is coming up quickly! You’re going to have a blast!
10 miles on the treadmill? It was tough for me to do 6, so kudos. I’m so sorry about your week. I’ve had pets I wished would pass in their sleeps, but they hold on. It always makes it tough.
Oh Marcia! I’m so sorry about your dog. That is just horrible. At least you had some really good news to help pick you all up a bit.
And I absolutely LOVE making protein waffles. I will have to try the NOW pea protein as that is new to me.
I hope this week is MUCH better for you and you can get some runs in. Six weeks away? Wow!!
Gosh, what an awful week. First your running friend and then gorgeous dog. 19 is a very good innings but as you say its never easy. We lost 2 of our 4 in 2018 and even though it was time, it still felt yuck. Sending lots of love and hugs. (PS: So glad about your daughter’s college admission! What a relief that must be for you and her alike!)
I’m so sorry about your running friend and your dog. Another rough week is not what you needed. Here’s to a much better rest of 2019!! Sending good vibes!
So sorry it’s been such a crappy week, and especially sorry about Carlo! We had to put our dog down in 2011 and it was absolutely heart-wrenching. Here’s to better things to come in the new year!
Geez, what a week for you! I didn’t know about your friend. How sad.
But good news about Maddie! Congrats to her!!!
So sorry to hear about the down parts of your week. I’m glad you had some good news about your daughter. My daughter is a sophomore in high school right now. College hunting will be on our agenda in the not so distant future! yikes. Very exciting you are running Tokyo. I can’t wait to hear about that trip/race!
What a week! So sorry for the loss of your friend and your dog.
10 miles on a treadmill??! How did you do it? Watch TV? Listen to a book? The most I ever did was 4 or 5 and it was brutal!
Oh Marcia. I am so very sorry about your friend. This is so heartbreaking. I am still mourning my friend Lucy who also took her life and it’s been a few years. You must have felt so shocked to hear the news. And I’m very sorry about your doggie. Also heartbreaking. I really hope that things will look up for you very, very soon. xx
Wow, you are really due for some good stuff in your life. That long run counts double cause I think it’s tougher in the snow! Things will turn around, I’m sure of it, but of course the mourning just takes time. I always wish my furkids would go on their own, and they never do. Darlene would definitely agree that it doesn’t make it any easier. No matter how it happens, saying goodbye is heart wrenching. 🙁
That’s awesome that your daughter got into her first pick, though — that definitely lets off a whole lotta steam!
Here’s to a better week. I could use some good news over here,too!