When we left off I’d just completed day one of the Michelob Amber Challenge at Tampa’s Gasparilla Distance Classic. I’ll fill you in later on all the post-race, non-running shenanigans. Let’s cut to the chase and talk about day two: The half marathon:
While the 15k went off at 6:45am the day before, the half got started dark and early. 6am to be exact. All the better to avoid some of the heat and broiling sunshine. I was grateful for this, figuring we’d be done before 9am. How hot could it get before then? Spoiler alert: Plenty hot.
We convened for coffee/fuel in the hotel lobby as per usual and walked the couple of blocks to the starting line, hit the potties and were off. No time to wait around. The sooner we run the sooner we’re done.
We were off into the pitch blackness. It was hella dark. Some smart runners wore light-up belts and headlamps. There was a section on cobblestone that, in the darkness and with the moisture (it had rained overnight) were downright treacherous.
The first four miles looped around a residential area on Davis Island. While I was grateful there was no sun, the air Did. Not. Move. Nothing. My whole body was slick with sweat by mile 2. Also in mile 2 my music cut out. For the record, this is the third time in four races that my wireless headphones became “unpaired”. It happened in Berlin, Vegas and now here. WTH?
Race Goals
Run happy. That’s all I wanted. Especially with tired legs, warm conditions, thyroid issues and undertraining. Ha!
Around mile 3 I noticed a race walker going roughly my running pace. He was doing that waddle they all do and wow was he ever throwing some elbows. He said he’d hoped to finish in 2:21 but since he’d gone out too fast, his revised goal was 2:24. Alrighty then. When we approached a water station he shouted “Cup! Cup! Cup! Cup! Cup!” took a drink on the fly and was outta there. Race walking is serious business. Apparently.
We crossed a large bridge right at dawn that ultimately led us on to the out and back along the water on Bayshore Blvd. we ran yesterday. Finally a breeze!
Approaching mile 6, I was doing my walk/run thing when an older guy near me tripped and did a mega face plant. He was sooo scraped up and I could tell he’d broken his upper arm. He wanted to get up and continue on but I made him stay put until the medical people could get to him. I turned my Garmin off for this.
Around mile 7 I saw a cluster of people in the middle of the course and worried someone else had gone down, but no. It was just my pal Meb, waiting for me obviously. I felt kind of bad for being soaking wet when he patted my back but I’m sure he understands.
After that I was all about looking for the turnaround. We headed back around the 7.5 mile point yesterday. Today that was obviously not the case. The sun was beating down on me but I soldiered on…and on…the turnaround didn’t come until 9ish. I was impressed I was still feeling kind of good.
9 came and went, then it got hard after mile 10. I told myself I could walk the entire final 5k if I wanted to. But I kept on with my walk/run. I wanted to be done. I looked across to the other side of the boulevard and saw the sweeper car with two women walking casually just ahead of it. Shortly after that a woman next to me pulled to the side and tossed her cookies in the grass. Yeah we were feeling the heat. But it’s Florida. It’s supposed to be hot and sunny. Coming from the Chiberian tundra, I wasn’t about to rue the heat.
The one-mile-to-go sign appeared and I could hear the finish line festivities. I plodded along. A finish line came into sight and I thought for a sec it was indeed the finish…and then realized it wasn’t for the half. Ugh. The crowds thickened and at last I was in the home stretch. I was more than ready to have this challenge done and dusted.
They gave us heavenly icy towels then water as we walked a long way up the bridge before snagging our medals. I’d forgotten all about getting the bonus one. If the guy didn’t pull me aside and give it to me, I’m sure I would have missed it completely. I’m sure glad he caught me because the Amber Challenge medal is amazing.
Our group reconvened on the bridge and we all headed to the after party which was catered by the Columbia Restaurant, a local Spanish restaurant.
Chicago area runners correct me if I’m wrong but, other than the odd slice of pizza once in a while, I don’t recall many races in our area that do a spread of food that even approaches this. Black beans and rice, signature salad and chicken paella really hit the spot.
Finish Time: 2:30. Given that I was stopped with the guy who fell for 7 minutes (my Garmin finish time is 2:23) pulled over for pics/Meb, heat, fatigue of a multi race weekend, etc. I’m more than happy with that.
Final Words. I expected this to be a great race weekend and yet Gasparilla managed to exceed my expectations. The shirts and jacket are great quality and I love the colors, design and fit. I’d be one happy runner if I never saw another grey race shirt and there were none to be found here. The medals are over-the-top amazing. The events went off without a hitch and the course is pretty. Clearly the organizers have this entire weekend down to a science. This is one bucket list series I am so happy to have had the opportunity to run. If you get the chance to run Gasparilla, DO IT!
Have you run Gasparilla? Participated in a multi-race weekend? Do you have a pirate medal? What’s the best post-race food you ever had?
I’m linking up with Running on Happy, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs for the Coaches’ Corner linkup!

Congrats! This is pretty amazing!!!
Food from the Columbia Restaurant is fabulous! I went there a few years ago. No, we never get food like this here. The only time I remember getting something similar is after the Des Moines Half Marathon.
So cool that you saw Meb! And how awful of that guy that fell and broke his arm.
Congrats on a great weekend of running! That race series is on my bucket list – I want to go for the Ultra Challenge! I just hate how it is up against the Disney Princess Half – it’s hard to go down to Central Florida and not want to run Disney for me
This looks the ultimate must-do event! Those medals…oh, they are sweet!!!!
Great job!! It sounds like a tough day but a really fun experience. And how awesome that you got to see Meb!
That jacket!! Those medals!! Gorgeous!! 😍 Meeting Meb must have been amazing but that poor guy who broke his arm, how awful! But I love how you stick by his side until help arrived. Very classy!
You make this event sound like so much fun!! Congrats on getting it done- it doesn’t sound easy. But that food? Yum!!!
I so want to do this race. But the timing is bad. Maybe someday.
Glad it exceeded your expectations.
Sounds like so much fun. But don’t you think all half marathons get hard after mile 10? What is it about that?
Good for you, stopping to help the guy who fell. How many people ran by? We all get the same medal when we cross the finish line anyways…
Those southern races really bring the hospitality, don’t they?
I totally want to do this – even though I hate running in heat! My friend from NY won 4 mugs for top 10 AG placement in all 4 races. I’d be happy with one. I ❤️ Mugs! 😉
You’re so awesome to help that man who fell. Kindness matters.
Glad the challenge exceeded your expectations!
I think seeing a guy break an arm would really shake me up (seeing paramedics come for a runner down, not knowing what’s going on, always does).
I LOVE that pirate medal! Very cool (even if the race was hot).
My favorite post race food remains the chowdah & lobstah roll from Smuttynose. It was a nasty, cold,rainy day & it sure hit the spot.
It’s insane that it got so hot so early. That early morning start does sounds treacherous, especially those cobblestone streets. Imagine hearing all the runners race through your neighborhood so early in the morning! Good on you for stopping for the downed runner. It always amazes me when people don’t stop to help. Sounds like a great race and oh, that bling! Can’t wait to hear about the weekend shenanigans!
Congrats to completing the challenge Those are some awesome medals! Sounds like it was a hot one! I would love Mexican after a race. SO much better than a bagel and banana. So cool you met Meb!
Great job! I’d just want to finish too in those conditions. I can’t really talk about post-race food since my stomach has to settle a bit after a big race. I did the VIP tent at Disney for my first half, and even though everything smelled great, I couldn’t eat a lot of it. Of course, by the time I got back to the hotel and showered, I was famished.
Congrats on an awesome weekend of races! You know I’m always a huge fan of bling and race swag 🙂
I would love to run races in 25 different states (instead of the 50 state challenge, I made a 25 state challenge for myself, lol) and Florida is one of the states. This sounds like an awesome race for Florida!
Looks like you had a total blast! And what a sweet after party. I only see that around here with trail races.
Usually I don’t care much for race bling but those medals are awesome! And, WOW – The post-race food looks amazing! All the more reason to put this one on my “someday” list, although the heat & humidity does sound pretty rough.
Sounds like an awesome race! The Rehoboth half and full marathons in December have an amazing spread of food and Dogfish Head beer. My favorite race in the general area.
It’s so hard to go from winter conditions right back into humidity especially for a long run. Those race walkers are serious business and fast too. Glad you had a fun weekend and looks like great swag was had by all!
Gasparilla is an amazing race weekend! I always alternate between that and Princess because unfortunately they are on the same weekend and I love both. I did the Challenge last year at Gaspy and the weather was perfect. This year it was a bit hotter. I struggled through Princess as well. You still had a great finish time though!
That sounds like a really fun race! Other than the heat- I am not a fan of warm weather racing. And you saw some interesting people along the way- so unfortunately for the face plant/broken arm dude!
Congratulations on the half!! Oh man, that heat and humidity would have had me so miserable! What a tough race, but how cool you got to get a picture with Meb! It looks like you ladies had a blast and Gasparilla definitely has some of the nicest swag I’ve ever seen!
NICE job, Lou!!! You never cease to amaze me! I JUST had a drink with a friend who did all 4 races and she said the 8k after the half was really hot, so good thing you didn’t do that one too :). (She did AMAZING with them all, but she trained like a madwoman!).
So glad you had a nice time! Check that off your bucket list and remember those big smiles!
This is how we roll in the state of Florida! XXOO
Your blog was one of the first one I started reading, and from here I picked up a few other blogs. I appreciate your words, your honesty and your support. You guys are amazing!
Now that is some awesome bling! My goodness it sounds like conditions were tough and people were really feeling it! Always a good thing when you can find Meb along the course for sure. I’m so glad that Gasparilla didn’t disappoint – I would love to run this one!
Congratulations!! I think you did pretty amazing not being used to the heat this time of year 🙂 I would love to do this challenge one day but I die in the heat, maybe I’ll get my nerve up one year. I love the medals!
I love your pic with Meb 🙂
You are really great! Before completing a whole marathon, you need to make enough preparations. The amount of running is the foundation, and the strategy is the key.