Welp I’m just about locked and loaded to ship out to Berlin. My last long(ish) run is done, packing has commenced, the all-important plane snacks are at the ready. To say this past week was a chaotic one would be a gross understatement.
Because it wouldn’t be taper without a cold, I and everyone else in the house caught the one the teenager brought home from school. That made last weekend’s 18 miler pretty miserable. I’d have done 20 if I was feeling better but nothing good comes from pushing when you’re not feeling 100%.
Last week I participated in the Gerolsteiner Sparkling Detox Challenge. I gave up my usual beverages (water, coffee, kombucha) and drank all Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water all the time. Just like last year, I didn’t miss the coffee except for the first morning. Lucky me gets no withdrawal headache. Overall the Detox was a resounding success because the minerals make me feel great, I was well hydrated and when I’m hydrated I crave less junk. Win-Win!
See the little sliver of moon in the center near the top?
This week summer returned with a vengeance and made my runs feel tougher than they should be. I got out for my final 8 miler dark and early to avoid some of the heat. I always feel a little wistful on these last long runs of a training cycle. I save a certain route exclusively for marathon training so it’ll be my last time on it for awhile…unless by some miracle London calls in October….one can dream.
Just when you think nothing else can go wrong, something does. In the first half mile of my 8 I turned my ankle on this sucker. It wasn’t bad enough to swell or even hurt for long. I guess it’s the universe’s way of saying things can always be worse….or get the heck off those dark trails…or something like that.
Something that is going really well (knock wood) is my recovery from posterior-tibial tendon strain. I still do my exercises and I’ll see Dr. Miracle one more time for Ktape before I leave, but honestly I don’t even think about it anymore. It feels perfect and I hope that continues.
I’m still smarting a little (wallet is smarting a lot) from the whole Air Berlin bankruptcy thing. I have to make peace with the fact that I may never see my $$$$. If I do, it’ll most likely be pennies on the dollar. The whole experience and the way I dug in to still be able to go to Berlin for the marathon just made me realize how much I freaking love to run. If I can jump through all the crazy planes-train-automobiles hoops and make it to the starting line in Berlin, getting to the finish line will be the least of my worries. I’m going to soak up every minute of it and enjoy it!
How’d your week go? Do you have a fall goal race coming up? Do you feel wistful at the end of a training cycle?
Join us tomorrow for the Tuesdays on the Run Linkup and share you Fall Race Schedule!
I hope your cold is short lived. With what you’ve had to go through this training cycle and then with the travel poop this week, the marathon should be a piece of cake! I have to be careful with the green pecan hulls and the magnolia cones this time of year. They don’t give when you step on them. Good luck at the marathon! ENJOY. Thanks for linking!
That was quite a saga for you this week! So glad you have worked it out. I am so excited to hear all about everything you are going to rock it
woohoo!! So excited for you trip to Berlin! I hope that you get over the cold quickly. Safe travels and best of luck to you! Can’t wait to hear about it when you get back.
I was so sad that the summer weather returned this week. Can we just go back to fall? lol
You really had some week! Glad it’s all behind you – now it’s time to go and enjoy Berlin! Safe travels!
I was wondering how that challenge went. Lucky you for no headaches from coffee. I would be miserable.
Good luck! Have safe travels!
I’m so happy it all worked out for you and your travels to Berlin. I think your sentence, “The whole experience and the way I dug in to still be able to go to Berlin for the marathon just made me realize how much I freaking love to run” says it all! Good luck and have a blast!
Wow! Berlin is here! While you’re carb loading on brats and sauerkraut, we’ll be chasing that elusive 100 mile marker …then the next day while you’re running the streets of Berlin thinking of all the hoops you had to jump through to get there, we’ll be floating in Holly’s pool sipping fruity concoctions cheering you on! Have fun lady!
ahhhhh, that final run before a big race (like a marathon) is so sneaky and wistful. It feels almost like you’re cheating with it not being a long, sluggish endeavor…but it’s so short (or at least, FEELS ,so short) that there is a tiny bit of guilt (emphasis on very tiny LOL). Best of luck in Berlin!!!!!
I hope your cold goes away and you can relax now until race day! You’ve had your share of drama but I’m sure it will all be worth it once you’re there.
Wow… the moment is finally here! I have absolutely loved following you on this journey to Berlin. Lots of drama even towards the end, but you have dug deep. Whatever happens out there, be sure to enjoy yourself and take it all in. Will be cheering you on all the way from Botswana! Good luck (and travel safely x)
As I’ve watched this all unfolded I keep thinking how you are the living embodiment of tenacity and resilience.
Oh wow, I didn’t know about the Air Berlin bankruptcy, I’m so sorry you lost your money! I’m glad you’re still going to the race and I can’t wait to hear how it goes. And I’m glad your injury is in the rearview mirror!
My goal race is RNR Brooklyn about a month from now. I definitely get wistful at the end of a training cycle. And definitely sad when it’s over!
Well, everything has already gone wrong so I predict a fantastic vacation and race!!
As I mentioned on IG, I can’t imagine how annoyed I would have been with the flight cancellation. You handled it like a true champ, as always!
I keep thinking I’m coming down with a cold, and the change in temps keeps making my throat feel dry. So far, so far *knock on wood*. I haven’t rolled my ankles in a while, but I think I have a bone bruise on my left ankle. It feels better this morning, and at least it’s not as tender when I push on the spot.
I do see the moon in the morning light 🙂 Very pretty!
I hope you have a fabulous trip and a great race!! You sure earned it this training cycle.
So glad everything ended up working out for you! Hope you had the best trip/race 🙂
so typical getting a cold before a marathon!! ugh!
I am so so glad you were able to get another flight! I would have done the same, no matter the cost! You haven’t been training for nothing! what a stress! I have to say I have never really had so much stress before a race. Once I arrived 5 min before the start of a race but I was in the back anyway so I still crossed the line with the crowd. And in Paris I had to wait a really long time for the loo at the start and was still waiting when our corral went so I just went off with a semi-full bladder until I couldn’t take it any longer (which was amazingly at around 20KM).
did you book the breakfast run?
Oh no! Not a cold! Really?
Knocking on wood, I’m still healthy and no, I don’t really get wistful at the end of a training cycle because I’m so ready to be DONE! I have appointments coming out of my ears, my cousins’ stop at my parents couldn’t really come at a worse weekend (well, this weekend would have been even worse, I guess).
The good thing about a racecation, though, is the busyness totally takes my mind off the race!
Wow what a crazy week! Sorry to hear about the Air Berlin fiasco. So not cool. I’m glad you found an alternative to get there! I’m excited for you and your trip. Looking forward to hearing about it!
I’m still in shock over what happened with the airline. It sounds like getting there will be an endurance event in itself – but that will just give you more reason to celebrate when you cross the finish line.