Our Tuesdays on the Run topic this week is a timely one:
Are those two words, strung together, music to your ears like they are to mine?
As I write this, just 2 school days stand between me and spring break nirvana. The girl chicks and I fly out to Los Angeles later this week, then drive down to San Diego where we’ll hookup with the Caveman, who is already there on business. We’ll spend some time in San Diego, some time in Palm Desert and finish up with time back up in LA.
I had so looked forward to running the RnRCarlsbad All Day 20k. However with the way this knee injury is going, that will not happen.
About that knee…
The last time I spoke about the cranky knee, I’d just gotten an MRI and the diagnosis was a strain of the popliteus muscle, which lies underneath the calf muscles at the back of the knee/very top of the calf.
Since hindsight is 20/20, I recall now doing some weighted step-ups (with 40lb weights) at CrossFit and stepped down “wrong” one time, and my knee locked backward a little. At the time I made little to nothing of it. However when I ran a couple of days later, that’s when the muscle blew up.
Last week I had 2 PT sessions, did my at-home rehab exercises, stretching, etc and it seemed to be coming along well. But last Friday I was putting the dog out and stepped down from our doorstep while carrying the dog, and something in my knee went “CRACK” and I saw stars. All the pain and stiffness came back and it took the entire weekend for it to settle down again. My knee is so incredibly unstable, I feel like it’s always this close to bending backward. I also feel like something more must be going on beyond a strained muscle and I’m going to get a second opinion on the MRI this week before I leave for spring break. I’m annoyed to say the least.
Because I can’t end this post on a sour note, I have to tell you about a couple of bright spots that have lifted my spirits lately. First of all, I finally FINALLY got new thyroid meds and I’m starting to feel better. While there hasn’t been any weightloss as yet, at least the weight gain has stopped. Even now that I’m not running.
The teenager flying toward a season’s best and meet winning long jump
The second bright spot is my teenager. She’d struggled with season-ending injuries her Freshman and Sophomore years on the high school track team. This year her coaches had all but written her off and did not even bother to invite her to participate in the 12-week pre-season conditioning program, which broke her heart (and mine). So I worked with her and trained her myself. In addition to the training, I have her seeing my Sports Chiro to keep her body strong and aligned in hopes of avoiding the hamstring issues she’s been plagued with. Knock wood, so far so good. She’s been relegated to the Varsity “B” team for some of her events but bless her heart, she’s been putting up times faster than those of some members of the “A” team. She’s also PRing her long jumps. She’s qualified for both out-of-state meets so far and has consistently placed in the top 10 overall. I can’t put into words how amazing it has been to watch her work so hard, persevere and not give up on herself when her coaches had, and come roaring back from injury. Redemption certainly is sweet.
Do you have spring break plans? Any experience with knee injuries? Did you do a sport in high school?

Im sorry your knee is still giving you so much trouble! I hope you can get some more insight into whats going on. Congrats to your daughter! Thats awesome that she is doing so well this season. I hoe you have a great time in California!
Boo – what a bummer. So sorry you’re still in injured. Hope you are feeling better soon!
That’s so great to hear about your daughter and her track success. I guess she showed the coaches, right?
So so sorry about the knee. Please let me know what you find out. Fingers crossed it’s “only” a muscle strain.
I love that you decided to train your daughter yourself!!!
Hope that knee doesn’t give you issue while you are strolling around California. Have fun!
I love your daughter’s story. 🙂 The best revenge is success!
And no, I did not play any sports in HS. Just see my post. 🙂
Glad about the meds, damn that knee. Sending healing vibes to it — and hoping it stays healed, too! Life definitely isn’t fair sometimes.
Speaking of not fair . . . no kids, no spring break. Mr. Judy avoids it like the plague. And it’s been far too long since a vacation more than a day or two. Since UT, would you believe it? But to end on a high note, it seems like the last nor’easter’s gonna miss us. Thank God!
Wow, your knee issues sound a lot like my hubby’s woes! He complained about the back of the knee, but had swelling on the front side (??). He’s got some PT ahead of him. That’s SOOO great about your daughter’s track success!
So sorry to hear about your knee! I was really hoping with some rest and PT you’d be well on your way to recovery. I hope you get some answers. Glad you found some relief from your thyroid issues, and yay, yay, yay for your daughter! How exciting for everyone! Enjoy your spring break!
Your daughter has quite the role model! I love the story and good for her and you. Sorry about the knee issues. Maybe with a little time off during spring break it will be feeling better.
Oh MAN! I’ve heard my knee pop before and I know how awful it sounds, and feels, when something like that happens. I know you’re looking to get a second opinion – definitely do that because I was told I was fine (even though the MRI showed a meniscus tear) by one ortho and I got a second opinion and he ended up doing my meniscus repair surgery. Because, the MRI didn’t lie. I hope, hope, HOPE that nothing more than a strain/sprain happened! *fingers crossed so hard* Since your knee made a noise, maybe you need to get another MRI?
Your daughter, and you, rock by the way. That’s so awesome that she’s putting in the work and kicking butt! I’d totally be frustrated with those coaches for not inviting her. I mean, pre-conditioning is the best way to prepare for a track season. I had a high school track coach like that – only interested in the top athletes, the rest of us were “fillers” to him. Her opinion of herself and how she feels about what she’s doing is the only thing that matters. <3
That knee diagram is interesting! I think the popliteus is what I tweaked during my January 50K. Luckily it seems to be healed now but it was giving me issues for quite awhile.
Congrats to your daughter for persevering! Wonder where she gets that from 😉
I am so jealous of your California trip! I still haven’t planned a vacation for spring…we just need to make it happen!
I’m so sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it calms down and you get better ASAP!
And congrats to your daughter…you’ve got some great athletes in your family 🙂
I’ve had knee niggles, and ITBS, but thankfully not full blown knee injuries. I had ankle and knee problems in high school, and i”d just play through it. Not sure how smart that was, but if I stopped to heal, I’d have missed time every season.
Ugh I’m so sorry your knee issues are continuing. Hope the 2nd opinion gives you some answers.
Huge congrats to your daughter! I love that you decided to train her and that she stuck with it even when her coaches weren’t very supportive.
Enjoy your trip!
No spring break plans but we are staring down our first SNOW DAY of the year tomorrow. Good news on the thyroid meds but so, so sorry to hear about your knee. It is so awesome that your daughter is doing so well. Pfft to the coaches who lost faith in her.
WooZa! My stomach turned a little talking about how you stepped wrong…ouch! I sure hope you figure out what is going on – doesn’t sounds quite right!
I’m sorry that you had to pull put of the Carlsbad race, but I think you are doing the right thing. Best to keep resting and rehabbing your knee!
I hope that you have a great time in California and enjoy your vacation – relax, eat, drink and be merry!
Enjoy your spring break! My girls have different breaks this year so we’re not going anywhere- and now that today is snow day #6 of the year, it looks like the elementary spring break will be cut in half anyway.
Great news on the thyroid meds!!
This is a totaly booo and yaaayyy post! I hope you get back up and running soon- but look at your teen KILLING IT! WTG guys!
I’m super bummed about your knee and you won’t be able to run the race in SD :(. I’ve been toying with knee issues the past year and I’m chalking it up to loss of quad strength. I’ve also been trying to swim a bit more to get those super old-age tight muscles more loose….but not gonna lie, I need more time in my days!! I did have a “good” run today at Lookout Mtn. with no knee issues. Now…the foot….
I’m stoked to see Thing 1 doing so well with track and field. I hope those coaches are kicking themselves right now.
I have a super belated bday present for you but know you are headed on another grand adventure, so it will arrive in a couple weeks. HAVE A BLAST!!
Miss you!
LA will be so fun! Knee issues are awful. I have had them on/off. My last bout was after my first half iron, and dry needling cured me!