Seriously was this runfessional not just open a couple of weeks ago? Thanks to vacation, it sure seems that way. Nevertheless, here we are, with July (and some of the glorious daylight) fading before our eyes. Time once again for the Runfession Friday Linkup.
Time once again for the Runfession Friday Linkup. Let’s get this party started.
I runfess I’ve been out, riding Blanche the trusty road bike lately. But one day when I was out riding, I came up on a woman on a cruiser bike. She was dangling a plastic grocery bag in one hand and had earphones in. She looked like she was having a great time but was weaving. A lot. We were on a not too busy roadside (but still a roadside) and each time I’d get close enough to think about passing she’d veer out, sometimes all the way across the center line of the road. I runfess I wasn’t sure what to do. Stay behind her? Ride like a banshee and pass? Turn around and head in another direction? I rode like a banshee. You knew I would, right?
I runfess I love my new Garmin and all but my old lady eyes can’t always read it the best. After using it for a bike ride I went looking for my stats and could not find them. It did however tell me that I went on a smoking fast 11 mile HIKE at a sub 5 minute pace. Whoops!
I runfess this Master Gardener’s garden is a weed jungle. I blame being away on vacation and getting soooo much rain. I’ve got some peppers out there that are viable. Maybe a pumpkin plant. I haven’t battled my way over to the tomatoes yet. The rest is probably shot. The jury’s out on whether I’ll scrap or salvage it at this point.
I runfess I NEED a new hydration pack. Every weekend when I use mine, I hate it. But as soon as I take it off, rinse it out and hang it to dry I forget about it until the next time I use it and hate it and NEEEED a new one!
I runfess I adore these lazy summer days and not having to be on the school schedule. But by now a tiny part of me is ready to get them out of here. And I’m so looking forward to the teenager driving herself to school this year! Booya!
Your turn: What have you to runfess? Any hydration pack recommendations? Mentally ready for back to school? Would you pass or stay behind a weaving biker?
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

I didn’t know that you’re a master gardner. That’s so cool!
I hear you on the eyes… I don’t wear my contacts or glasses on most of my runs so I have to carry a pair of readers in my spibelt so I can read my watch, set up my GoPro, etc. 🙁
Thanks for the linkup!
Banshee mode was your only option! LOL on the hydration pack. I do the same thing with things I don’t use every day.
Was she drunk? The weaving makes me a little suspect…
There’s been nothing lazy about this summer and I’m longing for a little lazy. No complaints tho, it’s been a fun one!
I runfes that I’ve worn the same shorts for the past 3 runs. DON”T TELL ANYONE
Get an Orange Mud vest. It’s life-changing. You’ll love it!
I runfess that If I had not set a goal to run 1250 miles for 2017 that I could have run 1250 miles and had more fun.
I runfess that bought more fitness clothes when I really didn’t need anything!
I runfess (momfess?) that being a nervous mom with a newly-licensed driver was a fairly short gig. Yes, I still worried about their safety, but it was so nice to not have be the taxi driver. And, they were usually more than eager to shuttle the younger siblings around (after the trial period) and run to the store for a gallon of milk 😉
I finally remembered to write Runfessions! That was fun!
I can’t believe that Thing 1 can drive!! Time really flies!
I have more clothes than I need but I continue to wear my favorites.
A teen driver. More time for running!!
I hear you on the eyes – I need Garmin to allow me to change the font like my phone does!
We’re one year away from a teen driver in my house – I’m both excited and terrified!
Now that you mention it, I feel the same about my hydration pack. You need it but you don’t want it. Thanks for the runfess this month I really was in a whiny mood for sure. Felt good!
I think I missed last month so I was ready! Don’t crap all the garden but make a spot to plant your pineapple top! I want to see my garden expand to the Chicago area! It is so nice when the kids can drive themselves to school and activities, it is like getting a little chunk of your life back!
I wish my hydration pack held my phone. it’s getting old and I’ll need a new one soon but I find the little pockets not big enough for cell phones. I runfess I’ve have my Garmin for three months and still haven’t figured I all out yet! Nice hike 😉
Yes! I 100 % agree on the school schedule free summer! It is so amazing to not have to constantly be checking the clock for sleep times, the bookpack for school reminders and triple checking the kids took their lunch!
As a teacher I’m definitely not ready for school yet. This year is moving extremely fast, I saw Halloween decorations two Isles worth, at the store yesterday. I think that’s a little too much.
I’d pass, like a bat out of h***. Slow people and weaving are not my favorite, and I was dealing with slow drivers this morning. I was already cranky, and slow drivers in rush hour make my blood boil. As soon as I could, I got around them.
It is so nice with the kids can drive themselves! I have a Camelbak Lite which is smaller and holds about 60 ounces, or maybe more. It is very comfy but I runess I don’t like the weight of the liquid on my back.
Somehow I knew you would ride faster to pass the weaving woman, lol. But she really needs to be more careful and pay attention!
I miss not having any lazy summer days this summer. Somehow the summer just got away from me this year. I decided to take off from work the last week in August. I’ve been way to go-go-go this summer and I need a break to enjoy the end of summer!
I’m using a Nathan Intensity vest… I like it ok… I think I’d like it better if I was a little taller and flatter, it just has an odd fit on me.
I have the CamelBak Dart hydration pack and really like the size of it. I find it does not bounce too much.
I laughed out loud at your Garmin mishap! But only because I’ve done the same thing! They seriously need to make a “large print” version of a runners watch 🙂
Master gardener. …can you come to my garden?? Lol!!
I laughed out loud thinking of you pedaling past that lady…lol!
Ultimate Direction Jenny Pack. You’ll LOVE IT!
The weaving biker would have been so irritating to me, lol! I would have sped past them just like you did!
Somehow we accidentally ended up growing squash in our yard and it made me think of your pumpkins! We’ve been growing tomatoes but I think they’re still taking a while to get ready.
I love the summer but it seems to be coming to an end already…sigh!
I have a Nathan pack that I love but it is a very old model and the bladder does not have the convenient quick release hose. I am trying to decide if should get a new pack and just buy a new bladder. I keep wondering if a new pack might be more comfy.
I would love a garden and some fresh veggies 🙂