I was back in for my follow-up appointment with the endocrinologist last week. After completing another round of blood and urine tests, here’s what he had to say.
1. My thyroid levels are right where we want them. Booya! The thyroid med I’ve been on is helping my body convert T4 to T3 and everybody’s happy.
2. My sky-high estrogen levels have normalized and are dissipating via “more desirable pathways” (his words, not mine).
3. The “unearned” weight gain I’d complained about a few months ago is gone. I’d still love to drop 10 but it looks like I’m on my own for that one. The extreme fatigue, moodiness and cold sensitivity are gone as well.
4. Overall I feel much better, except there are a few days every month where my workouts are off the rails. Heart rate is sky high and I’ve got nothing to give aerobically. I suspect it’s at the time of the month (ovulation) when estrogen is highest. The Dr. said my estrogen was normal but I did not test during those few days when I suspect my estrogen swings up off the charts.
5. As far as the Methylation Protocol goes, after 2 months of taking methylation meds (to the tune of $208/month after insurance) my methylation ratio is actually LOWER than when I started. Say what? He asked me repeatedly if I was still taking the meds. Um yes…but I’m not going to keep shelling out for something that doesn’t work…
Where I go from here…
Honestly I feel well enough most of the time to call it good. I’m seeing improvement in my workouts, I’m sleeping well and my cortisol levels have normalized. When I have those “off” days it give me peace of mind to know why. It remains a mystery why my methylation rate has dropped so low. I hope it might improve over time now that my thyroid levels have normalized, but I’ll be focusing on other ways to increase it:
- Eat more dark, leafy greens, including kale, watercress, spinach, escarole, and beet greens
- Get more B Vitamins in my diet: Sunflower seeds, wheat germ, fish, eggs, cheese, beans and walnuts are all good sources
- Minimize animal protein, sugar and saturated fat
- Take probiotics to keep gut bacteria healthy
- Avoid caffeine. Excess amounts can deplete B Vitamin levels. Not happy about this one
- Don’t smoke (no problem there)
Have you ever had to uncover a health issue? Do you get enough greens in your diet? Are you racing this weekend?
I’m linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.
This all sounds so encouraging!!!!! You can’t see me, but I’m doing an enthusiastic (though klutzy) happy dance for you 😉
So glad you are doing better! Thats really frustrating the the meds didnt work though. Your plans sound reasonable, but the caffeine one is always tough.
Interesting! So glad you are feeling better. It would be great if those expensive meds were not necessary.
I’m glad you are feeling better but why aren’t you methylating? Maybe you aren’t a methylater. LOL.
This getting older thing is really wacky.
I am so glad you are feeling better! Am I methlayting? I have no idea, I know I am sweating- ugh guess that is another issue! I am not a fan of a whole lot of medications so if they don’t make a difference I would not take them either. Caffeine is the devil, just one cup of coffee each morning and then no more……I think it makes a difference in a lot of things 🙂
I am glad that you are feeling better and that most of your results were great – that’s definitely a positive!
Glad things are getting back on track for you. Most importantly, you knew things weren’t right, had it checked out, and found some fixes. Too many people would have attributed it to ‘old’ (ahem) age. You really need to listen to your body and know when things aren’t right. I also would stop taking meds that aren’t working. Why keep piling them on, especially when they’re so expensive! Overall my diet is pretty good but give up caffeine? No way!
Well that’s all good news (except the price of the meds — WOW!).
I eat a lot of salads. 🙂 I actually enjoy salad a lot, and sometimes when we’re on vacation & I haven’t been able to have them, I start craving them!
Of course there’s always room for improvement. Always!
My doctor put me on B12 a couple years ago. I’m taking more and more vitamins as I get older, and I used to laugh at all the pills my grandparents were taking. I’m getting close to that number.
Sounds like a great endocrinologist, thorough and rather wholistic. IME a very hard thing to find. On the estrogen front: isn’t that a perimenopause thing, for estrogen to be high, but without enough counterbalancing progesterone? Maybe adding some natural progesterone would help you feel better? I’m fine-tuning my diet, too. Low-salt, leafy greens every day, fruits and veggies for lots of Vit C and for specific antioxidants. Finding that I really have to up my game. I hope your current plan works and gives you vibrant health!
Well, I’m glad you’re feeling good. But that’s a mystery. I hope you figure it out soon. Being a woman and getting older is so frustrating. So many ups and downs.
That looks s fabulous that you are feeling so much better! Good luck w your tri this weekend
I am so glad that you are feeling back to normal, or close to it.
I’ve had a few nagging health issues through the years. It took FOREVER to diagnose gallstones and a bad gall bladder in my 20s, and more recently, I had some female issues. Fortunately, I was able to choose my course of treatment – surgery or change of diet and strategy and I went the diet/strategy route. It’s always good to stay on top of things like this and I’m glad you are.
That is great news!
How annoying to find your expensive meds not working. But glad you are feeling well overall.
I have been chasing a cause for low blood protein levels for 5 years now and really feel like I am never going to get an answer.
I hope the good feeling continues and you do awesome at your tri!
Great news for you! I’m so glad you are feeling better and sleeping well. I have MVP (funky heart valve problem) and Mother’s Day weekend my chest hurt for two solid days. I don’t know if it was my MVP acting up (chest pain is one symptom), stress, heart burn? I don’t know. I’ve been seeing a cardiologist since I was 28 years old. Some days I’m fine, other days my heart gives me trouble and usually stressful situations make symptoms worse which makes my anxiety go through the roof. Best of luck at your triathlon tomorrow!! I hope the race goes smoothly for you!
Great to hear you’re feeling better. Frustrating that those expensive meds didn’t make a difference, but it sounds like you’ve got a plan. Hope everything keeps moving in the right direction!
So glad you are feeling better. Thyroid issues can be rough, but you are doing great!
Glad you are starting to feel better. My husband is a vegan, but having said that sometimes I feel like we don’t eat enough greens….or at least I don’t.
I’m glad to hear that the meds are helping and that you’re starting to feel a bit better. Here’s to continued recovery and getting back to feeling like “you” again!
I am so happy you are better!!!!! That is a dang lot of money!!!!!
SO glad you are making progress and feel better 🙂 I am in hot flash hell the past month.
I need to get back on my salad kick for lunch. I have not been on my salad game this week.