This week the Tuesdays on the Run Linkup asks “What has running taught you?” Oh grasshopper, running has taught me so many things. Patience, perseverance, goal setting, managing stress, you name it, there’s a lesson. Just this past weekend in Florida, I had yet another epiphany, which I’ll share at the end of this race report.
Wendy and I met at the airport early Friday morning. After connecting in Atlanta, we got to Holly’s adorable beach bungalow late in the afternoon.
Once everyone arrived, we went to get our race packets and enjoyed a race-eve dinner.
Race morning dawned overcast and cool with a little breeze. A quick 5 minute drive and we were at the starting line. That will never happen in Chicago.
Back left to right: Holly, Marybeth, Wendy, Karen. Front: Judy, Me, Darlene, Tricia
If you’ve been hanging here with me, you know I had a high hamstring incident last week at the Schaumburg Turkey Trot and have been resting/rehabbing it ever since. On Thursday I felt like walking the 5k would be my best option. On race day though I was feeling a little more optimistic. I decided to start at the back of the half marathon pack and walk/shuffle as best I could for as long as I could. If it started hurting too much I’d walk or turn back if I needed to. Sounds like a plan.
Race Goals
Do not aggravate the angry hammy
We went off and I carefully shuffled, ever so slowly. Angry hammy twinged with each step, but nothing unbearable. I made sure to take really small steps, never opening my stride enough to anger it. The course was a flat, almost straight out-and-back along the coast. Beach and hotels on one side of the road, kitschy throwback shops, mini golf, etc on the other. Nice.
Many runners around me were doing walk/run intervals. One woman rotated between run, walk and high knees. Not quite sure what that was about but alrighty.
When the lead fasties made the turn and started heading back in, I got to survey the field. I was thrilled and surprised to see a woman (overall!) was in the lead by at least a minute, and she ended up winning! Speaking of fasties, our own #holottafun group had a few awesome PRs AND an AG win.
My race was uneventful and I was thrilled my hamstring hung in there and seemed to loosen up a bit after the first few miles. I did not tweak it one single time. It didn’t feel the best in the final couple of miles but I still had to fight the natural urge to pick it up at the end. Since the race, it’s none the worse for wear so I will take my time and continue the rehab process before planning any spring races.
Final race thoughts: This was a fun little race, only in its second year, at a very reasonable price. It was well organized and everything ran on time. The course is flat and fast, but with very little, almost no crowd support. The medal is nice but the shirt is plain and man-sized. Even the small is just too big. I do like the tropical graphic on the back. Post-race beer and gumbo was very nice. The finish line party at Margaritaville was fun and festive. I would definitely do this one again.
The best part about this race? I say it here on the blog pretty regularly: I’ve blogged so long and became a coach because I love when people exceed their expectations and love helping them do so. I’ve been Marybeth’s “Coach M” for about a year now and her running transformation has been nothing short of amazing. This was the first time we’d met in person and I can’t even express how special it was to not only meet her but to be there to see her throw down the performance she did, which I will let her tell you about in her race report. THAT is what running has taught me. Sure I will always love running, racing and challenging myself, BUT I found that coaching others and helping them unleash their potential to be more rewarding than I ever imagined.
I’ll be back soon with the non-running shenanigans from our weekend. What’s your fave race-cation? Have you raced in Florida? What has running taught you?

Woo hoo!!! Congrats on pushing through the distance despite the angry hamstring and I am really glad you were able to hold up without incident! Race medals just look better when posed amidst the background of a beach, yes? Congrats to the group on all the PRs and AG placings! It looks like you ladies had the most amazing, uplifting, positive weekend together. It reminds me of our CRB weekend in Lake Geneva a few years ago! Such an incredible bonding experience. I so wish I could have been there with you all!!! Can’t wait to hear more details about the shenanigans. =)
Congrats on not hurting your hammy any more than it was. Sounds like you all had a fabulous weekend. So jealous! I need to meet up with more people for my racecations LOL. And I swear one of these days I need to meet you and Wendy when I am in Wisconsin. It’s not like I’m never in the area…
1) I’m glad your hammie held up….I was worried about you!
2) there is no way that group is as fun at Thelma and Louise
3) you look like your dressed for Antarctica while the others look like true beachies. Um….???
4) Ok, I’ll admit that beach looks a tad more inviting than Indy…
5) Since when do you do post-race beers?? I’m holding you to that next race together!!
Sounds like a fun ladies weekend. Who wouldn’t love a race in Florida during this time of year? Sounds like you had a great time even with the pesky hamstring issue.
Im so glad your hamstring cooperated enough that you could run the race! Sounds like a fun weekend!
Yay for your body cooperating! What an awesome weekend–so many of your best blogging friends at once (and in warm weather, lol)!
What HASN’T running taught me? Right now, it is teaching me to live mile by mile, rather than thinking ahead to what MAY happen.
Happy your hamstring did well, sounds like you had a really great time! I raced in Florida (Key West) this past weekend as well
My favorite race-cation was the Hot Chocolate 15K in Seattle 
What a wonderful weekend! I’m glad your injury behaved so to speak. And congrats on being a great coach!
I’m so proud of you and MB! What an impressive finish for both of you.
I’ve learned a lot this year. But I’m still learning. I learned this weekend that I need to find my gears… :p
So glad that you got to run but didn’t re-injure yourself. This was my 7th Florida race and my favorite. Not because of my finish time but because of the awesome women that I met and spent time with.
Congrats on your coaching victory. MB is lucky to have found you.
I am definitely still learning and will be until I stop running. I also learned that girls weekends rock!
Great to meet you and hope to see you again.
Sounds like it was an amazing weekend !! Great job girl! Glad the hamstring wasn’t too bad for you !!
I’d love a post-race festival at Margaritaville. One of the reasons I want to do Vegas is so I can celebrate, maybe the next night, at Margaritaville and have a margarita, or two.
I’m glad your hammy hung in there for you! As a teacher, I can definitely relate to that wonderful feeling of seeing someone learn and grow… and knowing you had something to do with it!
You have done such an awesome job coaching MB, Marcia, and how incredible was it to be there for her PR? Both of your hard work paid off in spades!
Hope you are 100% soon, cause you got Berlin and I’ll be some other races to rock, as well. It was great to meet in RL!
Running has taught me to never, ever give up!
I’m glad you got to do the race and that your hamstring let you finish. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! I hope you get better soon!
Yay so glad you made it through without further injury to your hammy! And congrats to you Coach M – how great to have been there to see MB do so well. Your girls weekend looked like so much fun – I’m desperately in need of one of those soon!
There is nothing like the feeling of having someone you’re coaching/mentoring succeed! So glad you all had a great experience!
I can’t even imagine how you and Holly felt seeing your “students” for lack of a better word, cross that finish line and grab a PR!
I tell MB all the time, at how amazing it is to see the progress she has made! Leaps and bounds baby!
I have learned with the support and encouragement of this group, all things are possible. I’ve also learned I can do hard stuff, even when I think I can’t!
MB helped me as much as I helped myself on race day, for that I am grateful!
We had an amazing weekend, one I’m still trying to absorb!
Glad you all made it back safely!
I do have one question for you….did anyone find any sand spurs in odd places ?
Never give up is the perfect running mantra
She did amazing!!
I thought it was so neat you were present to see MB knock out such a great PR
It was wonderful to meet you and laugh with you xo
Amazing weekend for sure.
Marcia – I’ve seen so many pics of this meet-up on Instagram and the other blogs – how much fun!! I could clearly see the positive energy and vibes you guys had and the friendships you guys have formed over the years of blogging and running. What a beautiful thing! I had no idea you were also coaching – I’m sure this feels super rewarding!
Have a great week Marcia!!
Nice beach bungalow! Congrats on the finish! Glad to hear the hammy is none the worse for wear.
I absolutely loved reading this- race recaps are my fave!!!! I am also so glad to have found your blog.
Hi! I “met” you at Mackenzie’s Mingle & Jingle!Wow- you are inspiring me. Merry Christmas!
Way to be smart! I’m glad the hammy wasn’t aggravated any worse. That women with her high knees regimen is hilarious!
Isn’t it amazing how rewarding it is to coach? It never gets old. Congrats to Marybeth!
Sounds like an awesome weekend! Glad your hammy cooperated and you were able to do the race! Congrats on coaching MB! I’m sure it was awesome to see her do so well!!
Sounds like y’all had an awesome weekend! It was fun seeing all the IG posts of the fun
I wish you could see the smile on my face
The weekend was surreal and finally meeting and spending time together was priceless! You are a great coach and a huge motivator! You have a special spot in my heart Coach M! XOXO <3
Controlling the hamstring – success! Weekend at the beach with friends – bigger success!
I lol’d at high-knee lady. I’d say I’d give that a shot but no, I won’t. Sadly I get so winded doing those, haha. Congrats on another HM finish and good luck with the hammy rehab.
What an awesome weekend! I definitely enjoyed seeing all of the pictures.