It’s that special time of the year: Time to tally up that race bling and show and tell. Did you score some beauties this year? Show us!
For me personally it was one of the leaner years I’ve had of late. Let’s call it “less is more.” While I also did two indoor triathlons early in the year that there were no medals for, my medal count is on the “thin” side, relatively speaking. Only two half marathons all year and of course an injury smack dab in the middle of Berlin Marathon training Enough about what I did not do. Here are the races I ran:
Tower Triathlon. This was the first time my swim came together in a tri and I ended up on the overall podium as well as qualified for Age Group Nationals. Apparently pigs can fly and hell has frozen over.
Utah Valley Half Marathon. This was a super fun girls’ weekend and I loved this race, not to mention it was a new state for me.
Berlin Marathon. This was World Marathon Major #4 of 6. In a word: Epic. Of the 11 full marathons I’ve run, this was the first on foreign soil. I’d dreamed about this iconic medal for a long time. There are no words to express what it felt like to run through the Brandenburg Gate to the finish line and make that dream a reality.
Hot Chocolate Chicago 15k. This was my first ever 15k (so automatic PR). While the price was steep, this was a fun one with great swag.
RnR Las Vegas 5k and Half Marathon. My only RocknRoll races of the year and a repeat from 2015 but this was still so much fun. The strip at night does not disappoint. The bling was pretty awesome too.
How about you? Show us your bling! What’s your fave race of the year? Fave medal?

You may be “thin” on hardware, but you’re definitely “full” on memories. Not all of my events came with hardware, but all the blood, sweat, and tears tell the story in great detail. Not to mentions all the lessons learned 😉 Here’s to a great 2018!
Great bling and it sounds like a great year!
Trail races here have no bling. Trail runners shun that stuff. Though they do like their beer pint glasses! I never used to be a bling girl, but dang if I don’t love a few of my recent medals. I shove them in a drawer though, because LAZY.
More bling awaits you in 2018! Hope to share some of that with ya!!
I’d say you got a nice collection of medals this year! I would have to agree with “less is more” these days. I only got one medal this year but it was a pretty good one.
Quality is always a win over quantity! Glad I got to be part of your “collection”! Here’s to making more memories and bling in 2018!
Similar to you I had less races this year and less race bling, but I feel like the quality of my race medals were awesome this year!
It’s always fun to look back at your medals at the end of the year and think about all the races, moments with friends, etc 🙂
Sometimes we have lean years, but hopefully next year you’ll be able to hit some more great races. Utah looked so cool, it was so hard to pass up on that race! And the RNR Vegas medals are amazing! Congrats!
Congrats on all our races this year! The Rock n Roll Medals are the best! Love the Vegas ones from this year!
That’s some pretty rad bling. Berlin and Utah are the envy of anyone’s eye!
Rock n Roll really does know how to do medals! Congrats on a great year
Yes Less is more and you had some fabulous race-cations during 2017.
Hope there’s more in store for 2108 and I hope I get to see you again.
Nice year and congrats on the Tri award and AG qualifier! Utah ranks high on my list and I would really like to try it again…even as a marathon (EEK)! What do you think?
I got two blings, one from Vegas, and one from the color run. I was kind of bummed the Bolder Boulder doesn’t have bling, but the race was still amazing.
It may have been less than usual but Berlin and Utah are some amazing destination races!
You had such a great year!! Here’s to hoping i’m in the right injury free form to enjoy some next year!!
You collected quite a good number of medals! The Utah race looks beautiful! I can’t wait to run Berlin next year.
Completing Berlin, especially after all the hoops you had to jump through to get there, trumps any number of races you didn’t do!!! You had a fabulous year and I’m anxious to see what marathon major you check off next year!
What a fabulous year… even though your races were leaner than recent years, you had some epic adventures!