It won’t be long now before old man winter shows his chilly face around these parts. How do you stay motivated to get your training and workouts done when the mercury drops? That’s this week’s Tuesdays on the Run topic.
It’s 6 degrees. The wind is howling. A certain runner I know has 5 miles on tap. The question isn’t IF she’ll run today, but rather whether she’ll brave the elements and get it done outside, or take those miles to the trusty mill. Of course she’d rather curl up with coffee and skip the whole thing. But she doesn’t even consider it. Why? Because she’s motivated. Staying motivated isn’t easy, especially when there are obstacles to overcome. But there are certain traits that help get the job done:
1. Optimism. Studies show the most successful people feel they are responsible for their own happiness and have a positive mindset. Deep down, they BELIEVE they can do something.
2. Set Goals. Not just goals you’ve achieved in the past and you know you can do again, raise the bar. Choose new ones that excite and challenge you. Goals that nudge you out of your comfort zone may scare you just enough to keep going.
3. Find your tribe. Like-minded people who share your passion energize the whole process. A support system you can share war stories with will keep you going and keep it fun too. Tribes come in all shapes and sizes. They can be friends and family, a running club, online community, it all works.
4. Track progress. While you don’t want to compare yourself to others, it’s perfectly acceptable to compare yourself to an earlier version of you. Note your starting point then break down a huge goal into manageable chunks. Avoid becoming overwhelmed by focusing on one day at a time. One workout. One mile. One step.
5. Celebrate success. Don’t wait for the finish line to celebrate. Celebrate milestones too. Sometimes just getting out of bed and getting in ANY workout is a victory. Reward yourself as you progress.
By consistently chipping away at your goals, even in small ways, you gain momentum and start to define yourself by positive traits. Productive behaviors performed over and over again become good habits that will serve you and carry over into other aspects of your life.
What motivates you? How do you stay motivated?

Really good tips, and applicable to many areas of life, not just running!
Staying optimistic, even if you have to force yourself, is a very valuable tool. And I like your tip about celebrating the smaller achievements. It’s so easy to forget about the little wins when you are fo using on the big ones, but they definitely keep you motivated.
These are great strategies. I usually don’t have too much trouble staying motivated, but in the winter it can be more challenging. Setting goals and celebrating small successes definitely helps!
I need to digest this post right now. I’m in a little running funk and definitely need to put some oif these tips into practice!
These last few weeks I have been so proud of myself getting up extra early to get a run in before class. Now that it is getting lighter out earlier hopefully I can keep it up as long as the weather cooperates.
These are great tips that I can use off the road too! I do love my tribe and you all have helped me keep going through a really tough year!
These are great tips. And i runfess im nervous for winter running this year. Im worried i won’t have a tribe to keep me motivated through the cold winter months. Two are pregnant, one is taking extended time off from running, and i don’t think any others are training for any distance races. Hopefully I’ll find some new tribe members.
For me the goal thing is most important — and having a big goal motivates me! It motivates me to do all the little things. Like run outside in winter . . . sometimes.
I love how you put optimism first! It’s the easiest one to forget I think
Great tips. Though that snowy picture is scary. Not ready yet.
Having signed up for a spring race gets me out the door as well as having a buddy waiting for me.
Have the right equipment. Nothing squashes dreams of winter running etc quicker than non winter ready clothes!
I’m really lucky that I don’t mind the treadmill one bit when the weather is really rough!
I think having my treadmill will really help in the winter. I may not necessarily want to work out right away after getting home, but a little later is fine. All I have to do is head to the basement.
Sometimes when it’s really cold I set mini goals for myself. Like “Just run 3 miles and you can come back home”…but once I’m outside for that long, my body warms up and I just keep going, lol
I also have a treadmill in my basement as a backup
Finding my tribe has been the single most amazing motivator ever. I feel truly lucky to have them in my life
For me it’s often just about getting out the door. Once I’m moving, it’s so much easier to keep moving.
Great advice, you nailed it. I think having your tribe is SO important. I need to get out there with more running friends…I’ve been a solo runner for too long!
My deep-seeded distaste for ‘Milly keeps me motivated to get my buttocks outside. I prefer the summer temps, but the crisp cold air does feel refreshing (as long as the wind stays away).
Reading your post has definitely helped boost my motivation, Marcia! Excellent tips and great strategies to keep the motivation at a high level!