Wait. Is that APRIL I see heading our way? That means its time once again to open up the Runfessional. Join me for a springtime edition of the Runfession Friday Linkup! Let’s get started, shall we?
I runfess my gymfession of the month, for once, did not take place in the locker room. As I stood vibrating away on the Power Plate (affiliate) the other day, a guy on the one next to me laid on his back, legs up in the air, looking at his phone while he vibrated. That’s all well and good. But when he started leaving a voice-text that said “I want to see 10 naked selfies of you…no make that 12 naked selfies of you every day” in his vibrating voice, I almost lost it.
I runfess I’m almost positive Starbucks makes their Bingo game super hard only for me. While others simply have to make a purchase, they require me to buy weird combinations of food and drink at odd hours at faraway stores, all in a quest for 400 stars that I really don’t care about or need. And yet I continue to play. I’m weak like that.
I runfess I forgot to bring sunscreen of any kind to Florida for Gasparilla weekend. While I borrowed some from friends, I still got a little “overdone” by the sun. No peeling though so I hope I came away unscathed.
I runfess on the Uber ride home from the airport when I returned from Gasparilla, I had a hot flash (when don’t I?) that steamed up the entire taxi. It was so embarrassing but then I figured the driver probably had no clue what was going on. It’s not weird to have a sweaty passenger hanging her head out the window on the highway in February, is it?
Thanks to a recommendation from MB, I gave these Menopausal Support caps (affiliate) from Now Foods a try. This hot mama was having hourly flashes and night sweats and I’m happy to say these suckers reduced them to maybe once or twice a day and nowhere near as severe. If you’re with me in the hot flash chapter of life, give these a try. I was shocked by how well they work.
I runfess this not running thing is getting really old. I cannot wait to get back out there. While the knee injury sucked, I have to say this tribal tattoo print Dynamic tape is pretty rad. It may be the closest I ever come to getting a tattoo.
Alright your turn! What have you to runfess? Do you have a tat? Did you play Starbucks Bingo?

Oooooh, that tribal tattoo tape is pretty rad! No tats on my person (yet), but I have all sorts of ideas. I just have not made it happen. After my staph infection ordeal last summer, I’m super scared of needles.
Umm that guy at the gym would have freaked me out too – yuck!! That’s so freaky.
That tattoo tape is pretty awesome. If you are injured, you might as well be fashionable! I hope that your injury gets better soon.
What goes on at your gym lol!? You always have the craziest stories. Im sorry your knee is still not better but I do like that tape!
Hmm. I may have to check out those supplements. Mine aren’t too bad but I’m sure that could change. Now I wonder what that guy was really doing at your gym!
Ewww to the vibrating creepo! I just saw an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm last night where Larry’s passenger seat vibrated and jiggled so much that it gave passengers a happy ending, if you catch my drift….
I need to get some of that tape for Matthew–I’ve been taping his pec after he strained it at gymnastics. He may as well look stylish!
That tape is pretty awesome. Any idea of when you’re going to be able to start running again?
And oy vey to the vibrating guy hahaha!!!
I runfess that’s wasso busy that I posted my runfessions last week b/c I didn’t realize it wasn’t the last Friday of the month.
That gym creep UGH. Gross.
How’s the healing??
you have the funniest characters at your gym!! Loving all of your vacation photos and hope you are feeling well and rested
So glad you’ve found something that will help with hot flashes! That Dynamic tape is so cute…hope the knee is better soon! That gym dude..what the heck man?
I hope you get back on the road soon! The only thing that sucks more than being tired from running and over it, is not being able to run at all.
Love the tribal tape – how fun to wear that!!! Bummer about the hot flashes – hopefully he didn’t notice. Glad you have something to help with it.
OK the guy at the gym? Just eeww!
That tribal tape is pretty cool looking! Do you find it works as well as KT tape?
I’m definitely going to check out that supplement – my hot moments aren’t that bad yet, but might be worth it to try to head them off before they get any worse.
Gym guy…hahaha that’s hilarious. I don’t know why, but I’m still amazed at what people will say in public.
I think tattoos are so cool on other people but I can’t commit to a design and if I could I’m too much of a cheapskate to get it done. I’ll probably be the last person on earth without a tattoo.
OK WTF with the vibrating porn freak? Go get your jollies on your own time, would you please? I’m so pissed about the whole Starbucks thing. I traveled to California to teach a 3-day class last month. I bought a total of nine of those big travelers (12-cup boxes of coffee) over the three days and because I didn’t pay for them with a Starbucks card, I didn’t get the credit. I wrote to them with pics of the receipts and they said because they were purchased in-store, I couldn’t get the credit since it would have been already applied. I explained it wasn’t but they wouldn’t hear it and then just didn’t respond. GRRRRRR.
If I forgot sunscreen, I’d have to buy it. I’m very fair and I burn very easily.
Ewww to the gymfession!
I’ve been lucky with the menopause thing. So far. Knock on wood. I don’t think I’ve ever had a real hot flash — I call mine hot flushes, because they’re usually quite mild. I guess it’s genetic, I don’t think my mom or sister really suffered with the either.
But the whole not sleeping thing . . .
Sending more knee healing vibes!
Your gymfession literally made me LOL. I hope it was a joke. 🙂
My Starbucks Bingo board was relatively easy compared to my coworker’s. For example, I had to visit 4 different stores while she had to go to 5. She had a lot more time restrictions, too. I completed my board, but she refused to play. LOL