I runfess I lost track of what week of Berlin Marathon training this even is. I’ve been in that much of a fog. Turns out the race is exactly 2 MONTHS AWAY! Ok that’s cause for alarm. Time waits for no one. This week was all about getting back in the workout groove after being away on vacation. Here’s how my workouts shook out.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 4 Trail Miles
Wednesday: 10 Miles Bike + Strength
Thursday: Run 5 Miles
Friday: Rest (wrangling MIL = so not restful)
Saturday: Run 15 Miles (more MIL wrangling)
Sunday: CrossFit (oh how I missed you) (still wrangling MIL)
For the most part, it was a hot, sticky, stormy week. The day before we left on vacation it stormed overnight and we woke to a very flooded basement. Apparently the sump pump and pump backup had both failed. The carpet, pad and dry wall, as well as most of the contents (furniture) of the basement were a total loss. We had a crew in the house working to dry it all out while we were gone and we returned to a dry but totally ripped apart basement. I haven’t been brave enough yet to plug in the treadmill in the pain cave to see if it still works. Dealing with contractors, claims adjustors and the like consumed much of the week. Moving on….because that’s all we can do.
Running was a struggle thanks to the humidity, but I needed the sweat therapy too.
I managed to get out on my bike and even that felt pretty toasty.
My long run was yet another death march with copious amounts of walking but you know what? According to my Garmin and my heart rate, it was a productive workout so I’m going with it.
Hot List: Because heat seems to be a theme this week, I’m adding things I really love to my Hot List. That’s what I’m calling my favorite finds. Here are this week’s faves:
PopSugar Must Have Box: The latest #MustHaveBox Pop Sugar sent me may be my all-time favorite. It just oozes summer. They had me at Aloha with this adorable trucker hat from Billabong. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a real page turner and the perfect beach read and who can go wrong with an icy brew from Starbucks, especially with a striped party straw from Meri Meri? In addition to these goodies, there’s also A Mini Cookie Stash from Belgian Boys, Mermaid Tears Cuticle Oil, a splashproof Coco Palms Pouch for transporting your beach essentials and Sea Salt Hair Spray for beachy waves. Get your own Must Have Box here and use SHOP5 to save $5 off your first box.
Kra. Ever wonder what’s in your sports drink? I’ve been chugging Kra lately and the ingredient list is impressive. It’s made from real, organic fruit juices and electrolytes. It contains nothing artificial and is caffeine and gluten free and certified organic. Best of all it’s refreshing and delicious…and it matches my flowers.
Chicago Map Print. I’ll admit it, even though I’ve got a ways to go on my journey toward running all 6 marathon majors ( 2 more to go after Berlin), I entertain thoughts on how I’ll commemorate the event once it happens. When I saw these city maps, a lightbulb went off: wouldn’t it be fun to have a framed map of each marathon major city displayed in the pain cave? When all the flood damage is repaired, that is. Check out all the city maps and other goodies at Modern Map Art.
Hands down this was the fastest month ever. I suppose being away on vacay will do that. Nevertheless, the Runfessional open this Friday for your submissions. Join me!
This week we’re wrapping up the month on the Tuesdays on the Run Linkup and assigning grades to our goals. See you there?
How’d your week go? Do you celebrate running milestones? What’s on your hot list? Is it humid where you are?
It’s been very hot & humid in Iowa, too. It feels like the heat (slightly) broke…in the mid-80’s today with reduced humidity. Crazy how “mid-80’s” can feel comfortable LOL I had not heard about the drama in your basement! Oh what a bummer!
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about your basement. That happened to my parents basement 2 years ago and it was quite the adventure so I understand what you’re going through. I hope that it all gets cleaned up and sorted out sooner rather than later!
I haven’t heard of Kra but it sounds good! I’ll have to look for it the next time I go shopping. I love your map print idea for the Marathon Majors! Which 2 will you have left after Berlin?
Congrats on another great week of training. I can’t believe the race is only 2 months away!
Kim after Berlin I’ll have London and Tokyo left. Berlin is sneaking up way too fast!
I just finished the book it’s really a fun read. The heat is just ridiculous and oh so draining. This week looks a little better fingers crossed
Ugh on the flooding! I hope your treadmill comes back to life! Love the Chicago map! This week’s weather definitely was better for cycling than running – preferably indoor cycling. 🙂
What a way to head off on vacation with a flooded basement 🙁 I love your idea of the city maps for all the majors! Great way to commemorate such huge accomplishment. Can’t believe Berlin is just two months away!!
Ugh. I’m so sorry to hear about the flooding in your basement. The maps are a great idea. I can’t believe you are two months from your next major. I’m curious, what will the weather be like in Berlin this time of year?
Oh no, so sorry to hear about your flooded basement. Was it a fully furnished one?
Do you know Pam who use to write at Two Runners Travel? She is also on a quest to run all the marathon majors. I do believe Berlin is her last one.
Great week of training!! Only 2 months until Berlin?!?
I love the quote that you shared – time waits for no one. That is a great reminder for our training.
Oh dang, the pain cave flood sounds dreadful. The house we just sold had a basement and every now and then I’d have this fear of the sump pump going out and it flooding. But hey, the bright side ….new furniture!! 🙂
I love the map idea to commemorate your marathon majors completion! By the way, you look good in cycling attire! You should consider joining Holly and I on our quest for 100!
Sorry to hear about the flood! What a horrible thing to experience. Hope the TM works!
However, you had a killer week of workouts – way to go!
I love the map idea. Do you have your bibs from your previous marathon majors? They could go in the same frame.
And after checking out the link, I saw ski maps. I know what I’m getting my dad for his birthday.
Lesley, I saw my race bibs floating in the basement. Not sure they’re entirely lost yet because they’re Tyvek and all. I’ll have to see what I can salvage.
This month is going fast and yes, you had a super cool looking vacation. The basement damage sucks though :-(. Is the MIL still around?
Was my bedroom destroyed??? 🙁
We SO need another marathon together. *sigh*
Keep at it, Lou – that’s what you do best! I’m walking on my measly 5 mile runs, so 15 is awesome in my book.
I am so sorry about your basement! What a nightmare. No need to tell you about this humidity. It’s been so brutal. Two months to Berlin seems like a long time to this procrastinator! Of course our goals are very different…
Love your map idea!! Maybe you can do a collage art piece with a race from each and the medals 🙂
The basement sounds very stressful, that type of thing is always so draining. Was that a pun??
Your blue cycling jersey is so cute, i am jonesing…I still don’t own a real jersey lol
MIL wrangling – you crack me up.
Sorry about the MIL wrangling — yeah, you need some running after that.
It WAS super humid last week but it’s cool & rainy today (and probably tomorrow). It’s actually kind of a welcome break, especially since it wasn’t a total washout. Except I wasn’t feeling well today & just really needed an extra rest day — but it’s kind of killing me!
You are really cranking it out! I couldn’t even get near my bike this week. Just too hot.
I started re-reading the Game of Thrones series. I am loving the newest season and just want to refresh my memory on how the story actually goes. Also on my hot list? Shark Week. Gotta love me some sharks.
Love the idea of the maps. That’s totally my style.
YES! The maps are a great idea!!
That stinks about your basement. My aunt’s basement flooded so horribly a couple months ago. There was so much water that her chairs were floating. Oy!
Hopefully you’ll get it sorted out soon. And fingers crossed the treadmill still works.
Was that book in your box? I’ve seen so many peeps reading it–I think I may have to pick it up!
I didn’t realize you had MIL in town–geez, that”s all you need with the basement nonsense!
I love the idea of the framed maps!!
2 MONTHS!! OMG! I am so stinking envious. I dream of doing Berlin again, only 20 pounds lighter with not a single, solitary injury hahahaha! You will love it and your training is not going to let you down!
So… Ron totally has a Chicago map print hanging up in our bedroom. And regardless of it being a PR or not…he’s getting the course map line tattooed “somewhere” (not sure of location yet). I think that’s awesome 🙂 As for me, I commemorated my very first marathon as a tattoo on my leg (and then later had it featured in a “Like the Wind” magazine special on running tattoos 🙂
The humidity in Florida makes me want to stay inside forever. It’s actually one of the reasons I’ve been treadmill running lately. Between the heat and the humidity, I just can’t run outside yet. My goal is to start doing more at least two of my runs outside by the end of August since I have a half in October. But ugh – this has been a HOT summer….
And I love how you say “wrangling the MIL” because that’s EXACTLY how I feel when mine comes to visit. (if she asks, I didn’t say that.)
Had a similar sump pump incident at least our basement is not finished.Still made a royal mess. Hope you got things straightened out.
We’ve had a weird summer – lots of humidity and rain – not much sun.
Good luck with your marathon training. The race will be awesome – I mean, its in BERLIN!!
Thanks for linking up.
It was incredibly hot and humid here last week as well, and I really struggled during my runs as a result. I love summer, but I’m ready for a break in the humidity.
Sorry to hear about the mess in your basement!! I hope your treadmill works! Love the Aloha trucker in your Popsugar box!