As I type I’m at T minus 1 week. That’s code for Tokyo Marathon training officially starts in one week. ONE. WEEK. I was getting my head around kicking off training for London at the end of December. Starting Tokyo next week does not compute. First world problems. At least it’s not horribly cold out yet.
This week in (pre)training was lame-o if you ask me. Better to be lame-o now than during “official” training, right? Here’s what went down:
Monday: Rest, well let’s call it bit ‘o yoga
Tuesday: Trail Run 2 miles
Wednesday: Run 5 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 10 miles
Sunday: CrossFit
Remember last week when I shared with you what my “ideal” mix of workouts is for marathon training? You’ll notice this week did not even approach ideal. I got my runs in, sort of….but all that talk about cycling and yoga and strength? Yeah not so much.
The area where I most need to improve going forward for marathon training:
Time management
But wait, it’s not all my fault. It’s no secret we’re in the middle of home renovation hell. On Friday I was waiting for someone to come over to measure for a quote. He said he’d call “first thing” and probably be over “mid-morning”. So I waited…and waited…and waited. He finally called at 11:15, showed up about 90 minutes later, then spent over 2 HOURS measuring. We’ve had other people here to measure/quote take as little as 5 minutes but an average of about 20 minutes.
By the time he finally left, the window of time I had to workout had slammed shut. It was time to head over to the middle school pickup line and assume my kid wrangling/chauffeuring duties. I was beyond irritated to waste an entire day waiting.
About that village…
If you saw my Instagram, you know there’s an issue with my hip. Ever since I tweaked it in the first mile of the Sea Wheeze half while running on wet, uneven pavement, it hasn’t been right. While I don’t think of it as an injury (yet), it’s not 100%. It’s fine when I’m not running but when I do, a dull ache starts on the side of my hip then radiates around to the glute then down my right hamstring. After an hour or so it seems to subside mostly but not completely. This hip issue is the reason I’m not too sad about the extra rest day and the 2-mile run. Part of my marathon training “village” will be my trusty sports Chiro, Dr. Miracle who I’m seeing this week. Gotta head off any issues right at the pass.
In addition to the handiwork of Dr. Miracle, I’m also planning to get sports massage/myofascial release on the regular. It’s something I always mean to do, but rarely get to. We’ll see how that goes.
In other news, it was a week of closing
All but a handful of tomatoes remain after extensive saucing and salsa-ing
I closed up my garden for another year. Overall it was a good year on that front, although it depends how you look at it. It was among the best ever for tomatoes and hands down without question the best ever for cucumbers. Heat will do that I guess. While I enjoyed bumper crops of tomatoes and cukes, nothing else grew, unless you count the herbs I grew in pots on the deck. No beans, no peas, oh and there was one zucchini plant apparently on birth control that yielded exactly three zucchinis.
I’ll miss those lazy warm days of summer
I also closed the deck, probably my favorite summer space. It’s never as fun to haul in all the planters, furniture, etc as it is to drag them out there but it’s gotta be done.
Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend! How was your week? What components do you add to a training cycle?
I think its good to take it easy before starting a training cycle. Mentally it helps me to get ready to really start training. I hope Dr. Miracle can help to get rid of that hip issue before training starts!
Waiting around for service/contractors is the absolute worst!! I’m so sorry that happened. And we had to close up our deck too and we barely used it this summer since the weather was horrible…or we were traveling.
Hope your Dr. Miracle works his magic on your hip. You don’t want to START marathon training with that issue!! Hope this week is a better one for you 🙂
If the hip flares up, you should try Fluid Running (Water Running with facilitated workouts). Becca did a ton for Berlin b/c she was injured. I really like the workouts, too!
Contractors are the worst. I’ve been trying to get Neal to agree to some work here and he’s not having it!! too much hassle.
This is definitely the time to take it easy. Grrr on the contractor. I hope his measurements were very accurate! I hope your hip issue gets better ASAP!
We haven’t closed the deck yet but that most likely will happen this weekend. Funny how that sneaks up on you!
If anyone can fix your hip, it’s Dr Miracle!!!
Hope you can get the hip behaving soon!
Contractors are the worst. I swear they are never on time.
Sounds like you have a good game plan to tackle your hip. I’m sure Dr. Miracle will be able to help!
I would also be irked at waiting around for the service guy like that. I hate when people don’t value other peoples time. I think that’s one of my biggest pet peeves!
Zucchini on birth control. I love that phrasing.
We’d thought about helping mom close her porch this weekend, but it’s to be 70 this week so maybe not.
Good luck with the hip
I enjoy those weeks where I can be flexible, before training starts. It does allow for some wiggle room in case the universe decides to throw some curve balls. I hope your Dr. Miracle can help that hip. I have my chiro appointment on Thursday and I’d like to check out what this new place offers.
Sounds like a little rest is just what you need before starting your training plan. I am excited for you!
I can’t get my hip back to 100%. It is back to being a manageable issue, but I don’t think it has the ability to be 100% anymore. Aging is not for the weak. I’m interested in hearing what Dr. Miracle does for your’s. I definitely like to add in cardio via the bike when marathon training, usually working up to around 80-90 minutes. I still need some of your luck to rub off on me, please. Thanks for linking!
I hope Dr. Miracle can work his magic on your hip. My hip/hammy continues to wear on me – no bueno 🙁
Working with contractors exhausts me! Just keep telling yourself it will all be worth it in the end.
Hope your hip feels better soon!! As you know, my big add to my 26.2 training this past cycle was the HIIT workouts. Although my finish time was not within my “goal” range, those $%&# NC hills were treacherous…I have to believe all the HIIT work paid off in that it conditioned me for (almost) anything and it helped sustain my energy and endurance. Best of luck with these two big races!!!! I”m so excited to follow your progress and cheer you on each week 😉
I find it hard to balance everything we “should” do even for a half. You do what you can. Waiting on contractors is the worst. 🙁
I didn’t get zucchinis either. I eventually just picked them out & threw them away. I grew some pepper plants, but for the first time ever, the frost moved in before the peppers got to actually grow. 🙁 My garden was kind of a bust.