Even though it doesn’t quite feel like it, fall will blow into town officially in just a few days. While I’ll be the first to proclaim fall as the finest of the seasons, I don’t particularly care for the long, dark winter months that follow hot on it’s heels. Our Tuesdays On the Run Linkup topic is all about your fall racing schedule. What’s coming up for you?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know that I’m on the cusp of my biggest race of the year and my 4th of the 6 World Marathon Majors: The Berlin Marathon, which is coming right up on September 24. Yes, it’s race week, not to mention mega-travel week. Berlin will be my first full marathon run on foreign soil. I ran my first international half marathon and 5k in Dublin in August 2016.
The rest of my racing year looks like this…give or take….hopefully we won’t be taking.
10/29: Hot Chocolate Chicago 15k
11/11-12: RocknRoll Vegas Baby!
12/2: Panama City Beach Half Marathon for an encore performance (except I won’t be injured this time…I won’t) of our #Holottafun weekend.
Now about that side of guilt…
After the airline bankruptcy ordeal and getting a sucker punch to the wallet to the tune of $2000, I’m a little gun shy about incurring more expenses. Although the Caveman has been a really good sport so far, I’ve really pushed the envelope with my racecation habit this year. More important than the money is Thing 2. I get the sad eyes when I head out the door for a long run and she really misses me when I leave town. I promised her I wouldn’t run at all the weekend after Berlin and we’d schedule some special time for just the two of us. Is it time to curb my racecation enthusiasm? Sigh. I hope not. Time will tell.
What does fall look like for you? Any destination races? Do you struggle with guilt?

Geesh….I completely forgot about Panama City…..((gulp)). I need to figure out a delicate way to bring that up with the hubby LOL Of course, I’ll probably not be in shape to actually run that race with much gusto (unless I surprise myself in Vegas). Anyways, yes, I do feel guilt in racecationing (especially if I’m solo and not with the entire family in tow).
You could come to Madison with Tara, Karen and I and save the expense to Vegas!!! Just sayin’….. we are WAY more fun than your other hangout groups – we are the ORIGINAL! ๐
I hope all goes well with your travels to Berlin!! I’ll be rooting for you big time!
That sounds like a good schedule! Our racecations haven’t been anything too far away and sometimes we incorporate it into a regular vacation. Since Rob races too it works out- actually, its usually his idea to find a destination race!
You are going to have SO much fun in Vegas. The weekend will definitely feel like a whirlwind because there is so much to see and do. Running at night for both races was a little strange, but you adjust quickly!
I always feel guilty when I go away for a race even now that my kids are older. Glad you were able to work it out. Have an amazing time!
Don’t feel guilty. I know it’s hard, but in order to be a good mom you’ve gotta do things for you, too. Maybe dial back the racecations a tad until she’s older? But I wouldn’t cease completely. Can you bring her with you on some?
Bummed that I cannot get off work to go to PCM but at least there’s Vegas. Can’t wait to hear about Berlin.
I can’t believe your CC won’t refund you!! Mine are always great with those things.
Oh those sides of guilt!! My son used to do that to me! the “Please don’t go to Zumba mommy!”
You have an awesome fall race schedule coming up! So jealous of the RnR Las Vegas!
I am so excited for your adventure in Berlin!! Are the other World Marathons you are missing international as well? Are you going to add Tokyo to your list (since it is new-ish)? Yay!!
My cat makes me feel guilty, but this year I don’t have to board her when I head to Vegas. My parents will take care of her that weekend. I always felt so bad when I had to board her in Texas because I was taking her away from her home.
What a crazy mess you’ve had with the Berlin weekend, glad it’s finally working out! I hear you on the tricky line balancing racing and family… my husband and I have this discussion each time I sign up for a marathon, and I keep saying ‘just one more’… and somehow it keeps sucking me back in!
Looks like an awesome schedule to me ๐ you’re going to have such a great time/race in Berlin!
Well, the furkids aren’t too happy when we leave but obviously that’s not the same thing. Before you know it Thing 2 may not want to spend as much time with you; just sayin’.
It appears that we have used up quite a few of our frequent flyer miles on racecations; I may have to curb mine, too, and I still have so many states to go and I ain’t getting any younger!
OTOH, though, it’s important for Thing 2 to have a strong role model that shows she has her own interests, too. It’s just such a delicate balance.
Not to compare this to the guilt you feel towards a child, but I do feel the same guilt towards my Labrador Baylee. The more I run means less walks with her and more time away from home. She only has a few good years left (God willing) and that’s one reason I’ve cut my distance running down. I want to spend time with her at home or do things she can be a part of.
I’ve always wanted to run one of the Hot Chocolate races …looks like a ton of fun and great swag! Good luck in Berlin and I’ll see you at PCB! ๐
I am going to have terrible FOMO over PCB, I know it! Sometimes #girlboss has to make tough decisions! I will see you in Vegas, baby!
Maybe you could find a fun long weekend where thing 2 could go with you?