This week our Tuesday’s on the Run Linkup asks how you go about planning your race calendar. Do you use a formula? Aim for a certain amount of races per season? Race as much as possible? Enquiring minds wanna know! Me? I may have a few tricks of my own:
Start with your BHAG(S): BHAG=Big, hairy, audacious goal. Do you have one or more? Maybe you’re gunning for a PR or a BQ, aiming to tackle a race series, a relay or, like me, tackling the World Marathon Majors. Whatever you’ve set your sights on, those go on the calendar first. My BHAG this year is the Berlin Marathon (holla!) on September 24. All roads (that I’ll be running on this year) lead to Berlin. My tri in May is a secondary BHAG because triathlon still takes me way outside of my comfy zone, and I like to be scared sh!*less every now and again.
Racecations: Whether or not these are goal races (they might be social running for fun) racecations require extra planning time and money due to the travel and logistics involved. Put them on the calendar next. At the moment I’ve got one racecation coming up in June (Utah Valley Half Marathon—join me and save 15% with mhs15) but there’s also a good chance I’ll be in Vegas for RnRVEGAS in November. Jill, Tara and I need to get something on the calendar as well.
Tuneup Races: Now that you’ve got your goal races and racecations set, it’s time to add in some tuneup races. A tuneup race is one strategically placed in the calendar before a goal race. It should be a shorter distance than your goal race. Tune ups are run to give you an indication of your fitness. If you run a tuneup race more than 2 weeks before your goal race, you can use the pace info going forward to tweak your training. Tuneups do not need to be raced all-out but a steady, solid effort is recommended.
Shorter Distance Races (5k-10k and everything in between): I pepper my schedule with these last. Sometimes they’re a great substitute for speedwork or a tempo run and I have several local favorites.
Your turn: How do you put together your race calendar? What’s your BHAG?
I’m linking up with Running on Happy, Suzlyfe, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs for Running Coaches’ Corner and with Annmarie, Jen, Nicole and Michelle for Wild Workout Wednesday.

I usually make my big goal also my racecation. We only really travel for marathons and that usually ends up being my goal race each year. I also fill in the shorter distances later and do stuff that is local and fun.
This year my BHAG is Grandmas. There will be goals to crush it and a goal to finish. It’s really going to depend on the day.
LV is going to be fun!
Ha, I never set a goal first. I pick a race and then determine my goal based on the specifics of the race like time of year, race course, who I’m running with, how I’m feeling, etc.
PS, there is something wonky going on with your commenting system. The last person who comment is the info that shows up. I have to manually change it each time.
My big goal this year is to improve my triathlon times in all 3 sports. I know I can do I just need to keep up with my focus
I like your approach for race scheduling! Last year, my BHAG was the Philly Marathon. This year, I’m not really sure what it is! So that’s given me a lot more flexibility as I focus on the spring and then start working on my fall schedule.
I can’t wait to follow your training for Berlin…what an amazing experience!
Ha! I may be slow, but I’m usually giving my all to any race. I’m still competitive!
There are a few races in March here — cept I don’t wanna! And have a lot of life going on right now.
I think it’s mostly going to come down to weather for me at my next half.
This post is so perfect! This is almost how I planned my race calendar this year.
I started off with my two BHAGs – Chicago and NYC Marathon. Then I started thinking about my long runs during the summer/Fall so I added in a few races based on that. Now that I’m a RockNBlog member, I’m trying to fit in a few raceations as well.
Plus a tri is good for cross training. I don’t swim, and I only bike inside, but it’s good to shake things up every once in a while.
your tip’s so helpful to me. I’m gonna make a race calendar and look for some tips. I think it’ll work on me. Thanks a lot
I’m going to say my system is cram as many races as possible in the season…. Hey I have to say it’s working. 🙂
Just when I think I’ll slow down and pick more destination bigger races, I get great opportunities to run semi-local and well I’m right back with “ALL THE RACES”
Solid advice here! I too put my Big Hairy Goals on first (this year it was Gasparilla Distance Classic and Chicago) and then add races around it. I usually pepper my schedule with mud runs since that’s my thing and I know I can always get in shape to run one of those rather quickly.
I used to scoff at racecations but apparently it’s my thing now… who knew. Lol! I really enjoy seeing different parts of the country on foot. It’s really fun!
The tune up race idea is a great one, and one of the fun ways to get your body used to what to expect race day!
This year, I am not really planning races out, although I’ve already signed up for half this summer, and I’m waiting for the lottery to open for a marathon I enjoy. Other than that, I am literally just running races this year that I can maybe do a little pre-volunteer work in advance to get free entries, I know I’m a cheap college student right now, LOL
This year I tried to get in as many local halfs in the spring as possible since our season for that shuts down from about April to October. I’ll be looking for some shorter races for this summer.
Wow, Berlin?? Now that is definitely a BHAG! I don’t know that I’ll ever dream that BIG! 🙂
So I need a tune up race before Utah- I will be looking 🙂 I like the idea of the BHAG! First it was the back to back Gasparilla run and now I am pumped about Utah. What will Tricia and I pull out in New Orleans? Not sure but I am definitely feeling better 🙂
I usually like to pick my goal races first too, but this year I’m a bit all over the place. Still not sure what my fall will look like.
Berlin is going to be an amazing experience!
I’ve never planned any racing calendar befor, just do it randomly. First I’ll think about my BHAG. Thanks for your useful tips.