It was a good week on the comeback trail. While my long run is nowhere near where it “should” be at this point in the Berlin marathon training cycle, I’m cautiously encouraged that I’ve been able to run completely pain-free now for 2 weeks and built my long run back up to 10 miles.
Monday: Rest (watched eclipse)
Tuesday: Run 5 trail miles
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: Run 7 miles with 2 miles of easy intervals. 50/50 trail/road
Friday: Bike 20 Miles
Saturday: Bike 18 miles
Sunday: Run 10.25 (road) miles
BTW Spandits has some fresh new prints for fall. Check them out and remember SPANDITSLOVE saves you 10%.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit incredulous with how well my treatment plan is working. Part of me feels like it’s too good to be true. But I also know that Dr. Miracle has come through for me on other occasions: There was the peroneal tibial tendon strain and the partial hamstring rupture. His methods are tried and true. The voodoo that’s been so effective on this tendon injury is called FACTOR. It’s an acronym for something that starts with Functional and I promise to remember what the rest of it stands for the next time I ask Dr. Miracle. I can tell you that the routine goes like this:
- Mobility assessment and hip/knee/ankle adjustments as needed
- Graston while performing any number of strengthening and balance challenges
- Heat + electrical stimulation via TENS unit
- KTape as needed
- Stretching/strengthening/balance exercises at home on a daily basis
My Legend Compression Socks and Sleeves are working overtime.
Some of the exercises Dr. Miracle has me doing remind me of my dancing days. My hips, ankles and feet are already dramatically stronger. My stability and balance are much improved and so is my ankle mobility. This week I’ll cut back seeing my doc from 3x/week to once/week. I’ve been able to run pain-free without kinesiotape but will continue to wear it for long runs all the way through marathon day. The doc wants to see me weekly right up until I leave for Berlin so that’s what we’ll do.
Here’s the takeaway that is SO important and unlike other medical treatment I’ve received for injuries in the past: When you sustain an injury, you need to not only heal the injury but also address the weakness/imbalances that caused it. If the weakness is not addressed, the injury will recur and has the potential to become chronic. Other doctors would send me for an X-Ray, tell me to stop running so the injury could heal. and that was the end of it. Dr. Miracle had me start on strengthening and mobility exercises at my first appointment. Some of them I was afraid to even try because I thought they’d be painful and impossible. I was wrong. I know I’ve got my work cut out for me building sufficient endurance for Berlin with just 4 weeks to go, but I’m very hopeful we’ve got this posterior tendon under control.
How was your week? Ever rehabbed an injury? Ever been frustrated with mainstream medicine?
Frustrated with mainstream medicine? Ummm, I recently had a doctor blow off an obvious infectious-looking bursitis flare….I’m just glad my friends prompted me to call the specialist (an hour away) to get the ball rolling (even though the outcome was not pretty due to the delay in seeking proper treatment). I totally agree…it’s almost a waste of everyone’s time to “fix” the problem without also fixing the cause. I’m so glad you’re rallying back!!!
Don’t even get me started on mainstream medicine.
I’m really happy that the treatments are working so well for you. Addressing the underlying problems is always the way to go — except it’s not always easy to determine them!
I think the pool running & the biking will see you through the lack of long runs. We’ve seen that happen with so many other runners — you really dedicated people!
I agree that it is all about addressing the weakness or the injury will return. I am so surprised my injury has not returned because i’ve been awful at stretching and strength training!
I love that you found someone who “gets it”! I agree so many providers just tell runners to take time off without addressing the cause of the injury. I keep preaching sports medicine but it’s crazy how many runners just go to their GPs for sports injuries. I’ve got a good story about that I’ll have to share with you. It’s amazing how little most of them know about athletes.
Do you cry when Dr Miracle performs Graston? I think it sounds so painful. I would do it if I had to, but it would be a last resort for me.
I’m super impressed at how you have handled your recovery from this injury. Not only did you continue to workout and do running in the pool vs outside, but you had a positive attitude the whole time – so inspiring!
Congrats on your pain free double digit run today!
Wendy I do not cry. Not even close. It’s uncomfortable but not hellish. Dr. Miracle warned me about the first “scraping” and was quite shocked I did not cry. He said most people do. There are far more painful things. Plus it’s so worth it!
Sounds like you have a great Dr! Fabulous news that you are back to running double digits again
Deb he really is so passionate about what he does and stays up to date on all the latest advances. I originally met him doing post-race stretching/massage at a local 5k and when a problem arose I gave him a call. Can’t say enough good about him.
So glad that the treatments have worked! I totally agree that you need to fix the underlying cause otherwise the injury will continue. Lately I have learned just how big a role ankle mobility plays with the post tib issues!
I so need Dr. Miracle in my life! You’re exactly right though …I’ve been dealing with PTT disorder off and on for several years and everyones advice is stop running until it heals. Then it flares back up when I increase mileage over 6 miles, run stairs or do lunges. I know there are muscle weaknesses and imbalances at play here as well.
I’m so glad to hear that you are running pain free again ….it’s a lot of work rehabbing an injury!
^^ When you sustain an injury, you need to not only heal the injury but also address the weakness/imbalances that caused it.^^
This is so true. You are lucky to have such a good doctor to lead you through that process all the way to Berlin!
What a great week! Your treatment must really be amazing. I totally agree that you need to treat the underlying cause. I think that strength training in general is so important for runners so that you don’t get muscle imbalances that may lead to injuries in the future. Glad to see that everything is going well for you!
Glad to see you are doing so much better. That is one great doctor you have there too.
Hallelujah for connecting with the right doc! Great to see the progress you’ve made. Hope it continues!
Ohhh the dreaded PTT, I had it for years! Hip mobility and superfeet inserts were my lifesaver. Glad you are on the road to recovery!!
So glad you are on the way back! It’s interesting that the protocol for injuries is changing (for some). Before it was rest, no running. Now some professionals are saying it’s ok to run as long as the pain isn’t above a 3 on a 1-10 scale and doesn’t get worse while running or afterwards.
Angela for the first 1.5-2 weeks I did stop running and did pool running instead. I do think it needed to rest, but the strengthening/Graston started immediately.
I am so glad to hear that your recovery is going so well! I have had Graston for my knee a few years ago and it hurt so good! Your doctor sounds awesome, I wish I could see him and get rid fo all my nagging issues!
When I started seeing my chiropractor in Dallas, he had me start prehab exercises right away to address the cause, and he focused on my IT band and everything else that was out of whack because of the cause. I was seeing him twice a week to get a good start on things.
Keep up those exercises, and good luck!
Good to know that treatments worked out well. It hurts when we need to stop the work we love just because of some physical issues. You must be happy with the recovery.
That doctor sounds like a keeper, and I love people who are really passionate about what they do. I think it gives them that extra edge, not to mention very satisfied clients/ great outcomes.
Sounds like you have a great doctor!! Great to hear you are recovering nicely!
That is so true, I will sometimes just rest when i feel something flare up, but I really need to work on the prevention and maintenance too…we can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting different results right.
Dr. M sounds really good ๐ Shoot, remember my first foot Doc told me I was done running forever , while I do have challenges I am still getting by! I am so glad I found a Doc that supports an active lifestyle.
I love my Legends! I live in mine lol
So glad you are feeling progress ๐