Thanksgiving morning dawned mild, but windy, with rain threatening. The race featured 1-mile, 2-mile and 4-mile distances. Desiring the maximum calorie burn, I of course opted for the 4. The drawback? It didn’t start until 10am, cutting it tight for those of us with turkey duty.
I kind of dig the retro styling of the race shirt.
This race is in its 52nd year. By far the oldest race I’d ever run. Cool, yes? I suspected the organizers would have logistics and everything else nailed down.
Packet pickup was in a highly touted “heated tent” complete with snacks and DJ. The problem was all the snow melt from our recent blizzard left the ground in said tent a swampy mud pit. My shoes were a soaking muddy mess before I even retrieved my bib.
As soon as the 1-milers went off, I realized all races were going to be simple laps on a path around the park. I’d need to run 4 laps for my 4 miles. Not my favorite thing, but whatever. The shorter races attracted the walkers and strollers and dogs, leaving the 4-miler for more “serious” runners. When line-up time came, I tucked in behind a large group of teens in green Aquatic Team tee shirts and let them shield me from the wind.
We were off. The aquatic team blazed far ahead of me. The path was muddy and puddly. The wind hard at my back until we made the turn, then hard in my face. A whopping 1/3 mile in, it started to rain. Hard. Ridiculous sideways rain. But it only lasted maybe a mile before letting up to a fine drizzle. I ran comfy hard. Maybe tempo pace, or so I thought. I didn’t bother to check my Garmin.
In the second lap I caught up with a huge group that went surging out way too fast at the start. Then I started to pick off the aquatic team, one by one. They’re swimmers after all, not runners, right?
A man with candy cane striped shorty shorts went blazing past me. How is it guys in those striped shorties are always so fast? Is it some kind of speedy fraternity uniform? I went around and around. A lady at the start/finish noted bib numbers as we looped around. Here’s the weirdest thing: I thought I heard applause. Am I nuts? Each time I looped through the finish area there it was again. I heard it again when I went through the finish chute. This freaking race is playing an applause track. That’s a new one for me.
Before I knew it I was in the home stretch and the race was over. A very quick 4 miles. Except it wasn’t 4 miles because the course was short. Considerably short, according to my Garmin.
Official Finish time: 26:34. That would be a 6:XX pace for 4 miles. No way Jose.
According to my Garmin: 3.35 miles. Not 4.
Garmin pace: 7:55. Still a great pace for me as I can’t remember the last time I was sub-8 for 4 miles. It’s been years. I mentioned here before that I have a new doc and we’re in the process of regulating my thyroid. The new med I’m on makes me feel like the “old me” who runs considerably faster than what I’ve been doing these past few years. The pace I held at this race didn’t feel that hard. I am encouraged that IF I can get some more weight off, perhaps I have some strong running in my future. Ok that’s enough TMI for one post.
Clearly I was overjoyed to finish this race.
AG: 1 They played the fake applause soundtrack for the awards too.
Overall female: 10. Top 10 finish? Don’t mind if I do.
Final Words: This was a fun but no-frills race. At a time when many 5ks are $35+ around here (the 5k turkey trot closest to my home approaches $50) I appreciated paying $25 for a 4-mile race, although as I pointed out, the course was short. The looped course wasn’t the most exciting ever but the race was not overcrowded. Since we were the final race of the day, the post-race snacks were slim pickin’s. Apples, green bananas and water, but honestly? I couldn’t care less. I’m not much of a post-race eater anyway.
Did you trot? How much do 5ks cost where you live? What’s the most you’ve paid for one?
Love those tights!
The clap track is an interesting addition. I had to laugh at that one!
And yay for thyroid adjusting. I’ve got that issue too and when it’s in the right zone i feel so much better!
Pretty damned awesome that you’re starting to run like your old self. 2016 is looking a bit exciting for you. Love the tights! They were my favourite of your purchases.
Wow awesome job! I can’t believe how off the distance was. Still, it sounds like you had a great race! I am pretty sure the course where I hold my 5k PR was short. Usually they range from like $30-$40 for the local ones around here.
Wow! You are fast! I think it is those tights! A lot of local races here you can get into for $20 early , $25 normal and maybe $30 day of, not bad at all! Makes you wonder why they did not just advertise a 5K? You were closer to that distance than the 4 miles? Sounds like a fun start to Thanksgiving!
Great job! Especially on a nasty day; we had no rain but weren’t on trails anyway. Glad your doc is sorting you out!
Yes, 5ks are often $30+ around here. And I’m always registering last minute (except for the next one in a few weeks cause it sells out, but that’s a fun run).
Ok, that applause track at the finish is too much! I would have wet myself if I heard that…ooops, TMI!
Congrats, speedy! 🙂
That’s an awesome finish time, especially for the (advertised) 4-mile course 😉 I ran a 5K a few years ago, and it was in its 10th year or so. It was somewhat hilly, in early December. I was over-dressed for the unexpected “warm” weather that morning and I coasted to a 2nd place AG finish with a sub-25 finish time. That was before I had a GPS watch (and probably wouldn’t have worn it for “just a 5K” anyways). The course seemed a little short…turns out it wasn’t quite three miles. So yeah, I was happy with my finish time, but since I didn’t have anything to track my pace I’ll never know exactly how fast I ran it. Ignorance is bliss (?).
I really hate when race distances are not what was advertised. I once ran a “10k” which was actually only 5.8 miles. I was very disappointed because I had trained really hard and was hoping for an official 10k time. Now my time has a * beside it!
I have only ever run one 5k and it was $25. I think that is about the average price around these parts.
Congrats, Marcia!! What an awesome pace!!! No trotting for me, as I was on early morning Turkey duty this year!
I LOVE it when you totally surprise yourself with a running time! I think you did AMAZING. My fast pace for a 5k this year was a 7:56 pace, and it was SO hard. You look really happy too after the race!
Yes, I trotted. I did the 10k and then the 5k. Our 5ks are around $20-25. Ii always register early to get the lowest price.
Congrats. That is speedy.
Wow! Congrats on an awesome race!!
We did not trot this year. And part of it was due to cost. The race closest to us (and the one I wanted to do with my family of 5) would have set us back over $200. The other one that we could have done was cheaper and offered discounted rates for kids doing the 5K but it’s SUPER crowded and I just didn’t want to deal. Maybe next year. Instead we just stayed home and cuddled a little, something we never get to do because one of us is always gone weekend mornings. I was glad we stayed home for the cuddle time!
Great job with the race! I’m sorry to hear about how short and muddy it was, though. Your outfit was so on point! I LOVE the Spandits. I need to save up and get myself a pair!
Girl, those pants gave you wings! (forget Red Bull :D) Way to get it!
Hello Speedy! Congrats on the AG!! I am loving your capris – where did you find them? And a race with a soundtrack…now I’ve heard it all!
Congrats on #1 AG and your top 10 finish! I wonder how they measured the course? How do you get 4 miles out of 3.35? 🙂
This cracked me up “This freaking race is playing an applause track. ” Congrats on the quick pace! 🙂
Nice job! Sounds like an interesting race… applause track and all… 😉
You rock that outfit and glad to hear things are looking up to help your runs! You look fantastic!!!!
Congrats on an awesome pace and your AG award! I can’t believe they played an applause sound track. That’s a first. I’ve paid $35 on race day around here before. But most are $25-30 if you register in advance. Also, our local turkey trot is the Saturday before Thanksgiving. I wish it were on THE DAY.
Wow, nice work Marcia! That is so cool! The applause track totally kept you going, I bet! I am also with you on the shedding weight thing. I have been really bad about my eating habits lately (since my sons were home for Thanksgiving). I lose two, gain back one, stay steady…ugh. Congrats again on the top 10!
Nice race! Glad you are getting back to your old self. Turkey trots never work out for me – I \’m too busy baking pies!
You freaking rockstar, Louise!! Who says 50 you can’t have speed (that only applies to me, apparently). Very stoked for you!!!
Awesome job Marcia!! So great to hear that you are running stronger! Congrats on the AG win!! No turkey trot for me this year but I did get a good run in.
Congrats on the age group win! Even though it was a short course that’s still a great pace!
Sadly I didn’t trot this year, it was just going to be too much with dinner prep, hopefully next year! Nice job mama, speedy is right! Congrats!
Fantastic job, Marcia! I know I’ve said this before, but I am so happy you found a doc that’s helping you and that you are feeling like yourself again!!!!!
Glad that your thyroid adjustments are working out so well! I would be thrown off by the applause track too. 🙂
Ever read something and think for sure you commented on it, but yet there is no comment lol I am worried I am getting senile! Maybe i got interrupted…anyway, A huge congrats!! That is a great pace 🙂 and you look great. I am glad the meds are making you feel better!
The sound track is kind of funny. I have never had that….
I like smaller races 🙂
I have stopped paying for short races. And I think 50 dollars is steep, as is 35. Here, all the races of that distance, are between 10 and 20. Except for big races, I have never paid over 30 ! Congrats on running so well.
Cute race day outfit Marcia! Looks like you had a blast…and that applause sound track is weird to me too!!