Here we are again, time for another edition of the Runfession Friday Linkup, where we share our transgressions and go forth into December with a clean conscience. Despite being pretty wiped out from Thanksgiving shenanigans, I have no shortage of things to come clean about so let’s get to it:
I runfess that I failed to be a very graceful VIP at RocknRoll St. Louis recently. Being a Rocknblogger has its privileges. One of them was free access to the VIP area before and after the race. Without a doubt the single most sought after amenity for me is the private, deluxe, line-free potties. Did I say line free? Well I’m saying it again. One of, no THE first thing I did when I entered the VIP area before the RnRSTL half was make a beeline for the potty. What runner doesn’t? It was dark and early. Dark as in pitch black. You may know just how pitch-black dark a porta pot can be in the wee hours. I went ahead and conducted business by feel. You know, seasoned runner skillz. All was going fine until it came time to exit said deluxe, oversized potty. I went to slide the lock to the open position but said lock would not slide. Nope. Not budging. Up, down, side to side, nothing worked, and I couldn’t see a freaking thing. So there I was, VIP me, locked in the potty. What’s a runner to do? Bang? Yell for help? Knock the dang thing over?
I runfess that Thing 1 and I signed up for a turkey trot this weekend. I couldn’t feel less like running it.
I runfess I recently had a (much needed) haircut and I specified it had to be left long enough for a ponytail. My stylist ended up leaving enough for a LOW pony. When I got home I gathered it in a pony, took one look in the mirror and there was Ruth Bader Ginsburg staring back at me.
…stylish? Or hiding something?
Let’s just say this Headsweats trucker is a lifesaver.
I runfess I’ve been giving considerable thought on whether I want to continue to pursue triathlon, because my swim skills are still not what I’d like them to be. One night I had a dream I was spectating a tri and the swim took place in a giant blow-up pool. I was bummed I was not participating, because I feel like I could totally do a tri with a pool swim. The next day I went to the pool intending to swim. Except it was packed with all the mean swimmers and I found myself pining for my handsome Jamie Dornan doppleganger lane buddy.
I runfess I’m relieved to be home from Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws. Although we need to report back bright and early tomorrow morning for the “family portrait”. Heaven help me.
Your turn: What have you to runfess? Tell me about your Thanksgiving. Did you trot?
Iโm also linking up with Meranda, Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five.

Yes, I trotted…very slow and cautiously ๐ (and it felt great!)
Although France doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, we are invited every year by a friend who does it perfectly. We look forward to it every year, but it is a bit odd because it is in the evening and there is no football or board games !
I HATE it when the pool is crowded. No pleasure what so ever.
I got a haircut a few weeks ago and my biggest request was to leave it long enough for a ponytail. The highlights ended up being more intense than I wanted but I guess I can give with that.
Im glad Im not signed up for a race this weekend because Im not really feeling it!
I did trot & despite having to wait outside in the freaking cold I enjoyed it. Not sure how I would have powered through my day without that!
Nobody better touch my ponytail. Just sayin’. I feel your pain.
If you enjoy tris, keep doing it! I’m never going to win all the AG awards like Darlene, but I still enjoy running!
Ugh, I hate it when a haircut is kind of in that “in-between” stage. Like you, I just throw a hat on!
I hope that the family portrait goes well today!
No official trotting, but I did trot around the hood! Notorious RBG? I think not…
I’ve never had hair long enough for a pony tail! No official turkey trot but I did go for a run before I started baking my pies.
How did you get out of the port-a-potty — or are you still in there?
I am doing my first ever official turkey trot today… and let’s just say that I think it will be a Brussels Sprouts trots because I went to town on those suckers yesterday. And pie. I don’t think I’ve been that full in a very very very long time, and you know that is saying something for this kid! Happy Thanksgiving weekend!
My hair dresser always asked (a little disgustedly) “Are you still in pony tail world?” Why yes ma’am, I am. Those pitch black portas freak me out. I can just imagine someone or something is down in that hole. Speaking of knocking one over — I was in one that rocked so hard while I was taking care of business, I thought it was falling over. I don’t think I rang the hole on that occasion. Thanks for the linkup! See you soon!!!
I hope you did end up having fun at the Turkey trot with your daughter.
I always feel like my hair is never cut short enough and a day or two later I need to go back and have more cut off. I know my hairdresser is just being cautious (or perhaps that’s how she stays in
Cute hat! I would get it but not a big fan of trucker hats. I find them too big. I did run 3.02 miles yesterday in an unofficial Turkey Trot with my running group. It was fun and the weather was great. After the run we had conchas (sweet Mexican bread) and tamales. Perfect!
I’m not usually much of a turkey trotter, but I did get a few miles in before facing my in-laws for dinner yesterday – a necessary sanity check LOL! Good luck with the family photo!
I cut my own hair when it needs just a trim, anything more than an inch and I go to the hairdressers, but at least that way I keep my ponytail :). I was going to run yesterday but ended up doing yoga instead. No Turkey Trotting for me,
My hairdresser always wants to cut my hair shorter. I have to explain that I run and need to put my hair in a pony tail!!
I have an apt Saturday.
I ran 2 turkey trots yesterdays. I went to my MILs. Enough said.
I DID Trot, and I PR’d! And I set all kinds of records on my Strava… so yeah, it was a good Thanksgiving ๐ I hope yours was good as well. And there are totally worse looks than RBG – at least she’s a bad ass!
I ran around my neighborhood instead of turkey trotting. I liked doing that because I didn’t have to get up early, or give up a weekend morning. While I have been doing some chores today, I still have the same weekly errands to do this weekend. And I’m seeing Moana tomorrow.
I hear you on not feeling like a Turkey Trot – I didn’t do my normal one either! I also don’t know how you triathletes do it – triathlons lost me at swim. I hate being cold and wet more than just about anything! Thanks as always for hosting Marcia!
But Ruth Bader Ginsbyrg is a badass, so there’s that right? #silverlining ๐
Omg…I am cracking up ( sorry) but locked in a potty…and Ruth Bader Ginsburg staring back at you…..priceless! !
I hear you about swimming…it is so hard. Have you heard about swinbox….I think that is the name. It is in VA and they give free swim analysis. …I am thinking of trying them out.
Sorry it has been so long since I have checked in…I will do better !
Well it is a great hat!! Very cute ๐ That is why I hate to get my hair cut now, my layers finally grew out and it is easier to get my hair in a pony tail now.
You know I have never done a turkey trot lol I always end up running alone.
Being locked in a port-a-potty in the dark sounds like my worst nightmare!! Yikes! Thanks for this, I’m working on my Runfessions now, looking forward to linking up.
Aw man, I’m sure your haircut isn’t that bad, LOL! I can’t imagine being locked in a port-a-potty….that would stress me out so much!
I wish I could have done a turkey trot but I thought it was too soon after the marathon to think about any kind of race.
Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving!
Family portraits sound like a special type of torture.
So???? how did you get out? I locked myself in a bathroom on a bus once- I don’t like them-LOL! I think Thanksgiving is stressful enough- add pictures, oh my!!!!!