I’m linking up with Deb, Coco and Lynda for a coffee date. Boy we’ve got some catching up to do.
If we were having coffee, my coffee would be iced, since summer has arrived here with a vengeance. It makes running a challenge but I am SO not complaining.
I’d tell you that I’m stressing.
I thought I was stressing over the final days of school, which happened this week. We are happily ensconced in the first sweet days of summer break.
But school and Thing 1’s high school final exams came to an end and I still feel the tension.
So I figured it was the talk I’d been invited to give at the NOW Foods Annual Immersion. Seriously they are so sweet to me, they’re beyond wonderful to partner with. I almost feel like family. The dinner was fun and my talk was sort of a scattered mess but what can you do? I thought for sure the tension would lift as soon as that talk was over.
But no
That leaves one thing. It’s just about tri week. My first and only open water practice swim is Monday at 6am. I think scheduling that made it all real. I haven’t put on my wetsuit since last year and I’m not even sure where it is. To be honest, I should be much more confident this year since I had a swim breakthrough. Yet I worry about managing the nerves. If I’m strung out on race day, I won’t be able to swim and I’ll end up back stroking way more than I want to. Back in the dark ages as a competitive figure skater I learned how to manage nerves. I coach my running clients on how to do it. I teach my kids how to calm down and think positive. And yet? Here I am shitting bricks.
Maybe putting it here will help me cope. For now I’ll stalk the beach website to check daily water temperature (already 70). Let’s hope the OWS on Monday will bolster my confidence and calm these nerves.
What would you tell me over coffee? Do you ever find it hard to pinpoint the source of your stress?
Lots of time I know deep down what my source of stress is but don’t want to admit it because there is nothing I can do about it (clients anyone ???).
With swimming, which is not my favorite activity, but do it regularly, I find the 5 minute rule helps. Just 5 more minutes, just 5 more minutes. I chunk down my swimming activity into very small pieces and find that I get through it pretty easily like that. I think we can do anything for 5 minutes…..
With your breakthrough, you will do fine on your OWS. And who cares if you have to backstroke ?
Have a good weekend and send some nice weather this way !
Funny thing about stress–it kind of sneaks up on you, as I’m writing about in tomorrow’s blog post. You got this swim thing, tho. You are the most mentally tough person I know!
Congrats on the NOW foods gig! I didn’t know you were giving a talk. That’s great!
Good luck with the open water swim. I usually can pinpoint my stress. It’s usually because I feel overwhelmed with my work load or because of traveling!
No matter how hot it is I still like hot coffee isn’t that weird? It tastes differently to me when iced for some reason.Right there with you on the open water swimming. We can both do this! My first 2 tri races are in a pool it’s the 3rd one in a lake in August. Yikes! Thanks for linking up for coffee!
Oh, good question! Last weekend my adrenaline was running high and I had NO idea why. I never figured it out. Maybe it was the weather. I’m sure your OWS will go well and you will have an awesome race!
I am sorry you are stressed about your race! When I have race week stress letting loose and talking about it on my blog really helps. I like to read all the tips from people on how to calm down! 🙂
Funny you say that about iced coffee, I can be sitting sipping my coffee and sweating and I am still enjoying it. Weird I know.
Question on the water temperature your stalking what effect does it have on you? You know I don’t tri so I was curious. Does it make it harder with different temps or is it completely another reason your stalking the water temps?
I can’t wait to hear how you do, you’ll get all your “shit” together and do great, I just know it! Rooting for you!
Oh my, Marcia. I may have to do an unplanned, unprepared for Tri. I need YOU to talk ME off the ledge. I don’t even know where to begin… At least our water will be in the 80s. One bright spot, I guess. But you? You GOT this!
Congrats on being invited to speak at NOW Foods! You had a big breakthrough on your swim and I’m betting Monday will go really well. Good luck!!
I’ll tell you what my psychologist told me. Why are you stressing over something you’ve chosen to do because it’s fun? I can’t tell you what a difference that question’s made to my racing life. It’s a reality check every time. I chose to do this. I love racing (most of the time). So why am I getting my knickers in a knot??
I hope your swim goes well! It is always easier to talk about how to calm the nerves, then be calm.
I still struggle sometimes with race nerves, but I have noticed my last few events I was slightly better…maybe there is hope lol
I always find stress to be kinda cumulative.. I don’t sleep, then it makes work harder, then I don’t meal plan, then I make bad choices, it snowballs.
Yeah for summer!!!! Good luck with the swim- I am running my first 1/2 in 2 years and I am so nervous– not sure why but I’m just nervous!
A six a.m. practice that you have to get up and get ready for really doesn’t help. Do you have to do it? Is there an alternative like getting in the same water to try it out on an earlier day (maybe with a good friend supervising in a kayak)?
You are the Coach, you are the rock! You got this!!!! I like how you are watching the water temps- does it make a difference with the wetsuit on? Does your face get cold? Congrats on your presentation at Now foods- that is pretty exciting! Sounds like a stressful week- I hope you find that wetsuit thing and get it on- I am cheering for you!
Congrats on your talk! That would DEFINITELY make me nervous; I’m a terrible public speaker. I got saved, sort of, the one time I was invited to speak at a conference. It was NOLA, and a hurricane was headed in that direction (not Katrina, btw, and it missed NOLA).
I’d worked so hard, and ended up canceling at the last minute. Seriously one of the toughest decisions of my life.
Why backstroke and not breast? I find breast relaxing, but I kind of do my own little variation of breast anyway (one that keeps my head mostly out of the water). Breast was always my fav stroke.
Anyhoo, sometimes nerves can be a good thing. Good luck!
Stress…..I tend to stress the MOST over that which I cannot control. Inconsiderate drivers (who aren’t aware of the nifty little gadget called a turn signal) are at the top of the list for me. Also, the runners who purposely line up in a faster corral (than they are capable of) in the hopes of going out strong…at my race yesterday, several of those peeps were pushing their way through the crowd of runners during the National Anthem, none the less. Alas, shaking my finger at them will probably not change their behavior…so I stress over that as well. I think you’re gonna dominate the OWS!!!
I hope you found your wetsuit and all went well Monday for you…..I am sure it did. 🙂