It’s time to sit down and catch up over a nice hot cup of java. Because it’s so friggin’ cold here, let’s throw back to some coffee I enjoyed in the hottest place I’ve been on this earth so far. That would be Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates where it was a sizzling 117 degrees in the shade, along with some killer humidity. Sounds a little bit nice right now, yes?
If we were having coffee I’d tell you I went to a funeral for a friend this week. Lou was a work-at-home father and neighbor and we’ve been meeting up at the school bus stop twice a day since our middle schoolers were in kindergarten. Just as the kids reached an age where they didn’t really need us to chaperone them, Lou got sick. A liver cancer diagnosis put him on the transplant list, but just before the holidays, he got word the cancer had spread. He died at home peacefully just after celebrating Christmas with his family. He will be missed. There’s that reminder once again. Life is fleeting. It’s not worth sweating the small stuff. Go do those things you dream of. Turn your dreams into plans and make them happen.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you our trip to Florida was divine. I’m so grateful we missed a good chunk of the cold spell in Chicago over the winter break. AND we left Florida just as the temps there were dropping. Being in a warm vacation spot when it’s not warm is just wrong. So wrong.
If we were having coffee I’d ask you if you caught the Ironman Kona broadcast last weekend. While I loved it, I didn’t think it was quite as good as it normally is. Too much emphasis on the elites vs the “average” people, IMO. BTW I also noticed lots of RnR advertising since Ironman bought them last year.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I was surprised to receive my Berlin Marathon finisher certificate in the mail the other day. Other than my first Chicago Marathon back in 2007, I can’t remember getting an official finisher certificate that wasn’t emailed for download. It was kind of nice! I runfess though, that I haven’t done anything with any of my marathon finisher certificates. Since redoing our basement and pain cave, I haven’t displayed my bibs either and have only half of my medals hung up.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you this blog turned 9 years old this week. Nine. Years. Old. Seriously where has that time gone? Even though it went fast, SO much has changed in the blog world. Stay tuned for more on that.
What would you tell me over coffee? Is it cold where you are? Are you getting the BombCyclone?
I’m linking up with Coco and Deb for the Ultimate Coffee Date and with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I cant believe you’ve been blogging for 9 years! I started mine in 2013 so I guess its been almost 5 years already. We didnt get much snow here, but its supposed to be super cold and windy this weekend. My treadmill comes on Tuesday, just when it will be starting to warm up…
Happy Blogaversary!
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. Too young and I feel bad for his kids. There’s just too much of this happening.
I’m sorry to hear about Lou. It’s true though, life is short and we need to live without regrets.
9 years? I’m almost at 6. Crazy. Sometimes I still feel like a newbie. Or maybe just kind of clueless. Lol.
NY used to send paper certificates. I’m not sure if/when they stopped. Boston, too.
I’m over this cold!!!
That is terrible about your friend. My friend’s father has liver cancer and is not doing well in the hospital. Cancer sucks!
I am done with this cold too.
I don’t remember if I have received finisher certificates. If I did then I must have thrown them away because I have no idea where they are.
Happy 9 to you!
I am so sorry you lost a friend and my heart breaks for his family. Cancer is such a terrible disease!
We are not getting snow but it is sure cold here!
Sorry for your loss. We had two unexpected and tragic deaths in our family, one before the holidays and one after. So so sad. Glad you had a lovely trip to Florida!
Marcia, I’m sorry to hear about your friend – just too young!
I felt the same way about the Kona broadcast this year – it’s the stories about the “regular” folks that I truly enjoy.
Congrats on 9 years! Do you know that yours was one of the first blogs I started reading when I started running? It’s been almost 8 years which just tells me we’re long overdue for a meet-up!
So sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer sure does suck.
As you know, the weather has been brutal, but I have been trying to get my butt outside. Having some hip pain today so I’m keeping it indoors. I haven’t been down to my workout room in months, and it, too needs to be updated with new medals hung. I have all of my Chicago Marathon posters framed and hanging, but I don’t do anything with the finisher’s certificates. Here’s to our balmy 30 degree weather coming up this weekend!
Life is fleeting. I just found out this morning one of my college classmates passed away. We weren’t close, but it’s still such a shock.
That’s so sad about your neighbor. I’m at the same age that my brother died with an aggressive cancer. You just never know.
Happy 9th blogging birthday. Here’s to many more!
My blog was 9 last March. Happy Blogoversary. I remember yours when….
Yes it is FREEZING here!! Hate it!!!!!!!!
I’m so sorry about your friend. I’ve heard too many stories like that lately. Life really is short. And happy blogiversary! My blog is 5!
So sorry for the loss of your friend. Yes, life is far too short. You did time your Florida jaunt at a perfect time. Wish I could have been there with you
I’m so sorry to hear about Lou.
My blog is 8 years old. Crazy how time flies.
So sorry to read about your friend. It is so sad and also a wake-up to live in the now, as you said. We did get the “BombCyclone” and we got 14 inches of fun snow for the kids to play in for their 2 unexpected snow-days from school and more on the way for Monday! If it’s going to be cold, it may as well be fun!
Wow 9 years is a lot of blogging! Congrats on keeping it going. Sorry to hear about your friend it is especially hard to lose someone over the holiday season. xoxo
Happy Blogiversary! Sorry to hear about your friend and coworker.
I would tell you that I’m finally starting to think about the fact that I’m going to have TWO babies in 2-3 months. YIKES!
Very sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like you probably shared many memorable moments together with your kids. The weather in Hong Kong has been pretty pleasant so far this winter; it basically feels like the fall weather we were used to in the US.
Congratulations on 9 years of blogging! That’s amazing!
It’s a very different world from when I started in 2013. 9 is impressive! Congrats.
I am sorry about your friend. I had a co worker pass away this year and it makes me sad she never got to retire and enjoy life… you are right, don’t sweat the small stuff.
I would tell you I’m really sorry for the loss of your neighbor. You are so right. Life is so short.
I would tell you I’ve pretty much never seen any IronMan broadcast, which I’m kind of embarrassed about because I think it’s mega cool. (I do watch Tour de France every year)
My blog will be 9 this year! Crazy!
I hope it warms up soon for you guys – it’s way mild here, not normal if you ask me! I always think of my Chicago winters that I lived through and I have to giggle at the Dutch here who think it’s “freezing”… if they only knew… hahaha!
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. :[ I’m really glad he got to spend time with his family though.
That’s crazy that it’s been 9 years! Happy blogiversary!!
I’m so sorry for your loss of your dear friend! That’s never easy, especially around the holidays too.
I would love to being Florida right about now that’s for sure! It’s been below average temps here in Arkansas all week long and I’m about to freeze! Of course, our weather is NOTHING copared to up north so I probably shouldn’t complain! I’m just more of a warm weather fan!
Have a great weekend!!!
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. The good ones always seem to be the ones that get sick and pass on too young. I certainly wish it weren’t frequently that way.
Congratulations on nine years of blogging! Hope this next year is amazing!
So sorry about your friend. We need to live each day. Happy Blogiversary, mine is coming up……7 years.
Congrats on 9 years of blogging! I think mine turns 10 in May. Crazy.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Such a sad reminder that there are no guarantees how long we’ll be here.
We got the Bomb Cyclone, Yikes!! It inspired me to book a trip to Florida at the end of the month and Key West better be nice and warm for me…not Dubai warm, but I’ll take 80!!!
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend!