Here we are: A new year and a new chance to have coffee and catch up. Special thanks to our lovely hostesses Coco and Deb for getting us together.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you one of my goals for 2017 is to stop procrastinating my runs. Especially when it’s cold and dark, coffee tastes so extra good and I just wanna cradle that darn hot mug all day. Plus we have the best, most efficient newpaper (yes, I still read one, totally stone age I know and I don’t care) guy who gets my paper on the driveaway by 5am. Coffee + newspaper = run doesn’t happen right away and my whole day gets thrown off. Ugh.
If we were having coffee I’d lament that it’s -2 as I type with a testy -16 wind chill. Then I’d remind us both that a couple years ago -6 was sweater weather here in Chiberia. I think it’s the overall mild winter we’ve had thus far that makes these cold jags seem extra cold.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you my high hamstring injury, while making progress, is still tender to sit on and I’m running very slowly and carefully so as not to aggravate it. I’ve mostly left my Garmin at home so I’m not tempted to pick up the pace….or disgusted by how slow I’m going. Working out with less intensity has its perils. Mainly low calorie burn in a season filled with indulgence.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you our return from Florida was a bit of a shit show. Gosh I hope that doesn’t become my theme for 2017. First our garage door opener decided to go on permanent sabbatical (why does this always happen when it’s sub-zero?). Then I opened the pantry to see that we had house guests while we were gone and something had been nibbling away on a lone sweet potato….and had chewed open a bag of rice….eeeeew! So after considerable time spent standing atop the kitchen counter Β shrieking, I carried out the task of doing a pantry purge and cleanse and while the Caveman worked on apprehending the offenders. Yeah I can hold a baby alligator without batting an eye but a tiny rodent throws me into hysterics. Let the record show said rodent passed on the Oreos and protein bars and went with whole, unprocessed foods. Gotta love a health conscious mouse.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you the Caveman and I went to the gym dark and early on New Years Day. It wasn’t even crowded….yet. I was in the middle some action on the bench press when the fire alarm sounded. Of course everyone sort of looks at each other with that “is it real?” expression and doesn’t budge until the staff prods us to get the heck out. So out we went. The Caveman retrieved the car keys before coming out so we sheltered there until the fire dept. determined it was a control panel problem.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you one of our goals for 2017 is to take back this “playroom” and make it….oh I don’t know….my office…or a den. Thing 2 inherited my affinity for amassing clutter so this year there’s a new rule: For each toy brought INTO the house, 50 must go OUT. That pile on the floor is her first 50. Here’s to progress. I’ll be back with an “after” pic hopefully sooner than later.
What would you tell me over coffee? Do you procrastinate? Are you decluttering?
Every Sunday I get up and drink two cups of coffee and read an actual newspaper as well. And then I wonder why my friends tease me about being an old lady haha
We had a mouse once a few years back and I literally could not sleep for days bc I thought it was going to attack me at night. I feel you! Hope the rest of the month goes a little better for you! Thanks for joining the coffee date!
My mom hates mice too, but good thing we have 3 cats. Our Hemingway cat is a great mouser, but he brings his captures to my mom for praise.
For me it’s the internet. For instance, I came down here with every intention of doing my ST, and here I am reading & commenting & my post for tomorrow is 90% written but I need to finish it the heck up!
That Siberian express is headed our way this weekend. It’s in the 20s with feels like teen presently so only cold. π Darlene would probably be running in shorts . . . only a mild exaggeration!1
It is amazing how long it takes for injuries to really heal up. I am still nursing some things myself. I hope you feel 100% sooon!
It is so easy to procrastinate when you are looking at bone chilling temps.
Didn’t I ever tell you that a mouse ran through our family room last spring while Mike and I were watching Breaking Bad? OMG. He was just running around like he was lost. I almost lost it! EEEEEK!
PS Yours is one of the only blogs that loads on my computer at work. Almost everyone else is blocked by the firewall. How are you slipping in under Advocate’s radar? Hmmm
Having grown up with hamsters (and have had them for pets the past 12 years or so), my first reaction is ,”awh….I bet that little sweet mouse was a cutie.” (Please, spare me the details of what his/her fate was) Too funny how it ate all healthy food LOL
I do procrastinate on the weekend. I can’t during the week because I work.
I feel the same about mice. EEK!
It’s cold here but I have to run, right? Time to get on those layers. (I don’t run in shorts but I hate to overdress.)
Ive been having such a hard time getting out for my runs too. I am loving my coffee on the couch in the warmth and its so hard to get motivated when its dark and cold!
I threw out ALL of my children’s toys and turned the playroom into a fitness room. Best decision ever. At least it gets used now LOL.
I hate rodents. We’ve had a few over the 20 years we’ve lived here and I swear I have PTSD – if I hear anything that sounds remotely like a rodent, I totally flip out.
Also, you guys are brilliant with the coffee date on Friday. I’ve been skipping it because I don’t do Saturdays, but I’ll change things up next month.
OMG- the mouse makes me laugh! My daughter had one in her duplex and it managed to get in the toilet! So she closed the lid for like a week! I had to pay her brother $20 to open the lid! LOL! That damn thing had pulled out all the stuffing in the toilet seat and the toilet was full of it- what a mess, let’s say my son earned that $20 bucks- the mouse did not go down without a fight! Weather is crap this morning so I am enjoying hot coffee and my pj’s- looks like tomorrow morning may be long run Sunday!
EEEEEEEEEEEEKKK to your welcome home guests! I’d have freaked out. I don’t read the newspaper, or news to be honest. It is all just to scary these days.
I have to run-before-coffee or I’d never get out, but you have a legit reason to wait for it to warm up! One year we had mice that ate the chocolate out of the M&Ms, and left the candy shells. I can never look at M&Ms the same!
Thanks for joining us for coffee — now go run!
I run before coffee or else I’d never get out of the house. I used to have mice as pets when I was young so they don’t freak me out, but any spider will throw me into hysterics.
Haha! that play room looks like my house! I like your new rule and may have to try it here!
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is some way NOT to start 2017 EXCEPT for being careful of that hammie!!! π Got to love the rodents & real food. π
Here is to a better 2017 now although with Trump coming in…. :O
I tend to procrastinate the most at work. I do get the things I have to do done but I am usually waiting to the last minute to do them all.
It all goes back to staying caught up and planning. Why is this so damn hard?
Yea to the newspaper! And paper books too! I hear you on the procrastination thing, and yes, a cup of coffee and paper could be your reward AFTER the run maybe this year? I just read someone who said if change was easy, we’d all be doing it…so good luck this year on all of your goals! I am with you on the toy issue…I still can’t see my floor since Christmas with all their stuff everywhere, but this too shall pass, I hope! Oy!
OMG your mouse story is hilarious (and I would have been so mad that it ate my yummy food too!) Here’s to hoping your “shit show” theme isn’t truly your 2017 theme after all! I know for a quick minute in 2016 it seemed like every trip I took with clients turned out that way. Here’s to hoping the streak is broken!
Marcia- I loved reading this so much! The rule about one toy in and 50 out is hilarious and one I need to apply at my house as well!! Sorry to hear your reentry from Florida was a bit crazy, hopefully things will only get better from that chaos!! Happy New Year!!! π
Oh I’m so with you on the mouse thing! We had a mouse a couple of years ago and just the thought of it in my house flipped me out.
Glad to hear the hammy is making some progress. You’re smart to just leave the Garmin at home till it’s fully healed.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you have my year so far has been a shit show as well from me having a nasty sinus infection and then a migraine. I’m still coughing up unidentifiable things! So I’m officially restarting my New Year tomorrow. Happy 2017!! π
Coffee and Fox news always causes delays for my runs as well π Mice …I do not like them, but I can take care of that situation much easier than a “spider situation”! Can’t deal with those!
Good lord! -2??? And I’ve been whining about our 21 with “feels like” 12 down here!! Guess I should be grateful!
Hope that hammy gets back to normal soon girl!
Hahaha 1 toy in, 50 out. Seems like a fair ratio to me! I indulge in delaying my run in the winter – since it won’t be 99 with 300% humidity, I don’t have to go at 4am. So just say that you’re waiting for it to get a little warmer before going out? π
I miss my Sunday mornings with the newspaper and coffee. Eek to the mouse, there is just something creepy about a mouse in the house (ha, I rhymed).