It was a week of “lasts”. The last week without back-to-school related obligations (ie: orientation, locker setup, etc). It was also the last week (well, half of a week) where I didn’t have an injury to contend with. Go here for injury details, I don’t feel like rehashing that story. Here’s how the workout week went.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run 6 miles
Wednesday: Mega Gardening and Bike 12 miles
Thursday: Run 3 of 6 planned miles then hurt my post-tib tendon
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Pool Run 2 hours, Swim 30 minutes
My emotions have been kind of all over the place since injuring my tendon. They’ve followed a pattern similar to that of someone dealing with grief or loss. Although thankfully the only loss I’m experiencing is a few runs…hopefully.
Denial: What the what? Do I feel pain?? No I do not. My foot is NOT hurting. Nope. Not. It can’t. I’ve got a marathon to run. The hotel is booked. The plane tickets are purchased. Heck we’ve booked TOURS! There’s no pain here. But I’d better stop running to be sure.
Anger: Dammit my foot IS hurting. *&!*#$! !&%% !(#$%*!
Bargaining: If I can get this tendon healed up in time for the Berlin Marathon I’ll never pull another weed again as long as I live. In fact I’ll keep myself rolled up in bubble wrap at all times (except during training runs, of course).
Depression: I skipped right over this one. No time to be feeling sorry for myself. I’ve got a freaking marathon to train for. Plus there’s pool running! It’s my secret weapon.
Acceptance: Fine, my tendon is still a little tender but it feels better every day. I will train to the best of my ability and I WILL finish the Berlin Marathon. Whether I have to wog or walk or whatever, rest assured I will FINISH IT!
Here are this week’s favorites:
Hot Shots: Until this week when we got a welcome break from the heat and humidity, I’ve suffered through some soul-sucking workouts. I was sent Hot Shots to test so I’ve been downing one about 20 minutes before I begin my run. They’re hot and spicy but not unbearably so (I’m a spice weenie and they were fine for me). They’re invented by a neuro scientist/endurance athlete and scientifically proven to prevent and treat muscle cramps so you can train harder, longer and finish stronger.
NOW Magnesium Spray: The dad on My Big Fat Greek Wedding and his Windex have nothing on me and my NOW Magnesium Spray. There’s nothing like it to soothe overworked muscles. I’ve been spraying it on and massaging it into my strained tendon a couple of times a day. It’s magical.
Fro-No: Did you know Red Mango has a vegan, non-dairy option? Yes they do and it’s delicious. I took the kids and dogs in to test out their new Fro-No and boy was it ever delicious! Whether you choose Blood Orange, Carmelized Pineapple or a swirl of both like I did, you will not go wrong. These are SO refreshing!
What stages do you go through when injured? What are your faves this week?
I think you will get through this and have a blast in Berlin whether you wog, jog, walk-run, or run completely! I can related to all these feelings although I think I stayed in the depression stage a little longer because I was in SO much pain even when I wasn’t running. -M
You know that I’m a huge fan of pool running. You could pool run from now until Berlin and finish the thing. No sweat. You got this!
I know you will finish! Pool running seems like the way to go and so much cooler 🙂 I am having fun trying out my new essential oils (thank you). Happy Monday!
Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your foot – but I’m glad that you’re at the acceptance stage and listening to your body so you can still run your race! I’ve definitely gone through those phases…especially denial and bargaining, lol!
That topical solution and the Hot Shot spray both sound really interesting. I’m not sure I could down something spicy before my run though, lol!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Downing that before my run definitely gave me pause, Kim! But it was ok. It’s also recommended that you chug one as soon as you get a cramp. I suppose I’d be so desperate I’d do just about anything.
I go through all of these, sometimes more than once. It’s great to skip over depression – having a secret weapon makes a big difference.
Viel Glück!
I’m sorry to hear about your foot. Pool running seemed to work really well for Wendy when she was injured, so hopefully you’ll have the same success with it.
I think you nailed your stages of acceptance. I have never done actual pool running not sure I would have to patience to do it. Hope your leg is feeling better this week. Hang in there!
I’ve been there with the injury thing. My current situation, though, is more like a recovery from a freak act of fate…which makes it REALLY annoying. But, alas, it’s my reality and it’s been much more manageable and bearable than I’d anticipated. I just bought some of that NOW spray, and the Hot Shot sounds interesting…. Take care! You’re in such great shape, Berlin (and the wonky ankle) got nothin’ on you 😉
You’ll be fine. RICE, girl. 🙂
I went back to read your coffee date (how did I miss that?!). Ozzy is adorable. And I’m going to be so sad when my kids stop playing with toys and move on to fashion and texting.
I’ve gone through it all while injured (have had three big injuries in 2 years). It’s so hard. FOMO is hard….you warch everyone online running, racing etc and there you are just missing it all.
Anger and frustration are my main emotions when I get injured. Also, confusion lately since I don’t know how I could injure myself. I’m doing everything right, but my body still doesn’t like some things.
You have a great attitude about all of this and I’m glad that it’s feeling better every day!!
Thanks for the tip on the magnesium spray – I’m going to try it out!
The pool running kicks butt! That is a workout and a half.
You got the stages of acceptance just right, been there, felt that.
I usually get stuck right in middle of the anger/depression phase…I mean for real, I just got tired of being slowed down.
Hope you feel better soon!
Glad to get your recommendation on the magnesium spray. I have been wondering about them.
I think I stayed in the ANGER phase for my last injury. I’ve also used the bubble wrap logic. I’ve done the 2+ hours of pool running — it’s crazy but you do what you can. It certainly is not a cake walk. Speedy healing, my bad a$$ friend.
No doubt you’ll make it through to Berlin just fine – and great to have pool running as an option! That Magnesium spray sounds interesting – glad it’s helping. Hang in there – you’ve got this!
Hopefully you heal up quickly! Thankfully I have only had one running related injury in the 4 years I’ve been running. It was ITBS. With a lot of strength training and cross training I was able to push through my training cycle to run a pitiful marathon (I was a stubborn runner and wouldn’t back out!).
Magnesium spray – that’s interesting. I’ve never heard of that before.
So sorry to hear this! Pool running can be fun too!
Ah sorry to hear about your foot! Sounds like you are playing it smart! I have no doubts you will finish Berlin!
I know the stages of injuries too well. A tendon in my foot is feeling wonky after my race on Saturday. I really want to run but I’m being super duper extra vigilant about it and taking a whole week off from running because I do not want to even remotely be associated with an injury right now. NO no no!
No likey 🙁
Sorry to hear about your foot. Hate injuries. Hope you heal fast!
I used to do pool running many years ago and loved it. It was actually before I started running. I had a water belt and would do it in the deep end… it was a great workout! I sure hope that PTT is feeling better every day! But I know you …..yes, you WILL cross that finish line in Berlin!
I go through the excessive cleaning phase LOL! Have to channel that negative energy somewhere!
I’m sorry you’re struggling through this. I have been there and it is so freaking frustrating. You’re doing a good job of taking it in stride and you will be back out there, soon. :hugs:
Well kudos to you for skipping right over the depression phase. No time for that crap…but plenty of time to heal completely by Berlin. Way to play it smart.
Seriously, why can’t our bodies just cooperate with us? Is there such a thing as a pain free training cycle? And yes, I totally need that magnesium spray. I heard about one a while back on another blog, I forget which one.
Here’s to a quickly healing tendon.
What the crap? Where did this come from? I agree you have marathons to run in exotic places for crying out loud! I wish you super fast healing.
I too go through all of those! Denial the most!
That Magnesium Spray looks awesome I need me some of that stuff!
So sorry about your injury. I hope you heal fast and I def have to check out that magnesium spray, it looks great!
I want to try the magnesium spray. I didn’t realize magnesium could be used as a topical.
I’m sending good vibes to your tendon and hoping for fast healing. And I’ve never heard of that magnesium spray but I’m definitely going to have to check that out!