I road-tripped up to Minnesota for a girls’ running weekend in the Twin Cities. Goals for this race were to enjoy a fun weekend and run happy. Twin Cities was not a bucket list race but I’d always heard good things about it: pretty course, great fans, oh and a “big hill” at the end.
When Jill suggested we run this one, I was skeptical. It was too early in October to guarantee cool temps. But Tara and I agreed.
My training? Pretty good…unless you count July cuz I kind of skipped July, being in Europe and all. I still don’t regret that. Would I pay the price? The answer is yes, although lack of endurance wasn’t my biggest challenge. Oh the hills? I didn’t train on a single one. Oops. Cue ominous foreshadowing.
Jill, Tara and I convened at our hotel in St. Paul and hit up the expo.
Race day dawned clear as a bell with not so much as a whisper of wind. Mid 4o’s, pure perfection.
Tara, me and Jill ready to run…kind of…
We boarded shuttles to the start line in Minneapolis. Easy peasy.
Tara and I went with bacon and egg arm warmers because well, you have to.
I lined up somewhere in the vicinity of the 4:30 pacer. My goal was to hold back and run 10 minute miles for the first half, then hold on those 10’s as long as I could in the second, because I knew darn well endurance wouldn’t be my strong suit. As the anthem played, I came to terms with the fact that I had to pee again pretty badly. I sucked it up and the race started.
We were off and it was difficult not to run faster than 10’s. The first 5k was effortless, except for an unexpected 1/2+ mile climb at mile 2. What? Remember I did zero hill training for this race and my hip flexors reminded me of this. Ugh.
The next 5k ticked away quickly as well. I spied a few potties near the water station but a line 9-deep kept me from stopping.
By mile 10 though, I was wishing I ran the 10-miler. Still strong enough, although my tummy started to rumble with discontent.
This course was pretty much ALL up and down. Climb and release. Climb and release. Awesome if that’s what you’d trained for. This uber-flatlander? Not so much. I kept checking the potty lines. Never less than 6 = I didn’t stop. My bladder ached.
Between miles 10 and 12 I looked at my Garmin to see that my pace had dropped dramatically. I’d been running fairly consistent 9:45-9:55 miles and now my pace read 10.30 and 11.24. Later I realized I was looking at distance, not pace. Doh. A brain fog thing was going on, my bladder was bursting and my tummy was angry. But in reality I still held an acceptable 9:55 pace.
Thanks to the new thyroid med, I’d dropped 7 lbs over the past 2 weeks. I had plenty of lung capacity and could have run faster, however my damn hips were not digging the constant up and down. That’s what tired me out. I distracted myself from the physical issues with the scenery as we ran around yet another pretty lake. I made a deal with myself that I’d finish out the first 13.1 “strong”. After that I gave myself permission to walk the inclines. The goal was to “run happy” after all, and hills I failed to train for do not make me happy.
My fuel belt ran dry shortly after the half . When I mixed my Accelerade that morning, because I brought a 20-oz water bottle and I was lazy and careless, I used only 20 oz. of water instead of the usual 24. So I was over-sugared and under-hydrated. A new condition for me. A nasty one. I tried to remedy the situation by walking through water stations and taking two cups of highly-diluted blue Powerade each time. It tasted like heaven but my tummy still felt like crampy, bloated hell.
I took GU at the starting line, 5 miles and 10 miles, but by 15, I could barely get half of one down. That was the last GU of the day.
I usually see Jesus around mile 20 or 22 of a marathon but this time he was there at 15. So was a large group of priests, on the sidelines cheering and rocking some solid cowbell. Just what I needed.
As the miles passed, I tried to catch up on hydration but still had the worst tummy cramps ever, I burped like a boss and feared far worse was in my future. The goal changed to just finish the damn race, anything goes. I walked up the inclines and all my hard work pacing the first half went to hell. I felt like it was too late to bother with a potty at this point and just pushed through to the finish, bulging bladder and all.This was St. Paul’s Cathedral the night before, as seen from our hotel room.
The finish was a blur, except I know I ran right past St. Paul’s Cathedral and finally enjoyed a long downhill into the finish.
Finish time: 4:37
- This is not an “easy” course by any means, especially if you’re a flatlander who failed to train on hills (raising hand). The entire course rolls, with the “big” incline from 21 to 23.
- I made a ridiculous mistake with my hydration that had dire consequences.
- Weather was perfecto.
- This was my first full marathon wearing Asics. They were stars. No blisters or hot spots.
- Course is lovely and scenic.
- Fans are encouraging and plentiful.
- No chafing!
I’m pretty good natured about marathon finishes these days as I’m no longer chasing PR’s. But this one ticks me off. To think I ran NYCM last year in 20 mph headwinds faster than I ran Twin Cities with perfect conditions is pretty ridiculous. I mean seriously. The difference? I trained for hills for NYC, didn’t blow off a month of training, and managed to hydrate properly.
In Twin Cities, you have to “earn” your finisher’s shirt and pick it up at the finish line. I do love it though.
Overall? I had a fabulous weekend with great friends (who both rocked their races, btw) and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. BUT for me, marathons are hard enough to run when you’re well trained. This one was way more painful than it had to be because I made stupid mistakes.
One last thing: The planned Black Lives Matter protest at mile 25 never happened. The group was given a spot somewhere near the finish line, which apparently remained peaceful. I totally forgot about the whole thing and never saw it.
Did you race this weekend? Have you made marathon mistakes?
Oh my goodness – you ran the entire marathon on a full bladder!?!?!? WOW – way to push through!!!
BTW – did you see any remnants of those protesters that were supposed to be out in full force during the marathon?
Huge congratulations on finishing, especially despite all the challenges you faced with hydration, the hills, etc. (I know firsthand how killer hills can be, as I am the biggest flatlander of them all!) You are a rock star!!! GREAT JOB. Love the medal!!!
Congrats on getting it done! What is it with the long run brain fog? I lose all ability to even formulate a thought let alone an actual sentence. During my first full, I never knew how long I’d been out there, like what my overall time was going to be. And it never, not once, occurred to me to change the screen on my garmin to see the time lapse. Duh.
Congrats! I love this marathon. I agree that it isn’t easy, but it is fantastically directed and managed. I also will always associate it with bacon and eggs because there were two spectators dressed in bacon and eggs costumes that were shaking their money makers and I saw them like 3 times on the course. My hip flexors kicked in around mile 11, and what a finish after that “big hill,” lol. I’m glad that you got to run it!
CONGRATS!! The TC Marathon was my first and second marathon, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. But I agree, it’s not an easy course whatsoever! Way to push it through 🙂
So glad you had such a fun time and REALLY glad that the protest didn’t happen. I was concerned it would be a problem… crowds tend to scare me a bit at the best of times.
Great medal! And GREAT pictures!
I still think you’re a rockstar for pushing through, especially with a full bladder! That sounds horrible!!!!!
Congrats on a great run Marcia, in spite of everything else. I’m afraid if I tried to run this weekend, Jesus would appear about mile 3. I’ll get that brain fog too! I look at my watch and can’t make sense of anything on there. It’s like I don’t know what numbers mean anymore. You are one tough cookie to pass all of those porta-a-potties.
Congrats on finishing!! I’m amazed you held it in for the entire run. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the twin cities after the race as well!
I’m so glad that the protest didn’t interrupt the finish line. I was thinking about that and worried for the runners.
I’m also sorry that this wasn’t a great run for you and you were disappointed in the finish. That’s a tough spot to be in. 🙁
I was seriously considering running this race earlier this year! It sounds like a good one, if you train on hills. Maybe next year!
Awesome job, even if it didn’t go as planned for you. It still sounds like a great experience, and you pushed through even when it got hard. Congrats!
Congrats on the finish! I need to follow your lead and start taking nutrition earlier. Maybe this will help me prevent cramps, however like you, my tummy might not be too happy with so much Gu in it! 🙂
I am so very glad this marathon turned out well for you! When I woke up Sunday morning I immediately checked my phone for posts if anything happened! So relieved it was all quiet! I love my GU gels but I can only get about 3 down in a half. I couldn’t imagine in a full, I’m going to be experimenting with other fueling options for my first marathon! Great review I just hope after I can remember my name after I get done come January. Oh I loved the picture of the cathedral too!
Hooray! Congrats! I can’t believe you ran the entire race having to go to the bathroom!
I’m hoping all the blogs I read will help me reduce major mistakes come race day next weekend. It’s almost here!
I think you should be proud of your race. No marathon is easy and finishing one with less than optimal preparation is a huge badge of honor. Part of the reason I prefer short races is because they are more forgiving of hydration and fueling errors and I still don’t have that dialed in (especially in hot weather). Glad you had a good weekend with your friends!
sorry this wasn’t the ideal race for you but big congrats for pushing through and finishing!! can’t imagine doing so on a full bladder.
Oh no on the hydration front. That is exactly what happened to me at MCM last year. And you want to kick yourself afterwards when you realized what happened! So sorry this didn’t turn out the way you hoped, but way to pull through regardless. 4:37 is still pretty darn respectable if you ask me!!
I can’t believe you ran the whole thing with a full bladder! And what a great finish time for feeling so yucky. You are my hero. Really.
That was an exciting recap and you did great! All of a sudden, I have to go to the bathroom now! Glad you had a great time. Europe over training…any day!!
Nice work!! Mile 23-26 are pretty crazy with that slow incline isn’t it! But we sure do have great race supporters and the downhill to the finish is AHMAZING!! I admire your tenacity and someday hope to join the ranks of all of you fantastic marathoners!!! Great job!!
I’ve never run a marathon, so a 4:37 finish time sounds fantastic to me, especially since you were dealing with bladder issues and unexpected rolling hills! Congrats!
Congrats on finishing – I’d be thrilled with that time for MCM, but I won’t be anywhere near it. I’ve got no issues with hills (it’s hilly here and MCM is my hometown race), but endurance? Yeah, kind of not.
My hat’s off to you. I could NEVER run that far needing to go to the toilet. Your sphincter is far superior to mine. Well done! And well done on the race. Any time you finish a marathon is a huge deal – PR or not.
Congrats on getting it done! Sometimes that’s all we can focus on. And serious props to you for running it on a full bladder – I’m such a baby when it comes to having to pee during a race haha.
Isn’t funny how we always think the lack of training, the injury, the heat won’t be a factor when we toe the line? It’s racing amnesia & good thing, too, or one bad race will sideline us forever!
Although this doesn’t sound like a bad race. And if I could run that fast (yes, to me that’s fast) I would totally attempt a marathon.
Finishing = winning & no chafing is the cherry on top.
You did amazing considering you didn’t train on hills and “missed” a whole month of training. My training and paces have been pretty bad since moving to Florida so I am hoping I will just beat my time from last year at NYC. Each race is a learning experience!
WOWsa the full bladder fact AMAZES me. I have trained myself to be able to run a half without stopping for a bio break, but have yet to hold it for an entire full marathon. Super huge congrats!
Congrats on great finish Marica 🙂 I have not ran a marathon, so I have total awe of course!
I hate running with an aching bladder, I did it during my first half marathon and had to cave at mile 12 and take a break, it killed me lol I don’t how you did it for that long.
7 lbs is amazing, I am glad the meds are working for you.
i am glad it was peaceful too 🙂
Way to go! You did awesome!! Even though it didn’t go as planned you finished in a great time. I haven’t done a marathon yet but would be very happy with that time like that. Love the medal! Congrats!!
I’m sorry it was a battle for you out there. I absolutely loathe marathons that turn out that way, and I’ve had my share! But you finished another marathon, which is pretty damn great. And you got to spend time with friends, even better. So I put this one in the win category for you! Congrats!
Wowzers…I know how I felt at mile 20 and cannot imagine having a full bladder the ENTIRE time along with tummy issues!!! Way to finish, that in and of itself is a major accomplishment under normal circumstances. You’re a badass!
What a race recap! The whole having to pee thing is enough to deal with and then we have to hydrate but I have to pee, I feel for you! You know I am a flatlander so the whole hills things kicks my ass. I am going to redeem myself and I signed up for a half in January (great weather in Florida) in Celebration, should be flat and fast! Loved the recap, I was pulling for you all the way to the end!
That sounds like a tough course. We make choices during our training season that may impact us on race day, but we still hope to get away with it. Still, looking back, I’m sure you wouldn’t give up Europe for a better race time! Life isn’t just about running.
Ugh. I do not like a full bladder when running. Maybe that’s why I run trails now. i can pretty much pee wherever I like. You may not like how the race went, but you have a great long run done for a second marathon in about a month! 🙂
Congrats for going the distance, because that alone is worth celebrating.
Congrats on the finish Marcia. See what you accomplished. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
I love your report! I have the same porta-pot issues; won’t stop if there’s a queue! Love the comment about seeing Jesus! Even though it wasn’t a perfect race, you showed how determined you are when facing a challenge! Enjoy the rest.
Congrats Marcia! I’ll never know how you made on a full bladder and hills!! What a combo!
Oh I am with you – a flatlander who is never trained for those hills.
Way to pull it out!!!
Well, it wouldn’t be an race without a little adventure now would it, Louise?! I know it wasn’t the race you wanted (hell, me either….I don’t really consider walking through the last 5 aid stations a stellar race), but considering all, I think you did great. I am super proud of you!
It’s so funny to read how hilly you thought it was when I was thinking I don’t like the course because it’s so stinking flat and I love me some downhill. Flat with Mt. Everest at the end isn’t exactly my cup of tea. But I’d do it again and train RIGHT for it (aka some hills!!)….and I’d try to look up a lot more and take it all in, instead of being obsessed with my watch. I am so glad we got to spend some time together again. I’m sorry some plans with “the coach” got a little hairy….and well, my nauseous stomach to boot. But time with you at a race is always an adventure and I’m blessed for you and your friendship.
Now, get cranking on some hills this winter, L! We got some plans in Indy in the near future! 🙂
way to finish! if you felt like you wanted to switch to the 10 miler at 10 miles but continued on, that is awesome!! way to be strong. I’ll use you as motivation on sunday bc I am SO nervous I won’t be able to finish.
ahh- back from a blog hiatus and finally have time to read again. CONGRATS either way. I kinda forget people don’t have hills around them (i can’t leave my back door without hitting one) to train on. Sounds like a good race overall. I actually think fall races are so hard because of summer training. my marathon mistakes usually come with fueling properly…finally had that down the last race.
Nice race recap, Marcia. Thank you for choosing to run with us! Come back sometime so you can rock those hills! 🙂
Seriously, those arm warmers are the best!!!! Where are they from? Great recap! Such an achievement when you push through something like that! Awesome work!
Meg x