Yesterday was one of those days. I had a billion things to do/places to go before I had to pick up the kids then head to a blog field trip later in the afternoon. I took Ozzypup out for our usual trail run/walk then planned to drop him off at home and continue on my run. Except while I was retrieving a package from the front porch, he shot out the door and took off like a rocket. An hour+ long chase ensued. I love my Ozzypup but that damn dog is uncatchable. I’m not quite sure yet how/if I’m going to be able to train away his instinct to run/refusal to listen but I’m sure this is why some dogs end up in shelters.
Don’t let that face fool you. He’s a stinker.
Anyway, the chunk of time I devoted to run disappeared just as quickly as Ozzy did.
How do you fit in fitness when you’re pressed for time?
A quick, effective, Better-Than-Nothing Workout. Do it anytime, anywhere, no equipment needed.
It’s not the 5 or 6 miles I’d originally planned but it got my heart pumping and muscles moving. Stay tuned for more about my blog excursion plus I’ve got exciting news for you next week!
How do you fit in fitness when you’re pressed for time? Any tips for dealing with a runaway dog?
This time of the year it can be hard to fit it all in but a quick one is better than nothing. That pup is just adorable!
O gosh, we had a “runaway” dog when we were kids. She was impossible. The vet gave us tranquilizers and my mom would have to hide them in a piece of bologna and wait a few hours later for to fall asleep under a tree (usually at the neighbors), and then we would drag her home. One day I even had to go down to the police station and pick her up! Yea, we didn’t really miss that dog…lol.
OzzyPup is so cute! Let’s hope he stays “nice” for Santa!
What an adorable pup!
When I have days that get away from me I tend to rearrange my scheduled workouts for the rest of the week and count it as a rest day. This looks like a great way to hit the major muscle groups!
We had a beagle when I was a kid, and she would get out from time to time. We’d always find her, and never far from home.
Ozzy is so over the top adorable 🙂
Air squats sound painful lol but effective!! you put together a great session!
Ozzy? He’s too cute to be a stinker, I’m sure you’re exaggerating 😉 (in answer to your funding time for fitness….hitting my stairway for 20-40 quick flights does wonders)
Trixie still bolts. But now I can tell when she’s about to so I can usually lunge and grab her by the scruff before she does. Those little shits… But no, I don’t think the run instinct will ever disappear. My dog of 19 years STILL ran away whenever he got the chance! I think they just have so much fun running as fast as they can!!
Luckily mine have always seemed to know which side their bread was buttered on & aren’t escape artists. Although I was at the vet with Lola today, and when the exam was done and the vet opened the door to the back to leave, she just walked right out of it. She’s never done that before!
Usually chasing is the worst thing to do, but of course it’s our first instinct. One thing you can do is try doing a game of catch me in your yard. Just run away from Ozzy (sooooooo cute!), say catch me, and when he does catch up with you, give him a treat. And just keep doing that. Eventually they associate catching up with you as a good thing.
Chasing after them is just a reward in & of itself.
I used to do that game with Chester & Lola on a regular basis. We did do something similar with Bandit back in the beginning.
The only time Bandit & Chester managed to get out they just made a beeline for me. 🙂
Sounds like a great workout! How scary that your dog got away. You probably got in a decent workout just chasing him down!
I’m so bummed I couldn’t make it to the field trip. I can’t wait to hear about it!
Sounds like you got a lot of fitness in chasing Ozzy!
Oh sweet little Ozzy Pup …. 🙂 I’ve always had Terrier breed dogs and they have always darted out the door every chance they could get! Now I have a lab that I can barely get off the couch! Lol Labs are great for old age …just saying! 🙂
Aww but look at that face – what a cutie! Glad you caught him!