Our Tuesdays on the Run Linkup is all about fall running. Does your running schedule change with the leaves? Or are you consistent all year long?
Fall Running
My running schedule changed back on August 13 when the kids headed back to school.
Gone was that delicious window of time to run at the crack of dawn. Not easy to get up and out for but I’m always SO grateful when I do.
Also gone was the availability of the middle school track. There’s no greater feeling of accomplishment than conquering a brutal speed workout before most people are even out of bed.
Don’t cry for me Argentina, I still have plenty of running options open. I work mostly at home so I can pound the pavement as soon as I get the kids off to school, although there’s traffic to deal with and the heat can be a total buzzkill.
Once marathon season ends…that’s after the Philly Marathon on November 18 for me….my running schedule will change again, although at this point I’m not quite sure how.
IF by some miracle I get into the Tokyo Marathon, which takes place in early March, I’ll take a brief cutback before ramping up training for that.
IF by an even greater miracle I get into the London Marathon, which takes place in late April, I’ll take a slightly longer cutback, or as we like to say in these parts, RUNBATTICAL, before ramping up for that.
IF I get into neither, the plan is to give running a hard prune and really focus on strength training for the winter. Truth be told, it is where my body is happiest right now.
Let the record show that if, in the highly likely event, I am jilted by both Tokyo and London, there are rumblings from the peanut gallery that perhaps a rebound marathon should be in order. Paris anyone? The jury is out on that one.
What does your fall schedule look like? Will your training ramp up? Change gears?
This week's writing prompt: How will your running schedule change this fall? If you don't have anything to share about your running schedule, feel free to post any running related blog post. Link-up with Patty, Erika, and Marcia!
Kimberly Hatting says
Fingers crossed (and all those toes, too) that you get into at least one of these big races….I’ll be sending good vibes your way My fall running hasn’t changed much…other than it’s gotten substantially darker and cooler, so I’m not enjoying as much daylight or “summer” clothing.
Lisa @Mile by Mile says
At least it should be starting to cool off a bit now so running a little later in the morning shouldn’t be too bad! I hope you get into at least one of those races. And Philly is always a good time!
Shathiso says
When my kids were on holiday, I discovered the joys of running as the sun was rising – such a beautiful experience! But they are now back at school which means I have to go back to evening runs, not as nice but I will continue with this until other options open up. Crossing fingers you get Tokyo or London – and if not, I vote for Paris! LOL! How exciting all those options would be!
Wendy says
I was just laying in bed thinking about running…and reconsidering my fall plans to run one more half marathon. Like you, I’m really enjoying strength training and cross training. Running? I may need a little runbattical. We’ll see…
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
Now that I have a race or two on the horizon I’m trying to shake off the cobwebs and get back to something that looks like a training schedule. I’m sending you lots of good vibes that the lottery gods are kind for one of those marathons!
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
Good luck on both (or really all three) marathons.
I am lucky to not be working and before that I also worked from home (although at the time I wasn’t a runner).But my days are still kind of filled with dog walks and appointments, the occasional meeting, etc. etc. like all of us. Running happens when I can squeeze it in, and rarely on a set schedule.
As the leaves and temps fall, though, it tends to take place later and later in the day (but then the days get so short!).
Still two more halfs on the schedule and maybe a 15k and of course a turkey trot if the weather cooperates, which these days is anybody’s guess, certainly not the weatherman’s.
Melissa says
Good luck!! Hopefully you’re able to get into some fun races. And now that the weather is cooling down, maybe it will be easier to train?
Karen says
I hope you are able to get in to at least one of the marathons! How exciting would that be?!
Cari says
Runbattical, I love that.
Fingers crossed for you for Tokyo or London
I don’t know if you follow Charlie, but she recently had a great roundup of alternate races. Good food for thought even if you get into one or two of these for 2019 http://www.therunnerbeans.com/2018/08/marathon-major-alternative-marathon-races.html
Lesley says
I had a lot of fun watching the Paris marathon this spring because of all the scenery. London would be fun too. I’ve never been to Tokyo, and the flight would be super long. Lots of compression and sleep on that plane! Good luck with the lotteries.
Sandra D Laflamme says
Oooooh! So many amazing potential marathons for you! My fingers and toes are crossed. I have always wanted to run the Philly marathon. Some year! Keep on training hard!
kim G says
You totally just reminded me that I applied for the London lottery, lol. How cool would it be if we both got in?!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says
I hope you get into Tokyo or London!! Such an amazing experience I’m sure!
I have a 10K in a couple of weeks I signed up for a while ago that I may or may not attend, then nothing until Rock ‘n Roll Savannah, where we’ll be doing our first relay race as husband and wife! Once that’s over, I may hop on the Philly 8K or just take it easy and focus on strength training until my feet heal up!
lacey@fairytalesandfitness says
You have some exciting races that are possibilities. Hopefully one of those or both will work out. I have a big race coming up next mth. Definitely out of my comfort zone.
Zenaida Arroyo says
Crossing my fingers you get in the races you want to run. I love that it is cooler in the morning but not so happy that it is dark.
Deborah Brooks says
Fall is usually my most favorite time to run. I’ve signed up for a bunch of races the next few months and I am woefully behind in my training. Hoping I can somehow pull it all together. Fingers crossed for you!
The Accidental Marathoner says
My son and I applied for Tokyo but not for London this year. If you get into BOTH, will you do both of them???
Darlene says
Good luck! That is so exciting.
I generally race more in the fall. Usually short races every weekend but this year, I am running two halfs, a 20k in Paris, a 15k and maybe a few short races in the mix.