2017 is rapidly drawing to a close. I don’t know about you, but unless I pencil in a quick 5k, my racing year is finito. Our Tuesdays on the Run Linkup topic wants to know what your best race(s) of the year were and why. I couldn’t limit my “best” race to just one. There were a few that were memorable for a variety of reasons.
Best Bucket List Race: For me, checking off the Berlin Marathon or any marathon major is huge. The further along I get on my journey toward running all six majors, the more difficult they seem to be to check off. Despite spending 6 weeks of the Berlin training cycle in the pool with an injury and having a performance that reflected that, I really loved this race. It was my first full marathon on foreign soil.
Traveling to Berlin with the teenager made the adventure even more amazing. Those are memories we will share forever.
Best Race with Friends: Utah Valley Half Marathon. I don’t often get to the mountains to race but when I do, I like to do it with friends. Utah was a new state for me and I loved the downhill course and stunning moonset/sunrise start in the canyon.
I was just happy to finish. Little did I know in this pic that I’d finished on the overall podium.
Best Race Performance: Tower Triathlon. Yes, my best performance of the year was in a sport that terrifies me on my best day. Triathlon. What can I say? Everything came together at this race, most of all the swim, which I’ve struggled with since day one. This race went so well that I managed to qualify for triathlon age group nationals.
What was/were your best race(s) of 2017? Did you check off some bucket list items?
I’m linking up with Rachel, Debbie and Lora for Coaches’ Corner.

A great year Marcia! So special that you got to travel Berlin with your daughter! Triathlon age group nationals – when? are you going?
You had some really fun races this year! I only did 2, so its easy to pick my favorite!
Wow- such a fun and busy year!!! I love your Berlin racecation – how special that you got to travel with your teenager too. I didn’t do any traveling races this year- i need to get back on that!
I would love to run an International Marathon, or just a race for that matter! Congrats on checking off a Major Marathon on your Bucket List.
Utah was definitely a list topper for me- the whole trip was so much FUN!
You definitely had some great races this year! I’m so so impressed with how you handled Berlin with all the travel issues!
I’ve loved following your racing (and training) this year. I’m so happy for you that you had such a great season despite those couple set backs!
You did have a great year of running! It’s fun to look back on all we’ve accomplished throughout the year
This has been an interesting year for me–all the races I planned, the travel–that all went by the wayside. But running wise, it was a surprisingly good year for me! Onward and upward.
I would love to do an international marathon someday! Looks like you had a ton of fun.
My favorite race this year was definitely the Oregon Summer Marathon in July. It’s a beautiful course on a rails-to-trails paved path. It’s a small race, but the people who put it on do a fantastic job of bringing tons of energy to it.
Man, you had some great races!! Congrats on the podium finish in your trip! #beastmode
I did run two races this year which is great because I had knee surgery back in February! I’m not sure I could pick which one was my favorite or the best because they were both so different (road 5k vs trail 8k) but I definitely loved being able to do them. Next year, I should be hopefully be able to write about my favorite race because I’ll have more under my belt. 😀
Obviously, I meant tri. Autocorrect strikes again. lol
Your whole Berlin journey was nutz! I’m so glad it all worked out!
You had some very awesome moments!! Glad you are feeling healthy again and Berlin was still a great race for you…it is too far to travel to not have a great experience!
I only did 2 races, but both were bucket list items. It was a fun year for sure.
I am not sure I could really pick a favorite race — obviously, I had a great year when it came to running. I’d say you had a pretty great one, too.
I do have one last 5k this weekend, but it’s a fun run.
Wow! Somehow I missed your phenomenal triathlon! That’s so awesome. I’ve never done a foreign race. I used to fantasize about running a race on all 7 continents. Maybe someday I’ll run outside of the US. )
You are a ROCKSTAR, Lou! I’m just sad that zero races in 2017 occurred with your BRF! 🙁
Welllllllll…….Tara and I are headed to Dallas this weekend for a freakin’ marathon. It’s the 20th anniversary of my first marathon – in Dallas, and my 30th marathon. So, why not celebrate where it all happened, to complete the circle. But you know, my foot and all. Got in a 17 miler and that was it. So maybe will just do the half. Tara, on the other hand, had been running well, then suddenly got attacked with low iron and barely been able to run since. AND, Rick’s brother passed away this morning…..so, ugh, not sure how or if Dallas will pan out for us.
I did an impromptu 5k last weekend and placed in my age group. It’s been a looooong time since I’ve seen that!!! So I think that was my favorite race of the year – I mean, I got two medals, for a 5k. And I didn’t walk at all. SCORE! Hahah. Oh, and Boston tops the list. But I walked there ;).
You got me thinking I just might fire up the blog for an end of the year rewind. Man, what a crappy year …..
Congrats!! Berlin looked like such an amazing experience. I haven’t fully reflected on my races this past year, there were so many! But the Buffalo Half Marathon was great because I was able to finally PR that distance and in my hometown no less!
You’ve had an amazing year of running! I’ve been so jealous as I followed along. 🙂
My races were not nearly as exciting. Rock ‘n’ Roll in San Diego was fun, and my Tram Road Challenge was, um, challenging, but I didn’t do anything new or special. Sigh. Maybe in 2018!
What a great year for YOU! I’m still feeling the FOMO from not being in the Pretty Posse at Utah 😉 I’m glad we got to do Vegas together!
You definitely had an awesome year, Marcia. Berlin seems to be the best and I am definitely adding it to my bucket list after reading your post. I wish you an even better 2018! 😉
The Utah Valley race that you all did looked amazing. I would love to do Berlin, London, and Paris some day for the tourist aspect as much as the race, but honestly I think I will need a joint income before any overseas racing happens.
Best races were Disney 10K and half marathon the same weekend. Those have been on my bucket lists FOREVER…..