This week our Tuesdays’s On the Run Linkup begs the question: How will your training change this fall?
There will definitely be some running changes here.
In less than 3 weeks, I’ll no longer be training for a marathon. Gone will be those arduous 15+ mile long runs. In their place will be half marathon training, because I’ve got a couple of those on tap before this year ends: RocknRoll Vegas and the Panama City Beach Half. I’ve run both before but both are so much fun, they’re worth an encore.
I won’t have access to the middle school track anymore. Not that I used it all that much this year. The school grounds were under construction most of the summer so I couldn’t even get back to the track. Add my tendon injury to the mix and I got to the track a total of 3 times this summer. Oh well. Maybe next year will be better.
I won’t run at the crack of dawn anymore. In summer that’s the best time to beat the heat. But now that the kids are back in school, if I go out early I have to have my run done before 6:15am. Instead, since it’s cooler, I’ll head out as soon as I get them off to school.
How about you? What changes do you make to your running/training in fall? Did you enter my giveaway?

I’m hoping fall will bring a little more running for me. Im sad I missed out on pretty much the whole summer of running but fall is a god time too. Its just sad that the mornings are so much darker already!
I am heading into summer now and I am looking forward to lighter mornings and evenings so I can do my runs then. I have spent a lot of time on my treadmill this winter which I don’t really enjoy. Best of luck this fall/winter!
I do enjoy getting out there later; not that I ever get out there super early anyway.
It will also mean the return of a lot more clothes — and having to wear a bra as I’ll have to give up the shelf bra tanks! More laundry . . .
Can’t really complain, though, because cool fall temps are great for running!
I love the cooler weather and being able to wait until the kids are in school to run. This year, I get to run a bit earlier as they will be in school earlier, so that will be interesting.
Always after a big event with nothing of the same level on the horizon I feel a little lost. So basically all this year I’ve felt lost. It’s tough to find the new rhythm, especially if other things change as well! At least in my opinion. But I’m certain once you have a new goal in mind, you’ll find a new rhythm once again. Hopefully this fall (late) will change for me with more running when I get that notification that I’m either in Tokyo or London marathon – hey if you are going to dream, dream big!
I’m going to get more focused. This past weekend taught me a lot–I’ve been running wild and I need to reel myself back in. I’m not leaving any more races before I cross the finish line.
I’m also looking forward to not training for a race after I’m done with Chicago and NYC! The early morning wake ups on the weekend are tough!
I’m looking forward to fall running since I don’t have a crazy schedule like I did during the summer. And not having to go so early anymore too beat the heat will be nice.
Wow…how did Berlin get so close? Isn’t it a nice revelation to realize that in a few (short LOL) weeks, you’ll NOT be in training for it?
I can’t wait for late fall. After my marathon I’ll be taking some serious time off. For now, I’ve started running after kids go to school and I’ve been enjoying it!
I’m forcing some training changes with some training goals. 🙂 They are somewhat general since I’m not actually training for a race, but I need something to keep myself motivated. Now, if we can just get some fall-like temps here in Vegas! I’m over the triple digits….
I’m hoping I can get back outside with the cooler temps. I’m not one to get up early during the week to get runs in before the heat settles in for the day. I’ve been on the treadmill for my first week of training, but today is supposed to be 70. I feel the outdoors calling me for my run today.
oh yes running after the kids go off to school will be much more enjoyable! I am so excited for fall running it’s my favorite time of year
You must be so excited to move on from the marathon! I know those last few weeks I am always looking forward to a break from super long runs. Cooler weather will be so nice!
Laura you are so right! I’m so looking forward to not having double digit runs hanging over my head.
I am looking forward to some cooler temps and a breeze would be nice! I am excited about the fall line up and I am working hard on getting my new groove on!
Ahh fall running, one of my favorite times of year! Honestly, I don’t see too much changing when it comes to my training routine. I just know I’ll be so much happier with the cooler weather!
I am so excited about fall! As you well know. 🙂
I’m am looking forward to enjoying my runs more in the cool weather. I know from years of previous experience that my running will feel better, I’ll run faster (relatively, of course, but faster), and that I’ll be able to run longer without the strain I’m currently feeling.
I don’t know if Fall will change my running much – maybe I’ll just be running longer more often? (and by longer, I mean longer than I’ve been. I probably won’t start “training” until January – doing a 17.75k in March.