Today I’m sailing somewhere in the Aegean, maybe headed to Mykonos, definitely not blogging. Check out Instagram and Facebook for updates on exactly where in the world I’m roaming. I invited one of my favorite runners to share “a day in the life”. Please welcome Marybeth (aka Speedy MB) of Tutus and Tennies fame. Marybeth has been one of my athletes for over a year and a half now and she makes me proud on a continuous basis. Take it away Marybeth!

Have you ever needed a change? I mean like a real change. Like decide it is time for a complete makeover change? I did and I dug in hard. After 25 years working nonstop in healthcare what the heck was I supposed to do? I had to get off my butt and make something happen!
Let’s do this, 24 hours with Speedy MB. BTW, my coach calls me speedy. I did cut 13 minutes off my half marathon time and finally finished a 5K in under 30 minutes last year, so for 50+, speedy it is.
I wake up and roll over- it is 8:05am! WTH! WOW! I guess when my hubby is out of town, his snoring does not wake me up! Coffee on, running shorts on, it is time to go because it will just get hotter!

Coach M has a nice 4 miles on the plan with a fast finish. Run keeper is set and I am off! It’s hot! At the 1.75 mile mark I run back by my house. I think I have to poop or maybe I just need a drink of water, I am not sure. My Runkeeper announcer comes on and reminds me that I can sit on the couch and drink an entire bottle of wine when I finish, I love this guy- LOL! My run is done and yes, this what I look like in June!
9:15am and I stink! Time for a shower and throw a load of clothes in the wash.
It is 10:00am. What am I supposed to do now? I am all cleaned up and nowhere to go! I quickly make lunch plans with my daughter and daughter in law. My phone rings. It is the nice people at Chase Bank wanting to know if I bought groceries online this morning for $520.00. That is a big fat NO! UGH! Now my debit card had been deactivated. I guess I am making lunch.

12:00pm and my car is loaded with the best tuna/egg salad that I could put together plus sliced carrots and guac and chips. Sounds healthy to me! When I get to the house, this little one is awake and I could not wait to get my hands on her! AWWWW, she melts my heart!

2:00pm and I am home on the computer. I get an email inviting me to Minneapolis for a possible business venture. Well, you don’t have to ask me twice. I found a flight on Southwest and a hotel room at the Marriott and I was good to go! Like I said, it is time to make things happen.
4:00pm and I am back on LinkedIn. Love this site. I signed up for LinkedIn learning and I am on my second class. Now my tummy is rumbling. I dig thru the refrigerator for something to eat. Tomorrow is trash day and I take advantage of that by throwing the old food out of the fridge. I know there is something good in here somewhere!
I settle on leftovers and a glass of Chardonnay. You can’t go wrong with either choice there! I eat and continue on with my class on understanding Financial Ratios. Oh yes, I am one of those.
7:00pm I move to the couch with another glass of wine. Remember the Runkeeper app said it was fine! 🙂 I am ready to settle in with some trash TV of some sort. I have the remote all to myself and start thinking about what I should pack for my trip on Thursday……….
Ever need to make a change? Are you a stay at home domestic goddess? Do you feel busier now than when you worked 8-5?
IT’s crazy how busy we can be, even if we aren’t working outside the home. Congrats on all the newly acquired speed!!!!
Thanks Coach M! I have never been a guest before! WOO HOO!
Do I ever need to make a change…. you are inspiring me to consider my options! But remember I’m married to a guy who’s averse to risk…
Go MB Go!
This is fun! Yes I do feel busier than I did in the past. I have no idea what I do with all of my time!
Ugh! I hate when people get ahold of your card! I spend a lot on groceries but definitely not THAT much.
I rarely understand the people who say they are bored . . .
Those late day runs in south are enough to break ya lol I did one today!
I love your running app, I need someone to me tell it is okay to wine LOL
What Wendy said! I would love to try a big change and move to the north west, but hubby rolls his eyes.
Your little one is an angel 🙂
Hhm. Maybe I need that Runkeeper App! I am pretty risk adverse so usually a few days off is the only “change” I can cope with!