A long-elusive dream came to fruition last week as I traveled to Dublin, Ireland to run the RocknRoll Dublin Remix Challenge as part of the RocknBlog team: A weekend of running goodness including a 5k, a half marathon and a fun run.
The teenager and I traveled to Ireland for a mother-daughter week on steroids. After our European Odyssey last summer, the Caveman wasn’t interested in coming with us and Thing 2, the ultimate homebody, couldn’t have been less interested. It was great bonding time, and a chance for me to model bold behavior to her. Who can venture halfway around the world on their own and love it? We can!
Because they offered race-day packet pickup, we spent the entire day before the 5k in Cork (more on our tours to come) and planned to grab our 5k packets in the morning, then head to the expo at Trinity College after the 5k to grab my packet for the next day’s half marathon. After a 50-Euro cab ride from the airport to our hotel, I knew I’d need to be smarter about transportation so I did some research on a better (cheaper) way to make it out to Phoenix Park, where the 5k took place.
Race day was gorgeous. Mid-60’s and sunny. We left the hotel 90 minutes before the race started, plenty of time to make the 4-mile trip to the park….one would think, and boarded a bus. We were off the bus with an hour to spare before race time and were to board a free race shuttle to the starting line. We met a guy from Chicago of all places, who was running his 11th RocknRoll race this year. It was he who told us it was a 5 minute walk to the starting line, so we didn’t bother waiting for the free race shuttle. Chicago guy, the teenager and I plus two other runners began the walk through the park in search of the starting area. We passed the Dublin zoo. Still nothing in sight. We walked. And walked some more. The teenager whined. Time ticked away. 10 minutes. 20. 30. 40. The rest of the group already had their bibs so weren’t too worried. But us? Yeah no bibs. We walked faster. Phoenix Park is larger than New York’s Central Park, and we were walking to the opposite end of it.
At last I could glimpse the starting corrals, already packed with runners ready to go. We still had no bibs though. The pickup area still nowhere in sight. The corrals were going off as we approached so I made a last-ditch decision to just run, sans bib. No timing chip. Gear bag tucked under my arm. Seriously. That’s what we did.
As we took off and ran along, I saw the runner’s village about 1/3 of a mile ahead. No way was there time to make it there to grab our bibs. Would this jeopardize my remix? Only time would tell.
The course was on a gorgeous path through the park that took a drastic dip down, leaving us to climb in the final mile. The teenager and I ran easy breezy. She was not a happy camper and I heard about all of her aching body parts and got blamed for the excessive walking before the race.

Proof we actually ran. If looks could kill.
The course had no time clocks or water station. Yet more fuel for the teenager’s whining.
I wondered if we’d receive a medal at the finish or be turned away. Thankfully nobody noticed our bibless status. We got our medals and grabbed water and chips before heading to the packet pickup area to see if the remix could be salvaged.
The thought of shrimp cocktail-flavored chips sort of grossed me out but these were actually not bad.
The person in charge could not have been kinder and happily gave us our race packets after I explained what happened. I immediately began putting on my remix wristband (needed to get the bonus medal for running both the 5k and half) so I wouldn’t lose or forget it when the race director told me not to if I planned on showering. So back it went into my envelope (red flag). With the 5k complete, we headed to Trinity College for the race expo and half marathon/fun run packet pickup.
Final thoughts. Despite my best efforts and research, I botched the logistics getting to the start line. I wish there was something in the runner’s guide that warned how big the park was or where exactly in the park the starting line would be. Not taking the shuttle was fatal. We were disappointed to learn there was no race shirt for the 5k. The teenager especially wanted one as a souvenir. Having no water station was unexpected but ok, as it wasn’t terribly warm and the race was short. It was kind of blah to get a bottle of room temperature water at the finish, but that’s how they roll across the pond. This was a race where we had to make the best of a very stressful situation, calm down and remember that we are here to have fun.
Stay tuned for the half marathon and fun run report! Have race logistics ever messed you up? Did you enter my giveaway?
This week’s Tuesdays on the Run topic is Running/Racing Selfies and Photobombs! Do you have some crazy pics? Share them!
I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap.
…and with Ilka and Angela for the Sunday Fitness and Food Linkup. Join us!
I LOVE the picture of your daughter & you… she does not look happy, but what a moment!! My guess is she will be bragging about this at College 😉 I would love to go to Ireland some day and look forward to reading more about your trip!! Thanks so much for sharing this at the Sunday Fitness & Food Link-Up…Pinned 🙂
A race start like that would have completely stressed me out. I check and recheck all of the logistics all the time. My type A personality comes through in this kind of thing.
I am surprised about the water thing. In France there is always water and food for all distances. Always.
Looking forward to your other posts.
What a great experience despite some logistical issues! While it may have been a bit stressful it will make for a good story in years to come:) It seems like that picture documents it perfectly! Hope that everything went well for the half:)
Wow, what a cluster! I’m glad you got your medal sans bib. Love the picture of your daughter! Looking forward to hearing about the trip. I’ve got a few days off next week!
I STILL can’t believe that happened to you! But so glad you got to run, even WITH your bag and WITHOUT your bib. It was indeed a beautiful day for a run!!!
I have only had one logistic nightmare – I’m just too too too much of a control freak and the one time it happened I seriously was stressed out. But as it happens I’m always in the back corral anyway so that usually buys me 5 – 10 minutes if not more.
Wow what a trip you and your daughter go to go on. I did not realize it was just you two until now! I think just how big the park was and where in it exactly would be great info to include. I hate yall had to walk so much beforehand. But looks like you made it and all turned out well. It even made for a better story right?
Oh dear, I am LOL at that look on her face (but not at the whole situation — that had to be mega stressful).
While I have traveled to and from Europe on my own, and done tours and walked all over European cities on my own, I’ve never actually stayed there on my own as we’ve always gone when Mr. Judy had a work conference (best way to go if you ask me).
Well, you got to race in Ireland! That is pretty darn cool if you ask me (even if the water wasn’t).
That is such a stressful race start – I’m so sorry! I am surprised that they didn’t have race shirts for the 5K, that’s strange for RnR!
I’m glad you were able to get your 5K medal so I’m hoping you didn’t have any issues with the Remix….but I’ll have to see what happened after the half marathon! Your daughter looks hilarious, still I hope you guys had a good time at the race. I would love to run Dublin one day!
Oh my gosh that look she is shoot you in the picture, she should become a teacher because after 13 years I still have not mastered a death stare like that one.
The look on your daughter’s face is worth a thousand words! What a stressful start to a race – glad you were able to still get your medals, but I’m kinda surprised about the lack of T-shirt. Still very cool that you got to run Dublin with your daughter. Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your travels.
What an adventure!! I love your daughter’s face in that pic. It says it all. It’s a bummer that the park was so big and there weren’t any indications it would take that long to get to the start. That’s great that at least you were able to get the medal without the bib and chip! Can’t wait to hear about the HM!
This sounds a lot like the rat race Penny and I went through in 2014 when we were trying to find parking for RnR Chicago…..so many streets closed off. We had to walk a long ways to find the start line, but we did make it in time…and then had to wait for our corral. All was good, though. Yes, a little more communication from the “authorities” on the logistics would have been helpful…especially since I bet the bulk of racers had to drive to get there. I love that pick of the daughter!
OMG- if looks could kill! YIKES! I am glad you were able to salvage it and put your challenge together! I am surprised that there was no water and no shirt but a medal for a 5K is always nice! Welcome back- can’t wait to read about the half! I saw the pics on FB and instagram so I know your daughter started smiling at some point! 🙂
Ugh on the race logistics but LOL at the looks that could kill. Been there, done that — but I bet she will be bragging about it to her friends!
Your daughter’s face in that picture! Ha! Sounds like a good decision to run sans bib. Still got a medal! Odd there were no water stations!
Wow this would have stressed me out! I’m so glad it worked out in the end. Come to think of it, I don’t remember there being a water station on the 5k course when we ran RnR Las Vegas 5K!
Meranda, now that you mention it, I don’t remember water at the Vegas 5k last year either. Crazy I didn’t notice it then.
HaHaha! Your post totally cracked me up and having three teenage boys, I’ve seen many looks just like that!! But what an incredible trip!
Those chips sound wild, not sure I could have ate those, but sometimes the salty wins out! Your daughter’s face in that picture is so funny!
That is such a bummer you were so far away! That is good you jumped in and just ran 🙂 I am glad to hear you were able to pick up your packet!
I am little stunned no water stop, not even one!
The teenager does look a bit miffed lol but hey, she went to Dublin right! The scenery you posted was amazing.
Yeah, if looks could kill, and I’m sure I still use that face when people deserve it. Great job on the 5k though bummer there weren’t any shirts. Really?
That’s the kind of thing I dream of — being late for the start or not being able to find the race. I’m glad you were able to get your medals though. I’m surprised you didn’t get a T-shirt. The look on your daughter’s face is priceless. I’m trying to wrap my head around prawn flavored chips. Wow. Thanks for linking, Marcia. I can’t wait to read about your half marathon.
Holy stress start of a race, batman!!!!! The picture of your daughter says it all, but I’m sure yall had a wonderful rest of the trip. Although you had some logistical issues with the 5k, its making the memories that mater.( I would LOVE top travel half way around the world to race btw!)
looking forward to hearing more about your travels and about that half!!!
The pics of the countryside on IG – OMG – beautiful! What a wonderful trip MArcia!!!!
What a cool trip to take with your daughter! Sorry to hear about the logistics of getting to the start line. Glad you still got your medals without your bibs. Love the pic of you and your daughter during the run! Lol that face is great!
That was definitely a stressful situation but glad at the end it worked out.
Oh my goodness – those logistics sound disastrous! And they had no clocks or water on the course, and no shirt??? Other than the medal, what the heck do runners get for their entry fee? YIKES. Good job on making the most out of a very difficult situation, and glad things worked out in the end! I am looking forward to hearing more about your travels!