This week our Tuesdays on the Run Linkup topic is FREE so go ahead and let your running ideas run wild!
Cloudy and early Saturday morning, the Teenager and I headed out for some Turkey Trot fun. Back in July, I was invited to do a Glo-Run for review purposes and that sucker was rained/lightninged out like nobody’s business, so I chose the turkey trot as my “rain check” race. Let the record show, I paid for the teenager’s entry.
The 5k, along with a half marathon, takes place in Busse woods. I’ve run both a couple of times in the past. Both races are point-to-point. We parked near the finish then boarded a shuttle bus to the start. Easy.
Note the teenager’s enthusiasm.
We collected our bibs, checked gear and hit the potties with plenty of time to spare before lining up in the corrals. I chose a spot between the 8 and 9 minute mile flags. It was overcast and in the 30’s, what else is new?
Turkey Trot Goals
A. Run negative splits
B. Have fun
C. Don’t fall
I got a little concerned about the way people lined up when I heard a group of four in front of me saying their goal was to finish in 45 minutes. Um and you lined up in the 8 minute corral??
The race started and I may have bolted out a tad on the fast side, just to get away from the hoards. The first mile felt great. Effortless. Light and fast. No ice on the pavement to contend with like in previous years. When we made the turn and got on the bike path, I was hit with strong wind but that would be short lived. At mile 1.3 though, it all fell apart. I felt my high hamstring go. Up at the insertion point or ischial tuburosity as the docs like to call it. The “sit bones” or buttular area as I like to call it. I did not hear a pop like I did when I ruptured my hamstring but I could tell this was no bueno. No bueno at all. I slowed my pace, trying to find a gait where the pain was manageable. It hurt like a mofo.
Should I walk? Should I stop? If I drop out, what’ll I do here in the middle of the woods? If I walk I’ll get cold. So I kept on. I plodded up the long incline and over the bridge. The incline and decline were excruciating. I waited for the teenager to catch up, glancing back looking for her. Surely she’d be coming then we’d decide what to do. By the 3rd mile, the runners behind me were passing like crazy, swallowing me up. The teenager was nowhere. Well not nowhere, probably dogging it walking. If I stepped the slightest way “wrong” the pain was so intense I’d see Jesus. WTF? But I kept on. At last the final stretch. Thankfully it wasn’t on grass this year. Seemingly everyone sped past me and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I plodded in slowly and painfully. WTH just happened??
There’s the fake smile to mask the hamstring agony. For the record I did not race in this jacket. Hey is the sun out??
Finish line food was good. Great even. Hot chicken noodle soup (I didn’t think I’d want this but I did and it was delicious) Matt’s chocolate chip cookies, bananas, Muscle Milk and whole packages of Rosen’s Hawaiian rolls. I collected my finisher’s medal then went with my bowl of soup to wait for the teenager to come in.
Finish time: 28:28
AG: 3/62
Gender: 94/812
Honestly I was shocked to snag any AG award with the way I slowed down. To say my splits went to hell in a handbasket would be putting it mildly.
Pros: Logistics for this race are easy. Parking is free and ample. The shuttle busses to the start ran efficiently. Gear check went smoothly. The finisher medal is just ok but any medal for a 5k is a bonus in my opinion. I love the fleece half zip. I liked that there was no official awards ceremony to wait around for. As soon as results were posted you could just claim your prize and leave.
Cons: Other than the fact that people seem to line up really poorly for this one (it’s a fun turkey trot after all), I have no complaints whatsoever.
Hamstring update: My entire right glute and back of the leg down to the knee were a mess the day after. Pain radiated everywhere and it hurt to walk. 2 days post-race the pain is less acute and my limp is almost indistinguishable. Despite the pain, I have no bruising or swelling like I did when I ruptured my hamstring. That makes me hopeful this is just a strain. I think I’d still need need a miracle to be able to run/walk my half this weekend.
Did you trot? Ever hurt yourself in a race? Ever pull a hammy?

Congrats in an AG even with the pulled hamstring. Hopefully it is nothing serious. Hot chicken noodle soup sound great after a race!
Ugh. So sorry to read this. Have you consulted a doctor yet ?
Im so sorry about your hamstring! I cant believe you managed to finish the race AND get an award! It sounds like its healing quickly so thats good. I hope you can run again soon!
Ugg sorry to hear bout the hamstring. Hope it gets better soon. congrats on the age group place tho.
You are very speedy to get an AG award while in agony! Unfortunately, yes, I’ve had a couple of very bad races with knee pain. And there is no way I could have done a half the next week.
Although you could probably walk with me at my pace. ๐
Seriously, it doesn’t sound like you ought to be racing that soon afterwards. What would you tell a client?
UGH I am so sorry about this. I pulled a hamstring a few years ago, and I hate to say it, it was brutal. I was out for 5 weeks, and it was not super happy for a while after that (it would flare and freak me out from time to time). I really hope you heal quickly!
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. That’s just a shame that it happened! I’m hoping for a miracle. After all, what would a runner do?
Congrats on the AG award!
Your daughter’s face is priceless!!
uuugh-I hate when people line up wrong…so annoying!!
Oh man so sorry about your hamstring ;(
Way to still get a AG place.
Rest up….ice and compress. Feel better.
Oh no!!!! I hope it clears up with enough time for your half. A good friend of mine had a similar issue with her calf the week before her 25K. I advised no running, no nothing at all for the week. By some miracle she listened to me and ended up having a pain-free PR 25K the next week.
Oh ouch! You managed to disguise your pain pretty well in that finisher photo… I’m amazed that you finished and pulled off an age group win to boot! Hope it heals quickly. I have no experience with pulled hamstrings.
Ugh. Hammy trouble is no joke. I’ve been battling ongoing hammy/glute/piriformis stuff for years. It is manageable, but you never know when it’s gonna flare…. ((hugs)) I hope your is an easy-to-heal situation.
Sorry to hear about your hamstring. I hope it gets better soon. Try to enjoy the extra rest days!
Ugh! So sorry about your hammy. You still had a great time, though, and CONGRATS on your AG award. I don’t know how I feel about soup after a race, but it might hit the spot.
PS I’m back to blogging after more than a year off. I just learned about this linkup from Laura’s post at Mommy, Run Fast! Hope it’s OK to add a post I wrote earlier this month. Looking forward to participating for real next week. Hope will I know the topic of the week for next week?
I’ve pulled my hamstring, hip flexor, and quad before, thankfully not all at the same time. I know that place though, I’ll cramp up there sometimes in Pure Barre when we’re working the seat and hamstring at the same time. If it makes me stronger, great, but that pinching feeling is awful.
You know I am hoping for a miracle. I hope it’s not serious and you can run/run the race.
Congrats on the award AND your finish time. You’d never know you hurt your hammy with that pace! Hope it heals soon!!
I am impressed you kept on and had a great finish time!
I know that was a bad feeling, I felt it in my foot last year….that moment when you know something has gone wrong…ugh. I am so bummed for you.
i’m glad that you are feeling better but so sad that you got injured during the race ๐
Congrats on the AG award – thats amazing!
Congrats on the race and award, you rock!!!!
Very sorry about the pulled hamstring!!!
I’ve done that before, and hamstrings can be a bear to heal. But on the plus side, I think they are one of the easiest injuries to heal, they just take time.
Hate to say it, but if you feel any issues with it I wouldn’t do the half this weekend, it won’t be worth pulling it worse or tearing it!
Good luck, hope you heal quickly!!!!!!
Ugh I am so sorry about your hammy. ๐ I hope it’s “just” a strain. Look at you getting an AG award with a hamstring injury halfway through. And you beat your teenager. ๐
Ouch! So sorry! By the way you were talking about it, I thought you were going to be like dead last, and then you win an award!! Hope your hamstring is feeling better and you get to walk/run your half! ๐
Oh no! I hope the hamstring heals fast.
So sorry about the hamstring! Hope it heals fast! Way to finish and get that AG award! Amazing!
ooh hamstring pulls are the worst. Hope you are healing quickly and way to finish your race!
Congrats on the AG placement! Hope the hammy is feeling better! ๐
Gosh I hate this but let’s find the positive in it. Sounds like rest for a bit but nothing too serious that is always a plus right!?
Picked up an AG award, ummm yes no matter the circumstances this is always a good thing! And you got to run with your daughter, mine has since quit so I think you’re very lucky in that department!
See you soon!
Congrats on your AG award Marcia! 28 minutes despite the hamstring injury! I don’t know how you did it. I hurt my ankle during a Half-Marathon 3 weeks ago, it’s so hard to finish with an injury. Well done!!
Like I said when I saw your IG post – I cannot believe you managed an AG with that hammy! So sorry about the injury! Are you going to have it checked? I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that it’s nothing too serious.