Weird stuff. That’s what we’re talking about this week on the Tuesdays on the Run Linkup. This time it’s odd things you see or that happen at races or when you’re out running. There’s plenty of weird to go around, isn’t there?
There are all sorts of odd costumes seen at races. A certain Eiffel Tower comes to mind. I’ve seen him (it?) in Boston and Chicago. And he’s always faster than me.
When I ran the Flying Pig 3-Way (sponsored by Proctor & Gamble) the expo giveaway “theme” was um…feminine hygiene. Tampons and maxi pads for everyone…not sure how the guys felt about that…
I didn’t even know how weird this was because I’d never run a race before but at the end of my very first 5k back in 1999, a tiny local affair put on by a church, they called out the runner who had on the most different brands of clothing/gear. Seriously, who even thinks about this and since when is it a bad thing? Sheesh!
Last but not least weird…
When we stayed in the city the evening before I ran the Michelob 13.1, it was getting dark and we’d just peeled the kids away from the American Girl store windows and made it to our hotel when we heard a bunch of cheering. I looked out the window to see? None other than the Naked Bike Race going past.
Your turn! Share some weirdness you’ve seen at races or on runs.
The end of the month is sneaking up on me. The last Friday of June is this week! That means its time for another edition of Runfessions. The monthly linkup where you spill all your run- gym- tri- heck all confessions are fair game. Join us!
Naked bike race?! Hahah!
You would think that I would have seen way more weird stuff living where I have (Chicago, NYC) and running some major races. I’ve seen some weird things as a spectator, and I’ve seen people run marathons in onesies and as a hotdog and slice of pizza (running together). And there is always marathon man and the person I saw dressed as a samurai. I have seen someone run a half marathon with her arm obviously broken or recovering from surgery (it was elevated from her body by a triangular pillow and secured. She was also easily 70.
I think the weirdest thing I’ve seen at a marathon besides some of the funny signs has been a guy running as a piece of bacon, like one of those Halloween costumes. What drives a person to run 26.2 miles dressed as bacon?
The Naked Bike ride keeps entering into my consciousness! Yikes!
Living where I do in the ‘burbs there’s always plenty of odd things to be seen on the run. Just yesterday, I saw a backpack along Palatine Road, all the contents sitting on the ground next to it. I don’t know if it was stolen or the guy was camping in the bushes nearby. I didn’t stick around long enough to find out…
Naked biking??? OWWW! There is an “adult resort” about 1.5 hours from me that does a couple “clothing optional” races each year. It is on my bucket list!!!!
I must run more mundane races because I don’t really recall anything strange. If I want strange, I’ll go to San Francisco. We have friends out there and we were discussing the Bay to Breakers race when they mentioned there’s a nude team that runs it every year. Like it was no big deal. But SF also has a daily nude bike tour.
LOL so many weird things and people! Free tampons is hilarious for a race though!
The naked bike race would have been hilarious!! That’s awesome! Also the tampin expo is a really weird one! I didn’t even think about costumes, but now I remember when I ran and all women’s race. There was a man dressed as Marilyn Monroe running the race (no one else was in costume).
The only weird one for me is my first marathon there was a man who was near us juggling…while running. Like, the whole marathon. Lol!
Wow, naked bike racing! I bet that was awkward seeing that with your girls. (I am assuming they were little at the time since they were looking at American Girl dolls). Heck, I think that would be awkward to see at any age though!
Haha! Naked bike race…priceless!!
I saw Fred Flintstone running barefoot in the Destin Marathon. But oddly, I didn’t think that was very odd! If he had been carrying a caveman club, maybe.
Naked bike race! OUCH!
I saw a guy running in a full banana suit in New Orleans during the Jazz half last October, course it was Halloween and in New Orleans so that would be considered “normal”. The only thing was it was really warm!
I guess it is just all the crazy costumes. Hate when they pass me!!!
Not sure I really want to see a naked bike race . . . ouch!
OK I may not be able to shake the thought of the naked bike race for the rest of the day! I guess I always find the costumes a bit odd, especially when it’s not Halloween and the distance is either a half or full marathon – just why would you do that to yourself?!
Eeek. I’ve heard of the naked bike races… I shudder to think. 🙂 Tampons at a race expo??
I think I can pretty confidently say I will NEVER do a naked bike race. The risk of injury seems way too high!
People do all kinds of things naked. Biking would NOT be top of my list! Ouch!
I saw the naked bike ride go by this year. Too funny. And your photo at the top cracks me up too!
OUCH to a naked bike race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Naked Bike race = lolol! I saw someone on a DIVY, for crying out loud!
I should keep a log of all the weird things (and people) I see while out and about in my running shoes. Funny how I can’t remember any of it at the moment (???)….Ewwwww, that bike ride is worthy of recurring nightmares….
I’ve seen a juggler racing in the Army Ten Miler before. And he was ahead of me!
OMG – I have never seen the naked bike race, but I can only imagine. How mortifying! That picture of the guy with the stuffed bikini top and hula skirt is insane. It must have seemed like a good idea to him for the first mile or so, LOL. I can’t believe Flying Pig had a feminine hygiene theme at their expo. The men must have felt super awkward!
Omg, Eiffel Tower dressed like more than once?! LOL that is funny.
I forgot to tell this story…at Disney I saw a girl in full Belle running a half marathon eating one of those huge Costco muffins…I could not stop staring lol She pulled a ziploc from under the dress! It was pretty awesome.
A naked bike race? I am not sure I would want to see all that but you know we have to look! HA! I need to watch better when I run, the race with the best spectators so far was RnR Nashville, those folks are off the chain!
At the London Marathon I saw some very unusual costumes including someone dressed up like a red phone booth and someone dressed up like a Rhino. It is interesting and entertaining when running a big race to see lots of weird stuff.
Naked bike race… that takes some dedication…