Doesn’t it seem like just last week that we said farewell to 2017? Here it is almost time to wind up January already. January cannot end without a visit to the runfessional so let’s get that party started. If you’re new to the Runfession Friday Linkup, the rules are simple. Share your confessions about running (and any other confessions you may have, we’re generous that way) on your blog, stop over to this blog, comment and link your post up at the bottom, then visit as many other linkers as possible. Easier than a tempo run and way more fun, I swear!
I runfess I really detest when companies (New Balance) have confusing reward programs with points that expire. I rarely remember to use my points when I make a purchase or more frustrating still, I’m not sure even HOW to use them, and then when I lose the points I earned, or I get those taunting emails that say “use it or lose it” I get ticked off. Who wants a ticked off customer?
I runfess I’ve had this cookbook for well over a year now and still have not made one damn thing from it, despite reading all the raves from everyone on the internet.
I runfess I’ve become a water bottle hoarder. But the Ozzypup “culled the herd” so to peak by chewing up every single one he can get his sharp little teeth on. Gone is my irreplaceable Leadville trail race bottle. Gone is my Nuun Chicago edition bottle among a whole slew of others. As much as it hurts to lose my faves, I runfess it’s kind of nice to actually be able to shut the cabinet now.
I runfess I was really sad at my neighbor’s (and partner in crime at the school bus stop for over 6 years) funeral and may have done more crying than I wanted. But that didn’t stop me from stuffing my purse with emery boards found in a bowl in the funeral parlor lobby. One can never have too many nail files….even if they do have the name of a funeral parlor stamped on them.
I runfess when I heard Kim and Kanye named their newest daughter Chicago, I thought it was kind of kooky…I mean cool…no kooky. Now if they’d give her “Mix” for a middle name, I’d think that was cool cuz who doesn’t love some Chicago Mix popcorn?
Your turn! What have you to runfess this month? Do you like Chicago Mix? What should I make from RFES? Did you enter my giveaway?
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

Ok, I didn’t know that Kim and Kanye named their daughter Chicago! Clearly I’m not up to date. But I did buy that cookbook as a Kindle download for 2.99 today. Not really how I like my cookbooks (I like books for that) but for 2.99, how could I pass it up?
You are shameless….:p
LOL at Kim and Kanye. While I absolutely love the city, I can’t see anyone naming their child Chicago!
I also hate when companies have a weird reward points structure or that the reward points expire. If you paid for a product and earned the points, they just shouldn’t expire!
How does this sneak up on me! I really needed to runfess this month lol
You partook in the nail files like I do splenda packs at Starbucks lol …I might need a few packs one day!
Omg, I get so irritated when I lose my reward points, I just learned Starbucks stars expire.
Emery boards at a funeral home? That’s random. I am so sorry about your friend, though.
I had no idea that Kim and Kanye even had another child, much less his or her name. I typically don’t like any kind of snack mix, so Chicago Mix would probably be out for me.
I have had a few things from that cookbook – we even made the Superhero Muffins here. They were good, but little man didn’t love them, but I would make them again.
I need to find a place to score a few emery boards….I never remember to look for them at the store. I seldom ever redeem any reward points because I forget I have them, and like you, when I do remember I have redeemable points I can never figure out what to do with them.
I’ve only made a handful of recipes from the cookbook but they were all good! For a snack you should try the superhero muffins. My favorite meals are the marathon lasagna and bacon wrapped chicken. I don’t pull out that cookbook often enough!
Of all the things, funeral parlor emery boards have me puzzled. I’m trying to figure out that marketing pitch. Sorry about your neighbor.
So many rewards programs are annoying and just not worth it. Over-aggressive tacits can make me passive-aggressively spend my money elsewhere.
Funeral parlor emory boards. LOL. My hubs was at the club playing golf recently while they were having a wedding and they had all kind of goodies in the restroom. He happily came home with sewing kits, lotion, etc. (Who.Are.You?) When we adopted our Mini, the humane shelter let the dogs chew on water bottles in their cages. Just sayin’. Maybe they get it honest. Chicago’s middle name should be Bean or Els or Cubs. Thanks for the runfessional.
Chicago mix is delicious!!
Can we back up and talk about Leadville? You ran Leadville?! I had no idea. You have to tell me about it!!
Hugs to you for your friend. I know how hard it may be and will continue to be for some time. 💕
I have one of the Nuun Chicago water bottles. I used to use those all the time, until I got my Hydroflask and Yeti. They trump all! Celebrities always have to come up with unique names to be different.
I hate confusing rewards programs, too. And I always click the damn emails!
Chicago? Maybe because Brooklyn was taken?! Lame.
You can have some of my 4000 water bottles. My hoard is embarrassing!
Ba ha ha, Chicago Mix….!!!
I’ve wanted that cookbook for a long time but have yet to buy it. I have a great cookbook from Runner’s World (Meals on the Run) that I use all the time!
Why in the world would they have emory boards at a funeral home?! I am so sorry about your friend.
I’ve kind of stopped paying attention to store reward programs – I feel like they’re always changing and I never remember to use my points.
I am not a fan of the name chicago. I like normal names, I guess I am boring. I am a traditionalist
Kim and Kanye …Lol Folks down here in the south are notorious for naming their children weird things. When I worked for the OB/Gyn, I heard all kinds of crazy things. One family, huge University of Alabama fans, named their children Alabama, Crimson and Bryant Denny (which was the name of the stadium) Unbelievable!
I have made a few things from the RFES cookbook… some of the meals seem too time consuming for me but I will say that the Chargrilled Cauliflower is super easy and absolutely delicious. So much so that I have chargrilled many other veggies in the same manner.
So that’s what they named her, Chicago… hhhmmm, strangely I think it’s better than North and Saint. Lol. That book was on my Christmas List – I’ll see if I can get it tomorrow – I too have heard so many great things about it. But I must runfess knowing me, it will also remain unopened for a while.
Their baby name reminded me of the Beckhams naming their son Brooklyn. I roll my eyes at celebrities. The kids are already going to be screwed up, at least give them a normal name.
Don’t get me started on those rewards programs. I have so many points on one and I have no idea how to redeem them…nor does anyone else. I think half those celebrities release fake names for their kids so the paparazzi can’t track them down. Seriously, Apple?
I’m sorry to hear about your neighbor. Healing thoughts with you!
I love actual cookbooks but never remember to make anything from them either. I cannot keep track of reward programs like that either. I much prefer just getting coupons or rebates to use. I sat down to try write a runfessions post about all that has happened the last week and I just stared at my screen. Too soon I think but I am going to try for the weekly wrap
I’ve heard that cookbook is awesome, but I haven’t purchased it for myself yet!
I’m unsure about naming a baby Chicago, but I guess they have their reasons! 🙂 Whatever floats your boat I suppose….HA!
I’m so right there with you with the points thing. Why on earth would they expire?? That makes zero sense to me!
Happy Friday Marcia!!!
I love cookbooks too, cooking from them……well my execution rate may be low! HA!
That is interesting that you got emery boards at the funeral parlor. Well, I will gladly take that cookbook from you if you don’t want it. 🙂 I have on water bottle that I use every single day. It is Contigo and I love it!
Apparently, buying Run Fast. Eat Slow, but not trying any of the recipes is what all the cool runners do! LOL
Thanks for the linkup!
RFES – the superhero muffins are the BOMB. I don’t have the cookbook, I want it!
I runfess I totally forgot to actually link up my runfessions . . . again!
I, of course, went for the chocolate chocolate chip cookies first from RFES. But everything I’ve tried from it has been good.
So sorry for the loss of your neighbor. That’s really sad (but yes, funny about the emory boards).
I’ve been lucky to have small dogs that aren’t super destructive; then again, we keep most things they could destroy out of their reach. Although I was throwing a toy for Bandit last week and came in here to check something and in a couple of minutes he has chewed off the tip of the ear of a toy that I’ve literally had 13 years . . .and he’s 9. 🙂
Oh… I need some Chicago Mix in my life right now. Sorcha and Anam have ruined quite a few things in their puppy stages… thankfuly that is over.