I’ve got so much to tell you but it’ll have to wait. It’s been a crazy, nutty WONDERFUL almost week in Europe. I’m just about to start the long trek home, but before I head out I wanted to tell you that despite all of my injury (tendon strain) and traveI (airline bankruptcy) obstacles, I did indeed cross that finish line in Berlin!
I’ll be back soon to tell you all about it!
How was your week? Did you race? Have you been to Berlin?

Congrats!! Cant wait to hear more about it! Safe travels back home.
Aww, man, what a tease! I’m sure you’re exhausted. Great to hear you had a great time! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
I cannot wait to hear all about it! Safe travels and see you soon!
Congrats! Cant wait to hear about how your marathon went and your time in Berlin.
I can’t wait to hear all about it. Congrats again and safe travels!
Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Have a safe trip home.
Safe travels, Marcia! Can’t wait to read your recap. 💕
Congrats!!! I’ve never been to Berlin, but my brother lives there right now. I’d love to go visit him!! Enjoy your trip!!
Looking forward to reading all about Berlin… safe travels home!
Great job! They did mention the Air Berlin bankruptcy during the broadcast. I’m so glad you were able to get around it.
No doubts I my mind. Can’t wait to hear all the gory details!!
Congratulations!! I am excited to hear details 🙂
Woohoo – I am so glad to hear that your injury did no hold you back and you were able to cross the finish line.
Looking forward to the details! Safe travels home!
Huge congrats to you Marcia! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Congrats on Berlin!! Can’t wait to hear all about it.
Oh what a tease! I can’t wait to hear your recap, congratulations!!
Can’t wait to hear the details! Congrats Coach M!
Boom!!! Another one down, just a couple left. So proud of you, Lou! xo
I’m excited to hear about the race!!!