Before I get to the GUnanigans, here’s how my workouts went this week:
Monday: Run 5ish miles
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Strength & Swim 800m (final days of the outdoor pool=I need to take advantage)
Thursday: Tempo Run 5 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Mag Mile Half Marathon (race report to come)
Sunday: Strength
McDreamy’s looking pretty robust, yes?
Vicious heat and humidity returned this week along with some powerful storms. I sort of welcomed the rain for the garden’s sake. Because I know you’re wondering (not) my three Big Moon pumpkins are still hanging in there. The vines are starting to die back too so I don’t think it’ll be too much longer before I can harvest.
I officially have RnRSTL on my running schedule. Hotel is booked. I’ll be remixing (5k and half) there and you’re invited. Use my discount code and join me!
Newsflash: For the first time EVER. In my long history as a distance runner, I ran out of GU. That’s right, my stash ran dry. Zip. Nada. First world problem for sure, but still.
I did what any cost-conscious runner would do and hit up Amazon, king of good deals, and came away with this assortment. It wasn’t before I did an exhaustive online search for other assortments though, because, come on. This one’s kind of…um….boring. Maybe it appeals to most but, face it, I’m not most.
Chocolate, Berry, Strawberry-Banana: Meh, meh, meh. I like the vanilla and salted caramel, but let’s be honest: I want some adventure in my GU assortment. Where are their fun flavors?
Not at Dick’s, boring flavors there.
I didn’t want to commit to a 24-pk. of one flavor online either. Talk about monotony.
I was in luck though. When I went to Fleet Feet for Mag Mile Half packet pickup, they had fun flavors! What is “fun” you ask? I want funky. Fruity. Oh and peanut butter, of course. Flavors to suit my every running mood.
So I picked up more. I already ate Cherry Limeade and Salted Watermelon at the race. I tend to prefer fruity flavors when it’s hot and move to chocolate, caramel, espresso and vanilla when it’s cold. If I could get my ideal assortment? It’d have a couple of EVERY flavor, not just the dull, I mean popular ones.
So tell me: What kind of gels do you go for? Do you stick with one flavor? Or mix them up? What would your dream assortment look like?
I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap…
…and with Ilka and Angela for the Sunday Fitness and Food Linkup. Join us!
You are a better woman than me! I can’t handle the texture of Gu – the flavors or fine, but the texture! I used Sports Beans for a while, but have since gone to just relying on Nuun. It seems to work, but I’m sure Gu would help me if I could choke it down 🙂
Maple bacon Gu the worst ever. Tasted like wet dog food. Not good. Best Gu is salted Carmel, vanilla.
I long for the days of long ago when I could grab a Gu and be of to the races. But now (in the past 18 months or so) gels do not like my tummy (actually, I guess it’s my tummy that does not like them). Even the all natural, organic, ones….all leave me feeling like crap (no pun intended) for several hours after the finish line. Thankfully, there have been times when I’ve eaten one out of desperation (like at mile 7 of a half) and have been fine for the remainder of the race…but it’s like my body knows when the finish line is long past, and it wants to get a move on (sorry, that’s a bad play on words).
I like fruity in summer too (Kiwi Roctane) and PB or Chocolate in winter. I try to avoid the ones with caffeine though. Your pumpkin is looking nice. I want to hear all of the different things you make out of it. Will you continue to swim this fall/winter? Got any triathlons you are eyeing? Look at you rocking a half marathon this weekend. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Thanks for linking, Marcia!
I’m not a GU gal… but shhhh…don’t tell Tailwind…I’ve been fueling with my old standby, Clif Raz Gel, on my long runs lately. I just don’t want to carry….
Oh no. Run out of GU.
I don’t really like the fruity flavors – I prefer salted caramel, caramel machhiato, chocolate peanut butter, expresso, etc. I buy an assortiment. Fleetfeet sells them buy 10, get 2 free.
I’m not a GU girl myself don’t like the texture. I do love your pumpkin! I’d love to figure out how to be more of a green thumb myself
I really like the salted watermelon flavor GU, though right now I have Clif strawberry because it was the cheapest. It’s also REALLY thick and I’m not a big fan. My favorite is Huma+ Gels – strawberry lemonade – SO good! Unfortunately they’re more than twice the price of GU/Clif and I need to win the lottery to fuel my marathon training with them.
I admit that I have never tried GU. I am afraid of the sugar rush. When exactly do you take it ? how many ? Does it really work ? ONE preferred flavor ?
I’ve done one half marathon where I ran into number where I walked. I’ve only ever used one kind of goo/gel.
I can’t even recall the name or if it was always the same brand – – but coffee 🙂
I use power gel by Powerbar. It’s probably one of the earliest gels, and I just started using it and liked it. I like the citrus the best. I’ve also used coffee flavors. I find many gu/gel products too thick and causes me to feel icky. But does it help? Often I’ve felt like it’s more of a mental thing. It just makes me THINK it’s going to give me a boost. Lol!
I don’t use GU, but I was using honey stinger gels for a while. I tend to like more of the fruity flavors like Pomegranate and also the mosre basic flavors like Vanilla
I’ve been using Honey Stinger chews. I’m still not in love with them because they’re SO sweet, but I have a variety of flavors to choose from, which helps. I had a bad experience with Gu so I’ve stayed away, but the flavors do look good! I am actually happy to hear about your pumpkins, lol! Looking forward to the race recap!
I cannot do GU. I tried and tried and the consistency made me gag. I’m not adventurous with any flavor either, but I love it when I can get Honey Stinger ginger snap waffle. That’s good!
I haven’t ever really been able to tolerate goo but the flavors really do sound fun!!! I don’t blame you for wanting to change it up a bit 😉
Yum, I love Gu!! Salted Caramel is my all time favorite! I do like Chocolate Outrage and the Chocolate Peanut Butter. I’m not big on the fruity flavors, although I do really like the Strawberry Bannana. Have you tried the Cucumber Mint? I froze it prior to a hot run …it was pretty good! I’ve also read that there is a Chocolate Coconut flavor out now …I must try this one!! Dang, you’ve got me RUNgry for some new Gu…heading over to Amazon now!
My Gu would say “lives life on the edge and still eats it after the Best By date” haha. Also, “desperate enough to eat as a snack”. Pretzels + chocolate gu = YES.
Salted caramel and salted watermelon are my two favorites. I heard they just came out w a salted cucumber but haven’t seen it yet. It sounds like that may be refreshing.
Lacey I heard there was cucumber mint but I didn’t hear about salted cucumber.
Maple bacon gu was the worst experiment ever. I tend to go for Chocolate Gus and during the run I like the consistency of Huma better. Strawberry is my favorite.
I’ve never had Gu, but I would imagine that a Mango with lime and chile would taste delicious! maybe it’s just the mango soda talking!
Well you are stocked now 🙂 I can’t GU, it does strange things to me. I can sport bean but haven’t had much luck with any other fuel…still searching.
That is good to have another race to look forward too!
I was on a salted watermelon kick for a bit, but then I tried maple bacon and I think it scarred me because I haven’t had a GU since! LOL! I’m testing out margarita Clif Bloks – jury’s still out.
I like a mix of Gu flavors. I like the fruity ones and chocolate outrage. But I just got a box of blueberry pomegranate since they were on sale so I’ll be using those for a while.
I determined a while back there are two kinds of people, those who love GU and those who can’t stomach it. I’m the can’t stomach it. Regardless how many swear by it, I just can’t bring myself to try it again, LOL
Looks like you have a great assortment, maybe you’ll find a few that way that will become your fav’s!
Congrats on a great running Marcia – plus a Half-Marathon! Heat and stormy weather is my current weather status here in Florida. Can’t wait for November running weather! I love GU – my favorite is chocolate and lemon. The blackberry in the pic looks really good, too, though! I might give this one a try next time!
I almost never us GUs anymore, although of course chocolate is my fav.
Life has been so hectic, I’m totally out of Hammer Perpetuem solids, which is what I use on double digit runs and of course I have one coming up on Friday, my longest one this training cycle. I have other stuff I can use, and if I have time tomorrow I’ll swing by Fleet Feet — they carry some Hammer stuff, but not all.
Not happy but it’s my own fault!
Judy I’ve used Hammer gels but never Perpetuem. I’ll have to investigate.
I’m a GU girl too! My favorite is Chocolate Outrage and the Peanut Butter ones. I think it’s like a chocolate treat. Although I can usually only do about 2.5 during a half.
Not really into the fruity flavors much but I think the strawberry kiwi was pretty good.
I love Honey Stingers gels & chews! However, some of these GU flavors sound very interesting!! Thanks for sharing at Sunday Fitness & Food 🙂