Before we get to Thanksgiving stuff, here’s how last week’s workouts went:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run 6 miles
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Turkey Trot 4 miles
Friday: Swim
Saturday: Run 6 miles
Sunday: Strength & Swim
I’ve officially shifted my focus from running to lifting heavy and yes, swimming. So far the swim is kind of sucking but that’s to be expected.
Thanksgiving here was really nice. I was bracing for family drama but it turns out there was none. Except for one person who was a no-show, we had a lovely dinner. I got home from my turkey trot (race report to come) and the meal came together seamlessly. Even that witching hour when the turkey is almost done and ALL the side dishes vie for oven space and have to be ready together went well. The only thing that was a fail was the stuffing. I’ll be the first to admit my stuffing blows. Every single year. I tried to make it better this year, I really did. I even made half as much as usual since it’s usually all leftover because it sucks. On that account it was a win. Because the stuffing sucked as usual. Don’t worry, I made up for it by serving that peppermint bark I told you about. Thankfully most of that is out of here without me eating it.
Because I’m insane, a glutton for punishment, or the coolest aunt ever, some of the cousins slept over, so the Thanksgiving shenanigans lasted well into Friday. I refuse to do the early morning Black Friday shopping thing, but I did hit the mall later in the afternoon in search of something to wear to the Caveman’s office holiday party later this week. I let Caveman and Thing 1 be my stylists. After many, many tries, they came up with a viable outfit. Phew!
Sunday Thing 1 revamped her bathroom. I guess the butterfly/ladybug themed kleenex holder, toothbrush caddy, tumbler, bath mat and towels I got her when she moved out of the nursery and into her “big girl” room are outdated. It’s only been 11+ years. She went with a much more grown-up aqua/charcoal color scheme. Sigh. Time flies.
Sunday Caveman and I hit the gym for an intensive strength session. I haven’t squatted heavy in the rack for months and was leery of doing so. It went better than expected but I’m sure I’ll feel wrecked tomorrow. I chased the strength session with a swim and immediately had trepidation about signing up for more tris next year. Do I really want to put myself through the agony of swimming? The answer is yes.
How was your week? Did you trot? Is there a dish you “can’t” make well? Did you enter my mega giveaway?
It’s TMI Tuesday tomorrow on Tuesdays on the Run. Join us!
I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Join us!
Glad you didn’t have any family drama! Also glad to hear you’re back in the pool – you’ll do great with your tris next year!
I definitely vote COOLEST AUNT EVER.
Sounds like a good Thanksgiving! With all the other food I’m sure the stuffing wasn’t a big deal:) Nice work getting back to swimming. Now that I don’t have a gym membership I have a pretty solid excuse to avoid it. Although I am wondering how Im gonna continue working out once the snow and ice come this winter!
Thank goodness for no family drama! Sounds like a wonderful long weekend. You deserved it.
And stuffing is overrated anyways.
I don’t know Marcia, I love stuffing so much I am sure I would love yours!
Which is greater punishment: squatting heavy, the cousins staying over, or Black Friday?
I suck at the turkey. Of course, the fact that my oven is not staying a consistent temp might have something to do with that. I didn’t make stuffing this year, but mine usually comes out fine. Instead, we went to my ILs on Saturday and I stuffed myself with her amazing stuffing.
I’m ready for a “normal” week this week…
My husband makes the stuffing. I can make it but it’s not my thing. He just uses Pepperidge Farm, follows the instruction, and adds pepperoni. Everyone loves it (I don’t touch it at all; I like stuffing but I’d rather eat dessert).
Turkey isn’t really my thing, either. So I made 2 breasts — 1 wrapped in bacon, one not — some legs & a couple of thighs. I brined it. Which was an adventure, but it did make the breast meat too salty — I’ll definitely do it again next year, but cut back on the salt obviously. Oddly the dark meat was just fine. Everything was very tender, though.
I have a couple of crockpots and a double oven and I put them all to good use.
I’m amazed your husband goes shopping with you. Especially on Black Friday! My husband hates shopping & I know what I like anyway (and what he likes, too).
Sounds like a great weekend! I got lots of miles on my mill. I’m working on embracing my time on the treadmill for the winter. I did 2 6 mile treadmill runs and a 4 miler and then yesterday I got outside and did 5. I saw the weather report for this weekend and it looks AWESOME!! Hoping for some outdoor running! Every year I say I am going to do a turkey trot but it never happens. I host and with the kids there is always so much to do… one year. At least I got my miles in on the mill… whatever works… right?! !
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! No turkey trot for me sadly, too much Thanksgiving prep. If you ever need a stuffing recipe, let me know. My mom makes an amazing one and super easy too!
My husband did the heavy cooking and I did the sides. I have to say I am exhausted from the dishes and putting everything back away. It’s a lot of work!
Glad your Thanksgiving dinner turned out so well. I love it when it all comes together perfectly. Mine came as well except I finally realized I am not a lover of the turkey dinner. After spending all day Wed and Thurs in the kitchen, I wasn’t super excited to eat. I am thinking of changing it up next year. Turkey Jambalaya or something more tasty. The best part was the soup my daughter made for us with the left over carcass. Now that was a meal worth waiting for! Happy Tri Training! Enjoy that pool!! Have a great week Marcia!
YEP, I bet you ARE the coolest aunt ever! Would love to see the outfit you chose for the party!
I did the RW’s Iron Strength yesterday and I’m less sore that I thought I would. Either that or it’s a delayed type response.
I only had a little bit of leftovers to bring home, but it was a good Thanksgiving. Lots of food to eat, and I was good and only had one plateful. I didn’t even feel the need to nap afterwards.
The answer is definitely yes to more tris and no one was surprised to read that. Glad you had a happy thanksgiving! 🙂
I think that next Thanksgiving’s item of gratitude can be how well this one went. You can hold that over for a year, can’t you? Such a relief when it all goes to plan.
Good to hear your Thanksgiving went well! Having lots of people over can be crazy so glad that there was no drama! No turkey trot this year for me, since we were traveling, but I did get some good runs in.
Yey for no drama! That makes it a successful holiday all by itself haha
Here in the south, we cook “dressing” not “stuffing”. I can honestly say I’ve never eaten stuffing. So, I wouldn’t know yours blows either! LOL. Yea for drama free Thanksgivings. Ours was fun and low key. I did tons of cleanup though. I totally skipped the pool running this week. I’ve got to get back to it if I have any hope of that upcoming marathon. I appreciate you linking with us, Marcia!
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! I didn’t do so well on my stuffing this year either, but I went straight from scratch vs. doctoring up Stove Top, so I call it a win in the end for effort, LOL!!
Got the swimming so don’t fret. Lifting heavy is on my list too. I just have to DO IT consistently because when I do I just feel really strong! You had a great workout week.
We need a new link up- Thanksgiving dishes gone bad! oh yeah, green bean casserole. The hubby did all the shopping and bought fresh green beans. What???? He promptly said we are eating healthier, right? I got fresh ones. My daughter and I cut off the ends stirred in the goo and stuck in the oven, Yup they are still laughing about the crunchy green bean casserole! We can’t be perfect at everything can we? 🙂
Looks like a great week. I’m also lifting more but running on the treadmill as well.
Aw! Looks like a great weekend. I really suck at making mashed potatoes. They always turn out weird and not at all like my mothers. I actually like stovetop stuffing more than homemade so I’d call it a loss and turn to the box. 😀
Glad you had a good, drama free Thanksgiving! I’m sure the stuffing was better than you give yourself credit for. We’re always our own worst critic. No Turkey Trot for me although my mom and I did a 5K on Saturday with Ainsley’s Angels. Our assisted athlete Kylie was so sweet and we had fun running with her.
No trot for me this year. Chose an extra dose of family time instead. I didn’t expect them to be up yet haha!
Girl I was sitting on pins and needles just waiting for the family drama to start, luckily there wasn’t any on Thanksgiving, course we did get a great laugh in the check baggage line going into Disney the first time. Apparently one of the family members had something in her purse and was talking and didn’t realize your bag would be checked and you bring pot into Disney, who knew right?? The look on her face was priceless, just priceless I tell ya! I’m still trying to recover from our trip, We got back at midnight Monday night, then work was trying to get to the bottom layer on my desk, then well a tree fell overnight knocking out our power, goodness it has been a week for sure! Thanks for linking up and your continued support I am thankful for your friendship too!