Before I get started can we give it up for our girl Shalane?!? I sat watching the NYCM TV coverage and the announcers were all about Mary Keitany this and Mary that. I like Mary as much as the next runner but I didn’t even realize Shalane was running until I spotted her in the lead pack at about mile 5. Could it have been any sweeter to watch her throw it down and freaking WIN the race? Do the work, run your race and never give up! It pays off!
(google images)
Alright so just like that it’s RnR Vegas race week! Can I get a boom shakalaka? Here’s how this week’s workouts went down:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Skipped workout. Too tired. Truth.
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Run 6 miles
Friday: Strength/yoga
Saturday: Run 8 miles
Sunday: CrossFit with the teenager
After yet another single parenting week (and weekend) you may be beginning to wonder if I indeed have a husband? I think I do but you’d have to head down to some golf course in Corpus Christie TX to be sure. Oh well, Caveman or no Caveman it was a busy week.
Thing 2 returned to gymnastics and started in a volleyball league. The teenager completed her second week at her first part time job. All this puts mom’s taxi…and mom’s schedule-keeping skills in over-drive.
Halloween was fun, albeit cold. Every year I make a mental note that we require no more than 2 bags of candy for the small number of trick or treaters we get and, as per usual, I bought 6 and now am sitting on a boatload of extra…that I’m NOT eating. Why? Because I’m finishing this year strong, and candy is not part of the plan, that’s why. More about the plan is here if you missed it.
If I thought last week was hairy, it pales in comparison to this one ahead. Isn’t it always the case that life seems super crazy just before you travel?
Let’s get to this week’s hot list.
Coresport Workout Shirt. I was sent this shirt to test. What’s cool about it is it purportedly keeps you cool. I run hot so the cool factor appealed to me. You probably can’t tell in the pic, but the back is made of mesh, although it’s not see-through. Made of poly/dacron with antibacterial bamboo charcoal fibers, the shirt wicks away moisture, dissipates heat and protects against UV rays. I put it to the test by wearing it for a sweaty 8 miles on the treadmill and I have to say it performed well and dried very quickly and without odor. It also washes very well and has high quality construction. Read more about it here.
C3Fit Arch Support Socks. I’m a fan of C3Fit tights so I was eager to try their socks. I wore them for my 8 miler on the treadmill and they were great. The arch support feels like a gentle hug on your feet but once I started running, I forgot all about them. Plus they had me at orange. Perfect for the #stripatnight in Vegas I think! Save 20% online until 11/12.
Last but not least
Congrats to Char, Erica, Connie, Shalane, Meb and everyone who ran the New York City Marathon today!
Is this not the sweetest thing? It’s Meb and his entire family gathered to celebrate Meb’s final career marathon. Meb is the best. A class act all the way.
How was your week? Did you run/spectate NYCM? Any new products you love?
I am so glad I live in a condo where there is no trick or treaters so therefore I do not need to buy any candy! I watched the NYC marathon day as well! Shalene is awesome! I was hoping that Meb would have come in the top ten since it was his final one.
Truth, Meb is a total class act. And Shalane? Oh my Gosh…..another role model. I’ll give you a boom shakalaka when we all arrive on the scene in Vegas! I’m looking forward to seeing you and all the gals 😉
Do you think that shirt helps with hot flashes? I need it for work when they’re stressing me out! LOL!
Sure you don’t want to join me for that half in Busse Woods? No pressure or anything…
I’m not sure I told you this (?) but the day before Boston Marathon this year I was out doing a little shake-out run along the St. Charles when who runs in the opposite direction??? The one and only MEB! I stopped, in awe, and he then stopped to, waved hi at me and smiled. OMG. He then went on and did some strides past me and waved again. Looked like stride, because it was fast, but probably just an easy pace for him – haha. I wish I would have asked for a selfie, but nevertheless, I’ll never forget that moment.
I was on my treadmill today attempting to get a longer run in and streaming the NY Marathon. Piece of crap channel I was streaming cut off after 2-hours and I’m like WTF!!!!??????!!!! Quickly found a finish line web cam and saw Shalane cross. I seriously screamed YES and then starting to cry I was so filled with emotion for her.
And then, I immediately went to our secret weapon London site and scoured if I could get into NY through them and why yes, I can, for a mere 13 million dollars!! 🙂 But dang, I must do NY! Come with me! 🙂
Yes – we must give it up for Shalane! I am on the train on my way into NYC when she won so I had to do a silent celebration, lol. Meb is such a class act and the sport will definitely miss her presence!
I love that Coresport shirt – I’ll have to look into it!
I can’t believe that RnR Vegas is next weekend – you’re going to have so much fun!
But that Halloween thing. Having just moved into the condo I bought candy just in case. Even though I had previously lived a mile away in the house which I never got any trick-or-treaters
We got one the entire night and it was a friend who texted in advance to be certain I had bought candy. I gave her daughter and her daughters friend all of my bags 🙂
Oh that Coresport shirt sounds like something I need as I always run hot!
Good luck with the week ahead – just keep telling yourself Vegas is waiting for you 🙂
I’ve never tried core sport but I also get really hot. I often wear a stay cool under armour top in the winter that wicks the heat away. Excited for you for Vegas. It was my favorite half ever!
That shirt sounds great..I will have to check it out! As our neighborhood kids age we see less and less trick-or-treaters every year, but of course I’d rather have too much than too little. My husband bought one huge bag at Costco and we didn’t even go through half of it, and I was giving out handfuls. I was out the door for work by 5:30 a.m. the next morning and brought the extras with me. My husband was NOT happy that I didn’t even leave him a few pieces. You know…the guy who likes to purge MY STUFF. Ah, revenge is sweet! Good luck at RnR. What fun! I am doing Ragnar South Beach this weekend.
Both Shalane and Meb are awesome. I didnt watch the race but followed along with some of it online. We have so much leftover Halloween candy too! We will probably keep it around for another week or two before tossing it.
That pic of Meb’s family is fantastic! I wasn’t watching NYCM but I was tracking my runners. When I saw Shalane come through I was like HOLY MOLY!!! I had to find a video to watch. I was cutting onions while I was watching…
I sure did watch (on TV) the NYC Marathon. Shalane brought me to tears!!! Last year I will there in person. I hope to get back there.
I just ordered Knuckle Lights. I hope I love them.
We go through phases where Mr PugRunner travels quite a bit. It can be challenging but I usually find a groove. Hope you get back to “normal” soon!
Cute top! Sounds like it did the trick for keeping you cool!
I did not buy any candy, give out any candy, nor eat any candy. And then over the weekend, the teen brings home two huge bags that his girlfriend’s parents were getting rid of. I caved and ate one mini Butterfinger…so far. Shalane brought tears to my eyes. Perfection! Have fun in Vegas without me. LOL. Thanks for linking.
Totally understand needing two rest days in a row. You are killing it with that workout schedule. Our neighborhood is full of young kiddos so we had a lot of fun trick-or-treating and handing out candy. It was my youngest’s first Halloween and I dressed her up as Judge Judy, which was a real hoot. 🙂
I love the Meb heads! I totally missed that. What a great race though, huh? So happy for Meb and Shalane.
Great job with your workouts this week! Best of luck at Vegas! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
First job– congrats on getting your teenager initiated into that part of life, I hope it will do her good. Mom’s taxi does get old, but it also provides time to talk that disappears once they start driving on their own. You’ve been quite the trouper with all that single parenting, I hope it will be your turn to be somewhere warm soon!
Love the Meb line-up! He is so inspiring. LOL on finding the Caveman on a golf course. I sort of miss the Mom Taxi days, although I know they were harried at the time.
Shalane was amazing to watch!!! Meb is definitely a class act and will be missed. I still will never forget the day we met him last year! Thanks again for that! Have fun in Vegas this weekend!!!
I didn’t get to watch NYC Marathon but what an amazing win for Shalane. Love the photo of Meb! Single parenting is hard work – that’s my life as my husband was away a lot for work.
Loving the “Meb” photo at the end!
Good luck in Vegas! You’ll have a blast. We actually had no trick or treaters at house. Not a single one!
Have fun in Vegas… I was interested in trying those socks as I saw they had toe socks too!