This week our Tuesdays on the Run topic begs the question: Would you rather race locally? Or set off on a racecation?
Face it there are pros and cons to each.
There’s much to be said for racing close to home:
- You can sleep in your own bed
- More flexibility with running gear/clothes
- Fuel up in the comfort of your own home
- Avoid a long drive
- You’re familiar with the area
- You’re accustomed to the climate and terrain
- Less stressful overall
Personally I’ve done my share of local racing. With very few exceptions, I’ve done most of the Chicago area races at least once and many several times. I especially enjoy races that are super close to home. The ones in downtown Chicago can still be a mega PIA to travel to not to mention the $$$ parking.
Racecations are exciting:
- See a new city, part of the country or world
- Enjoy a totally new running route
- Enjoy a different climate or terrain
- Experience different cultures
- Meetup with friends that don’t live near you
But they can be stressful too because you’ve got travel-related hassles and expenses, logistics, time changes, different food availability, etc.
If you hadn’t noticed by now, I love to travel probably just as much as I love to run. So when I can combine both? I am one happy nomadic runner.
The countries shaded in blue are places I’ve run.
The green shaded states are places I’ve raced.
At this point on my running journey, racecations appeal more to me than local races do, and I’m thrilled to have the Berlin Marathon to look forward to this fall. Now I just need that money tree in the yard to start growing already…
Which do you prefer? Local Races or Racecations? What’s the most enjoyable race/place you’ve ever run?

Send me a branch of your money tree when it gets growing, ok? Ha!
I love racecations (as you know). Too bad soccer season and race season overlap so much, sigh. And school. Why do these darned kids have to go to school?
You’ve really raced in alot of places! I tend to run smaller local races and then travel for half or full marathons. It helps that most of the time Rob runs them with me so we travel together. Its so fun to run in a new place but can definitely be a bit more stressful!
You do get around, Marcia. ๐ And obviously great minds think alike!
I do love love a great race cation- the thrill of getting there is like an extra race! A nice home race is great too- I like the sleeping in my own bed part ๐ but as we no parking is parking no matter where we go! Bonus is when you race cation within walking distance of race start- heaven!
Wow! You have run in many places of the world! I hope to race in each state some day! I think I will get there one day. You do have a few years on me:)
I love racecations!!! I’ve only ever done a few but it’s so great starting off Saturday with a race and then enjoying the rest of the weekend in a new city! But these days with a 6 month old, local races are a little easier.
I’ve done a decent mix of both. But regardless of whether or not I am racing… I love to run on vacation. Get out and explore!
Both running locally and racecations have so much to offer-I’m team run local because I love my routine. I will have to say though, the most enjoyable place I’ve ever run is Seattle-you are just surrounded by beautiful mountains and soooo much good food ๐ Maui comes in a close second, because omg seeing whales during a race is just amazing.
Looks like you need to make it to Montana still! Don’t come now though its cold and not fun. I usually get one good racecation a year with my besties and the rest of my races are local or within a two hour drive
That is impressive! I will be running Berlin as well ๐
I do love racecations but nothing beats being able to roll out of my bed and head to the start line! Happy to have a mix of both.
I used to prefer to stay local but now I really enjoy a nice racecation. ๐
I definitely enjoy racecations more, I just wish I had more money to travel!
So I see you haven’t visited VT, NH & NJ.. Come on!! VCM is a great race. Just sayin’
I love to travel. If I didn’t have to work and had more money, I would do it more.
So I’ll have to settle for mostly local races.
california is definitely the coolest place i’ve “racecationed” when i did the nike women’s half marathon in san fran!!
Running around the world is definitely a dream of mine! I love getting the opportunity to run while on vacation, it doesn’t even have to be a race! I think this year I’m going to do more traveling to races, but there are always those locals that are so convenient and hard to resist!
I can only imagine how amazing an experience Berlin will be!
Seriously we need to color in Mississippi or even Alabama I’m not 40 minutes from the state line! I love any reason to get out and run somewhere different, but I hope to add some closer races this year to support the little people! They need love too!
That’s a lot of places, but running is a great way to see new places. The BB will be my first Colorado race, but I’ll take new states as they come. Being on a limited budget means travel’s tough, but it’s fun!
You should visit western South Dakota for a race! We have a couple on rails to trails courses that are through some very beautiful forest and one or two down a beautiful canyon ๐
Traveling is the best and I’m sure a race in a new city is a great way to see the sites from a unique perspective! ๐ I need to get my butt traveling more. And working out more… but mostly traveling more ha
Racecation all the way! of my 15 races last year only 3 were to be considered “local”. I love the excitement of travel plus a race. We are used to it, so there is not a lot of stress prior to racing.
I’ve never been too far for a race, sadly our budget doesn’t allow for all that traveling!!! I sure wish I could afford to vacation that often!!! I usually stay pretty local, but hope one day to do MCM, and a race in California maybe!
I think #holottafun taught me I need one good racecation a year! I do tend ot stay close to home though for the most part.
Your amount of blue is mind boggling to me! Lots of fun memories I bet ๐
I like local races but I love racecations. Me and my running crew have traveled to Miami for ING Miami (when it was called that) and San Juan, Puerto Rico for Divas. Both were really too hot for my running comfort but the “cation” part of the trip was just what I needed.
I love a good racecation – it’s getting all of the planets to align with family schedules that keeps me home more than on the road….that and that need for the money tree you referred to!
You have run so many places! Where have you run in PA?
My friend has stayed at Nemacolin and urged me to go there sometime! She said it was beautiful, and now you say so too, so I will definitely have to look into it.
That’s a tough call. I love love my bed and my shower. That said, I love traveling too. Some of my favorite places to visit for a runcation, San Francisco, Chicago and DC.
I have done both ๐ The racecations are great, but the $$$$ certainly is a factor so they do not happen very often. I have been know to travel to “windy cities,” though and run with some of the locals….
Wow, those maps are a thing of beauty!! Glad to see you’ve popped by Maryland for a race. ๐ Once my foot heals up, I plan on doing more local ones in the spirit of #runalltheraces but I love racecations the most, especially Disney ones!
I race local because it’s cheaper and easier for me. I don’t work a traditional 9-5, so getting a weekend off can prove damn near impossible, especially Spring, Summer, and Fall months! When it comes to hiking though, I’m a total vacation hiker. I love seeing places I’ve never been before. I’d love to start doing more destination races one day, but for now I’m a local runner ๐
Nice!! You have raced in lots of places! What race did you do in WA? I love racecations! I would love to do more this year but they are so expensive. This year I will probably stay more local but we’ll see… ๐
All the reasons you listed above, Marcia were the the same reasons why I chose a local marathon this year – local, meaning only an hour drive. My last 2 destination marathons have left me exhausted, especially while traveling with 2 little kids. I didn’t want to run a marathon in Florida, because the the climate is so hot, but I chose that over hours of traveling! Great tips! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
You have some fun races planned, which no doubt you’ll do awesome in!!!
I love racecations they are my absolute favorite, but even local races have a good place especially for those who enjoy doing them quite often but may not have the budget to travel often!
Good luck with your training!!!
If (when!) you get around to running the world-renowned OKC Memorial Marathon, you can shade another place on the map green, and you can come stay at our farm! It’s the last weekend of April this year. We have amazing Tex Mex. ๐
Great post, Marcia. Loved it. I always look forward to running in new cities, although so far I’m too cheap to race much, haha!