2018 why are you slipping away so fast? Since October is mostly in the rear view and the holidays are coming up way too fast, it’s time to open the Runfession Friday Linkup once again to bare our souls and soles. Let’s get started, shall we?
What would Runfession Friday be without a gym locker room story?
I runfess the weirdos in the gym locker room just won’t quit. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a prude of the highest order but the other day there was a woman enjoying her nudity way too much. She dried her hair in the buff, put on her makeup in the buff and then proceeded to apply lotion from the pump dispenser that sits up along the mirror on the sink counter. She’d stand there and fill one of those cups intended for mouthwash with lotion then proceed to slather it everywhere. She did this 3 or 4 times, making sure to coat all body parts including each of her butt cheeks with the stuff. Makes you think twice about ever touching those lotion pumps doesn’t it?
While I’m not a fan of kids in the women’s locker room (there’s a family locker room, why wouldn’t you use it?) I runfess I found it especially humorous when a little girl pointed and shouted to her mom (and everyone else) “Mommy why is that lady rubbing cream on her butt?!”
I runfess I’ve blackballed all of my Mizuno shoes since the Ground Beef Foot debacle that happened in the rain at Sea Wheeze. Actually I tried to run in my Wave Riders (which I did not wear to Sea Wheeze) about a week post-debacle and even they immediately aggravated the parts of my feet that had been ripped open. That leaves me in a quandry. What will my long run shoe be as I start training for Tokyo? I’ve been using my old Asics and they’ve been great. Should I get new Asics Nimbus and call it good? Or perhaps do some experimentation with New Balance? Does this mean Mizuno and I are breaking up…again?
I runfess I’m sort of jelly of all the fun NYCM themed running gear that’s showing up all over the internet. Brooks, Asics, Altra and New Balance all have special-edition NYCM shoes. Where was all this fun stuff back in 2014 when I ran NYCM? Where were the cute lobster shoes when I ran Boston? There’d better be something amazing for Tokyo and London. Hear that gear people? AMAZING!
Good luck to everyone running the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend! I’m so excited for you! Alright your turn: What have you to runfess? Do you have any race-specific shoes?
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

Oh gosh…those locker room weirdos. What are they thinking? (obviously, they’re not!) I hear ya on the race-themed shoes. They never have them in my model. Oh well…first world probs aside, I’m not bitter.
It’s so hard when your go-to shoe stops working out! I’ve been in Brooks forever but when I was having foot issues I tried to switch things up. Nothing else worked as well for me. Your locker room stories are always interesting! That’s funny that the little girls said something.
I am laughing so hard at your gym locker room story. Some people are just straight up odd! I also agree with you about the cute sneakers for NYCM. I love the Brooks ones and wish I was running this year so I could buy them!
Why is there always inappropriate nudity happening in any locker, anywhere in America at any given time? It never ceases to amaze me!! And we have BIG signs on the locker room doors about any kids over 7 should be in the family locker room. I mean, why wouldn’t you??? I use it when I’m by myself sometimes because it’s just safer – LOL!! That meme is everything.
Good luck with the running shoes!! It’s so hard.
Your gym crazies so beat mine! LOL! Seriously what was that woman thinking?!
I am liking my new Mizuno Wave Inspires better than the past model. Who knew?
That locker room is the gift that keeps on giving!
I am trying to figure out why she bothered to dispense it into a cup. And I really did LOL at the little girl’s comment. Why indeed! I’ve got my own locker room runfession today.I guess I shouldn’t have promised it will be my last! So odd the Mizunos turned on you! I hope you find the right shoe asap!
I switched to Newton when Mizuno and I broke up. I haven’t looked back! They have a wide toe box, they’re super comfy, and the colors are bright and vibrant.
I had a lady at my gym doing something similar. I guess when you get to be a certain age you just have zero F’s to give!
Hopefully you’ll find cute shoes for London & Tokyo & find the right pair! Why are running shoes so damn hard? Or do we just complain too much? Think of what they used to run in!
Remind me never to go to the gym with you. 😊
I have been running in abrooks Launch for years and I love them. I tried Mizunos but they seem to have a narrow toe box for my foot. My sister on the other hand loves them.
I do love your gym locker room stories. I always see someone walking around nude or rubbing lotion on themselves. I stopped going in the sauna bc people were doing weird stuff in there like shaving their legs. Thanks for the linkup
I am giggling from that story! Such a great story teller you are.
No one has cute stuff for MCM. Heck, the stuff Brooks made as the official MCM gear is meh. I don’t think I’ve ever put lotion on my butt, but I’ve certainly never done it in room with other people…
I runfess that I’m glad I don’t go to the gym in the burbs 😉
Bummer about the Mizunos! Maybe try different socks? I changed to thinner socks with my Mizunos and they’ve been A-OK
Ha! I am not a fan of kids in the locker room, either, but that little girl was right on. It reminded me of the time I was sitting in a high school gym with 300 other runners, waiting for a marathon to start, and the guy beside me started clipping his toenails as he was talking to me! That was much too…um, intimate for me!
My hubby wants the Brooks NYC shoes, but I told him he has to run the marathon first. One of the majors we have never done! 🙂
The NYCM stuff is great, but I wish New Balance would come out with them in the line of shoes I wear. Maybe they’re waiting for when I actually run it.
Locker room nudity doesn’t bother me – too much time in soccer locker rooms, but I can never do it myself. I also don’t understand how they can go barefoot
I thought you were going to say after she filled the cup she went to apply it privately. Why continue to stand there? I have to admit I’m a little envious of people with that kind of self confidence about their body.;-)
I wear Saucony but my last pair were a little snug for long runs so I wwore my Asics for the marathon and didn’t have any issues.
I’ve been loving New Balance, and it is a pain when you have to look for another shoe brand and model. How are your feet doing now with some recovery?
And I definitely do not miss the locker room. That’s a plus for having everything at home.
Yeah the locker room situation is too much. Walking around naked is meh but the lotion and all the other stuff? That’s too much for me lol.
I’m not running NYC but I’m tempted to buy the cute shoes. I never have fancy shoes during the races I choose so I may just have to buy some for a random race.
When I went to the Y, I did not upgrade to the private adult only locker room (mainly because at the time I couldn’t afford it) and I was always scared of seeing students in there. I think teachers should automatically get to use the private locker room for free because neither students NOR teachers want to be in an awkward situation!
Now I go to Planet Fitness exclusively so there are no children. However, I noticed that people don’t really get naked in the locker room, which surprised me. I mean, I wouldn’t walk around naked or anything, but I would change at the bench by my locker. But since no one else was doing it, I felt weird, so I go into one of the private changing stalls.
Is the family locker room a limited set of rooms? Dads with kids over three or so have no choice but to use these, and at my gym, they always fill up. My husband hates taking the girls to swim because he has to wait in line with cold grumpy kids. It’s also really hard to use the regular locker room with a baby or toddler in diapers. I remember how frustrating it was when my kids were babies, and they’d be screaming half the time after swim, and sometimes I couldn’t get a family locker room. I always use the regular locker room with my kids so that the family rooms are available for dads and people with babies who really need it.
That sounds like the worst of the worst locker room encounters!! But that GIF is perfect bahaha