Turn off the heat! Throw open the windows and leave your jacket at home! Spring has come to Chicago…at least for awhile. Don’t ask why or wonder how we’ll pay for this in May, just enjoy. First, this week’s workouts:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run 6 Miles + Swim
Wednesday: 20 miles Bike + Swim
Thursday: Run 4 miles + Strength
Friday: Run 8 Miles + Swim
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: CrossFit (ouch)
Overall it was a better week. Despite being released from the hospital, my dad is very sick (diabetes, heart disease getting the better of him, kidneys shutting down, etc) and caring for him is taking a toll on his wife, who’s on in years and not in the greatest health herself. I’ve been heading into the city and helping out as much as possible. Not fun. Ok that doesn’t sound like a better week. But there were bright spots:
Our weather has been amazing. The sun, which was SO absent in January, is making up for lost time. The temps have been mild too: In the freaking 70’s this weekend. Holla! It’s been really uplifting.
I volunteered at Thing 2’s 5th grade Valentine’s Day party. The last holiday party of her elementary school career. She’s more than ready to move on to middle school, and I won’t miss the headache of coming up with safe snacks, crafts and games, but still, it’s a bittersweet end of an era. Time goes on.
The teenager had her first Varsity track meet of the indoor season and she did not disappoint. Knock wood, her hamstring that gave her ongoing issues last season seems to be healed. She threw down PRs in all of her events, making me one proud mama.
Me. I’m still hanging tough in hypothyroid hell. Running is a struggle, Crossfit has become a struggle the past two weeks (wtf) and the appointment with the specialist (despite having completed all my pre-appt bloodwork, etc last week) has been moved up….wait for it….ONE WHOLE DAY! So instead of waiting until the end of March? I’m waiting until the end of March minus one day. Thank heavens for (very) small favors.
First call: The Runfession Friday linkup will be open this Friday! Can you believe we’re already cruising toward the end of February?? As per usual, I’ve got plenty to share and I know you do as well.
Tomorrow’s Tuesdays on the Run Linkup has a Genie in a Bottle ready to grant you 3 Running Wishes. Stop by and share yours and who knows? Be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it!
How was your week? Has (fake) spring sprung where you are? Did you do a high school sport?
The warm weather was amazing this weekend! And it was so nice to see the sun. Im also worried about how we may pay for this in April and May.
First off—YAY—I see my name in the comments box!! π Yes, spring has sprung in Iowa….as much as I’m enjoying it, I know Momma N is waiting backstage, poised and ready to wave her evil wand….
ooh you got in 3 swims this week! Nice! Are you following a training plan or just winging it? When is your tri? I finally got out on my bike today so gorgeous out. Have a fun week!
Geez, we’re going to have to resort to walking. With cups of Starbucks of course.
Hoping your dad is ok.
I already know what my 3 wishes are. π
We had a crazy warm up here, but unfortunately I’m still sidelined from running and couldn’t take advantage π
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad.
Huge congrats to your daughter on her PRs!
I’m loving the warm weather too. Even if it does cool off, I wont complain because our winter has been very mild over all. Congrats to your daughter and I hope things get easier with your dad (and you).
*WAIT, So weird, I just went to comment and Kimberly from Running on the Fly’s name came up. I’m gonna have to change that since I am not her….lol
Testing….To see if this comment goes through.
Such nice weather you are having! Congrats to your teenager with all her PRs! Sorry to hear you have to wait so long to meet with the specialist!
The weather at my place has been more better. It’s sunny but still cold. Recently, I would prefer running outside rather than using treadmill.
People β β all of my friends who are super dedicated to the environment β β don’t love when I say how much I love π the spring time in the winter. I too am concerned about climate change but if I can’t control it right now I really will enjoy it!
Congrats to the teenager and all her PRs! I ran track in high school but we never had an indoor season, that would have been awesome. The weather here this week was amazing and I broke out the tanks and running skirt!
Sorry to hear about your dad, that is stressful for everyone π Fun week though with parties and track meets, you have been one busy mom and all that swimming!! Enjoy that warm weather- can it really be spring?
Yep, fake spring was here this weekend for sure! So sorry about your continuing struggles but thank goodness you were able to get an earlier appointment. π Seriously, I hate how long it takes to see a specialist! I honestly don’t miss grade school valentine’s parties – so fraught!
I am so sorry your dad is so ill! π I can’t imagine how stressful that has been for you. Hang in there! And you’re right… when is the ball dropping on this amazing weather we’ve been having??
Sorry your thyroid issues aren’t yet settled…you’ll get there. And now a day earlier. Woo hoo! I got to enjoy 7 sunny miles on Saturday but had to work 12 hours yesterday. I’m heading to rainy California tomorrow so I’m probably going to have to take my runs indoors. Ugh. Congrats on your daughter’s PRs!
It’s been fake spring here all winter, temperature wise. Don’t get me started on the mostly gray days though. I hope you Dad is doing well. I know that is stressful for you and your family. Congrats to the teen with her PRs. I recently had some bloodwork come back abnormal. So I’ve got to be retested after a month. It’s a little unsettling to wait so long. I want to have a healthy test NOW. I hope your visit with the thyroid specialist goes well. Thanks for linking, Marcia!
“Donβt ask why or wonder how weβll pay for this in May” ha I was thinking the same thing – but man am I enjoying this!!
Yes, enjoy the great weather you’ve got! I’ve been trying to do the same in Boulder, and it’s supposed to turn chilly by this weekend, with chances of snow Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Just after I got more work clothes out of storage because my sweaters were too hot!
You are so lucky. The weather in my area is like in summer now. And of course, I dont want to go out and run anymore. Some kinds of sport that are inside a house are perfect, like badminton or basketball.
Have a nice weekend, girl.
Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he’s doing ok. Congrats to your daughter in her track meet!! Spring was here for a couple of days until the rain came back. NorCal is getting hit hard. I’ll be running in the rain again today but at least we’ll have lots of water and no fears of drought this summer.
Looks like we are having crazy warm weather all week hope you are too! Thanks for the reminder about runfessions this week see you there
What a busy gal you are! Makes me tired just reading all of this. π Hope you have a stellar week and that the sun keeps shining in Chi.
Oh man, Marcia. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through so much right now. Sending so many hugs and healing vibes to you and your dad. xxoo
HUGE congrats to your teenager!! That’s awesome — I hope my kids decide to be runners one day, too. π
I’m glad you guys got some nice weather! I hope your doc gets to the bottom of things when you finally get to see him.
I’m sorry I missed what was going on with your Dad. I feel ya — you know I have ongoing issues in that dept too. It’s really tough and lately I’ve been stretched real thin again. Plus while our weather has been nicer (mostly), it’s not anywhere near as nice as yours & I’m having such FOMO!
Hugs. Aging parents are not for the weak. Doctors make me nuts — let’s hope they can actually help!
And congrats to the teenager; obviously a chip off the old block.
My week was laaaaaaame. I missed out on all the beautiful weather because I was taken out by a 3-day fever. It seems to be gone now, so hopefully I’ll be back out on the roads soon!
I ran cross country in high school, though I run a 5k faster now than I did then!
I’m so sorry to hear the news on your dad Marcia I can’t imagine how stressful that is for you and your family.
I am glad to hear yall are enjoying mild weather as well. Ours was on the verge of hot but hey not complaining, yet that is.
It was pretty nice being out on the water in shorts.
I am hoping for other small miracles with the moving up of your Dr.’s appointment. I’m ready as well to get to the bottom of this, I know you are!
Enjoy the week.
I feel your pain down here too …that damn Aunt Minnie is giving me hell. I feel like she moved in, took over my body and has completely sucked the life right out of me. No energy at all. I hate her …I really do. Got an appt. with the Gyn next week ..going to demand some sort of miracle pill, even if it is in the form of HRT!
On a positive note though …I’m so glad you guys are seeing some of this beautiful weather we’ve been having down here in the South as it does help to lift the spirits quite a bit! And the teenager? Wow! I know you are super proud and obviously she gets her running talent from her athletically talented Mother! π
So glad you’re having good weather up there! Congrats to your teen for her PR’s too! My middle daughter will finish elementary school this spring. She’s in 4th grade but junior high starts in 5th grade at her school. Looks like you had a good week despite some struggles. My son gave me strep throat for Valentine’s lol so my week did not end on a great note!
I’m sorry you have so much on your plate. I am sending good thoughts for your father and his wife. <3
Huge congratulations to your daughter! How awesome for her! I would be so proud too! And middle school… how bittersweet.
I think it's spring. I don't even know anymore. The mornings are so cold, and then the temps shoot up in the day. I guess the worst of the cold is behind us now.
No sports for me in high school. I was obese, self-conscious and completely non-athletic. Things have changed a wee bit.
Sorry you have to wait so long for your specialist (endocrinologist?) appointment, sounds like you could use all the energy you could get to deal with kids, dad, and life! Hang in there!
So sorry about your dad. I know that must be so hard. Congrats to your daughter on all of her PR’s at her meet! That’s so exciting! I played soccer in high school and my teenager has played since she was 4. It’s fun watching her succeed and do something she’s so passionate about!
So sorry to hear about your dad. I do hope that things get better sooner than later.
Aww man, sorry about your dad π That’s great of you to help him and his wife out. And sorry your thyroid is still bugging you so much! I hope that appointment somehow gets moved WAY up!